
Monday, December 2, 2013

Rare Snowflake Cape and Gems

Hiya Jammers! The Rare Item, sold on the first page of the Jam Mart Clothing Store, is a new Snowflake Cape...
Wow, a totally new item for a rare version.
The Jamaaliday Daily Gift is 300 gems....
I am sure a lot of us need gems still.
 There is a new video in Brady's Theater...

 The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jamaalidays...

Sky News

Congrats to nbcnc (Animal Jam Crazy Rush) for being the December Jammer of the Month....
They comment a lot for the blog! Thanks!

Movie News

Due to maintenance issues with AJHQ we will be postponing the filming for 5:30 (AJ Time) TODAY!

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Do you like Jamaalidays so far?


  1. Congrats!! I like the RIM but it's member :c

  2. Congrats! Also for comment call I like the Jamaaildays because I get to spend it with my friends and send them gifts. One of my best buds is wildtiger2222 she's really nice! Anyways have a nice day! ~Ambert

  3. hey scooter i dont want be to rude but u are kinda spoiling the suprize. and also i want say that some of the jamaliday gift bags (the ones u see when u log in) have sparkles on them! could they have rares? or bow and arows like last year?


    1. i heard rumors they're diamonds! :)

    2. If you are talking about spoiling the surprise for each Jamaaliday Gift, I am sorry?? All the other blogs do it too. If you really don;t like it, I have an idea :) Just go on Animal Jam first than look at the blog. Sorry!


  4. Just a question but what is the prize?
    Don't want to be greedy just wondering

  5. never mind just logged in i got frankenstein mask thx

  6. I don't like Jamaalidays at all. I LOVE them! The holiday season is nice and festive. Nice header, too! I'm going to try and make a blog today. My friend Breathless has instructions on her blog I'm going to try and follow.

  7. Congrats Nbcnc! I wish that I could've been Jammer of the month, but there's always other times:) I have to admit, you do comment a lot! Anyways, I don't really like the snowflake cape. It just seems like AJ is running out of ideas for items.

    I like the jammalidays so far! Jamaa is just so pretty with all the snow and sparkles:3


  8. What's the acting thing? It's 3:05 right now so i wanted to see if I could make it but I don't know what it is... By the way I love your blog and the regular posts! :D

    1. Oh, sorry but we have already chosen to make a movie for the Blog! We are making a sequel to the previously made movie: Journey of the Wolves (to see it go to the Videos Tab above).


  9. Comment Call: It's my first Jamaalidays and so far, it's EPIC! O^O

  10. oh no i cant get to animal jam i cant do the movie today i am trying really hard!

    1. I got on keep trying!


    2. Try going to a server with only one dot.


    3. i got back on can get on?


  11. I LOVE The Jamaalidays So Far!I'm Having A Great Time With My Buddies In AJ And The Real World!

  12. Can you do a tutorial how you make your blog?
    i know how to change the cursor but how do add music and do the home,alpahs ask scooter thingy? oh yeah can you follow ma blog i will follow you
    Is the thing under your name the description blog/


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