
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snowmen and Elves

 Welcome Jammers! The Jam Mart Clothing Store has returned the Snowman Masks...
Elf on Make A Gif

Spoiler Alert! ^-^ The Jamaaliday gift is Elf Shoes...
I hear they come in different colors too...
 Great item! There is a new video in the Aquarium....

 The Daily Explorer posted an article about yesterday's rare item....
AJHQ also added a new section of their blog...
An easy way to get to your Adventure Information!
I also made it finally to the Jamaaliday Jam Party. I am sure you have been there before...

 Same items are for sale there!

Mystery of the Week

It has been confusing jammers for a long time now. The big question is: Who Decorates Jamaa? Every season Jamaa is decorated with snowflakes,pumpkins, flowers, and other fun decorations. So who puts them there? Is it AJHQ? Is it the Alphas? Who decorates Jamaa?
Comment Call: Solve the Ancient Mystery. You can write a short story if needed.

Sky News
Movie News: lol98762 and thunderhowl I will be filming at 5:30 (AJ Time) Today whether who is there and who isn't! So be there ;)

Comment Call is above if you missed it. Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. the elf shoes are so epic!
    I got them in white.
    and i think every season mira summons the alphas and animal jam guides to do a short task instead of fighting phantoms instead all they do is march around jamaa at midnight and decorate it

    1. can i trade u my red ones for ur white ones?

  2. 2nd comment! :O the elf shoes also come in orange i got mine in orange


  3. well if the alphas do it, ajhq did because everything that happens in animal jam ajhq does it. lol i want that job.. i would give non members so much more! mostly because my membership ends soon!


  4. i got blue elf shoes! i will send you a picture


  5. The little ladybug decorates Jamaa lol!!

  6. I wish i could see what color elf shoes i got ( im not aloud on aj right now)

  7. I have white elf shoes, blue elf shoes, and green elf shoes, I use extra accounts cause me greedy T^T ~Doogal

    1. can i trade u my red ones for ur white ones?

  8. i think the alphas did

  9. i got purple! they look cute on arctic wolfs! oh and i am making my own movie lol the snow on the blog. anyway it is about a bunny that get a F on her test and has stay at school on saterday.:( lol poor bunny! i will be making the movie in pichtures so its easier if somone has to go. pleas reply if u would like to be the following actors..

    ps the magic girl is me.

    ok the actors teacher,parents.extra students, her bff .


  10. I have purple, black,pink,white,blue, and green. oh and orange.

    1. can i trade u my red ones for ur white ones?

  11. i cant do the movie i could not get online ffor the past to days. please please please please please please please please please please please please make the movie somtime else because it never works when i hav to do the movie. :( :(

    1. I am so sorry lol98762, but I have already recorded the movie. I had to get a completely new actor. However, I will DEDICATE the movie in your name. I will also show your animal in the movie. I will have more movies in the future so you can join them. I really hop you stay on the blog because you are a great jammer and a great supporter. Sorry again, but it didn't work out too well.


  12. I'm so exited that I'm in the movie now! It was so much fun. Anyways, I feel so bad that lol98762 didn't get to make it:(

    Love the elf shoes!


  13. Santa of course! I think Santa decorates Jamaa in the winter time. The blocked off cave in Mt. Shiveer with the bag in front of it and the the ornaments hanging on the top seems to be Santa's Workshop! For the Easter Egg hunt I think the Easter Bunny spreads the eggs around Jamaa! A cupid flies around Jamaa for Valentine's Day. An Autumn Farie for Fall. In Jamaa when all jammers are asleep a gentle tsunami washes over Jamaa covering it with Summer decorations. Don't forget the little leprechaun that skips across Jamaa spreading four leaf clovers across all of the lands!

    I had fun writing this!

  14. I think Mira decorates just dressed as Mrs. Clause!!!! I think she surprises all the "littler" jammers by decorating.... also... they [the elf shoes} come in white blue and green and purple :) hey, scooter, sometime can you mention scammer, because during christmas they come round more often saying the christmas stuff is beta, all the "little" jammers, well im worried for them! thanx so much!


    ps. i know i do not comment a lot but ive been busy and just "rejoined AJ and AJSB!!

    pps. i hope you dont mind me calling your blog AJSB!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mira Decorated Jamaa With The Help Of The Shamans.

  16. Also, elf shoes come in white (is what color I have)


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