
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Deer are Here!

Hey Jammers! Big Jamaaliday update today! Deer are here and are for all member jammers!!
So happy that they are not in the Diamond Shop! They are just 1,000 gems! 
Below are all the moves in order of: Play, Dance, Hop, and Sleep...

The next page says that the Gingerbread Houses and Pet Reindeer are back for limited time...
 Unfortunaly, the gingerbread house den is only in the diamond shop...
Oh well, there is always bad news with the good!
The next page talks about another new shop in the Diamond Shop...
 All the past Jamaaliday items for 1 Diamond for all jammers! Here they are:
Pawesome Jammers! And the next page is old news:
New at the conservation museum is all about deer...
 And the Biggest Adventure is coming soon to Jamaa! I can't wait!!!
Cool it looks like Sky High for mobile devices!
The new item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is the famous Jolly Elf Hat...
Elff on Make A Gif

The 5th Jamaaliday Gift is 400 generous gems....
Sarepia Theater has released a new video...

The updated calendar is below...
 Along with a new short film...

Sky News
Awesome Jammer Art on Art Mini Blog
Have fun and happy jamming!! 

Comment Call: Good or Bad update?


  1. hiya jammers i didnt comment in a long time, im in middle school btw and im drowned in hw and tests omg new school sucks.

    anyways. i find the update good and bad. good things first: old gifts r back! bad news: ok theres a lot. its not really bad but when did aj last release a new NON MEMBER animal. no offence aj but ur turning into club penguin. club penguin never gives enough to its non members and now this?! and plus the gingerbread house in the diamond shop :( its makes ppl regret not getting it before, and regret is the worst.


    1. Well then again, before foxes (or after) came out, they gave penguins to nonmembers... And after raccoons came out, they gave nonmembers seaturtles... So AJHQ is being fair enough.

    2. says the member -.-


    3. Well excuse me but members PAY REAL MONEY for a membership. No, members are not spoiled children, most people buy memberships with their own money. It is fair because if a member paid for a membership and got the same thing as nonmembers, no one would get a membership and animal jam would lose money! And animal jam is not turning into club penguin. AJ gives nonmembers a lot of stuff already, so I think it is fair.

    4. I didn't mean to come off as rude, excuse me.

    5. wow i am in 5th grade


  3. non members arent stupid, i suggest you to check out the animal jam non member blog. see their first post by just scrolling down its pretty recent as a blog, but all the more awesome. its really given me spirit as a non member. its really lovely :)

    their link:


    1. Guys, animal jam needs money to make animal jam!! Nonmembers are just the testers of the games, of course they wouldn't make it as fair as a member if you didnt get membership!!! If you want animal jam to stay, GET MEMBERSHIP!! STOP MOPING AROUND

    2. see, this is just what im saying. members just say stuff to non members, and what im saying is the truth. fiy ive gotten membership twice and i support aj thank you very much -.-


  4. this is what it taught me with one of their more deep posts, it really stuck to me.

    this is what partyanimalzz and pupp wrote about:

    I want to tell you guys about the new song playing on here, Roar, by Katy Perry. This song kind of tells our "story"
    I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
    Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
    So I sat quietly, agreed politely
    I guess that I forgot I had a choice

    This is how partyanimalzz and I kinda felt as we created the blog. We weren't sure if we could do it..
    You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
    Already brushing off the dust
    You hear my voice, you hear that sound
    Like thunder gonna shake the ground
    You held me down, but I got up (HEY!)
    Get ready cause I’ve had enough
    I see it all, I see it now
    The members tried to put us down, but look at us now! We made a difference We do see it all now, we have plans that we won't be able to use until next year! We have just about everything mapped out for the future.. thank you everyone for letting US "roar"

    still i find that not all members r mean and think nm r just porr little losers, some feel pity tht some arent as fortunate. thats why i really like scooter, because he doesnt prefer one over the other :) have a nice day hope i helped get all those evil feelings away ^.^ frosty the snowman is playing now on the ajnmblog


    1. First off, I am never mean to nm's it isnt racism dear, animal jam needs members for animal jam to grow, in fact you guys are important, your the start of everything! You started animal jam, you should be proud!!!

    2. im not against member and i never said that, not all members are mean. this is just is just directed to the snoby stuck up ones. just yesterday i went to club geoz and a cheetah told me to "get lost you non member"


  5. Animal Jam is closing for a short update today! I just got an alert. Maybe it means something?

    1. I think it's because it's because of the glitch that happened to me! I got the den for free instead of 5 diamonds. But now I only have 12 gems!!! I did have something like 21.367. But still, it's a free den XD


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