
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pet HD Television

Welcome Jammers! The Play-As-Your-Pet Party released new HD Televisions for pets....
So tiny ^-^ Can we even see the screen?
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Pet Hamsters...
Remember Hamsters are a great way to let nonmembers go to the Pet Parties!

Glitch Corner

Have you ever experienced this glitch? When you open a player's card it looks like their den is unlocked. However, when you click on it....
 This pop up box comes on your screen. Hmm.... I don't think there is a solution to this glitch, so you must have to just check to see if it is unlocked or not. 
If you have a glitch send it to, it might be shown on the blog!

Sky News

I just wanted to show this picture again. Once the blog hits 70,000 views it will be revealed.
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Yesterday's Discovery Day winner by random drawing is: Dawr!  
Comment Call: Name your top 3 favorite AJ Animals.


  1. My fav animals would have to be...
    1. Tigers ( cause my first animal was a tiger.)
    2. Foxes! ( cause they r so cute!!!!)
    3. cheetahs! ( They are my favorite real life animal)

    1. sparkle football just staying ur tiger looks like a panda lol

  2. My top 3 animals?

    1. Arctic Wolf
    2. Wolf
    3. Tiger

    1 = Top one
    3 = Least Favorite


  3. 1. Bunny
    2. Snow leopard
    3. Fox

  4. well i have now 9 diamonds and i am looking forward to getting a arctic wolf because all the items look good on them

  5. When I go to the pet party Im the only reindeer >-> I feel so left out, cause Im rudolph the red nosed pet deer X3
    1. Cheetah
    2. Leopard
    3. Reg Wolf

  6. it's actually not a glitch, it's sort of an improvement. I even tried this on a backup and it worked o-o
    So first you block a random person and tell them to come to your den. Unlock your den. If they don't come, it's because your den is unlocked/locked o.o
    it's a great way to keep you unwanted guests! :D
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    1. P.S. all of them! <3
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  7. is it just me, or did pets suddenly become smaller in Jamaa? O.O
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  8. honestly, I love ALL of the AJ animals! But my top favorites would have to be the Foxes, Artic Wolves, and the FUTURE deer:) The reason I like foxes is because...well.... they're just SO cute! I like the Artic Wolves because they look so fluffy and I just want to hug my PC to feel their fluffiness. I also think the deer looks AMAZING and I can't wait for it to come out! Hopefully it will be for NMs too.... Anyways, MINI Television! I wish I could just shrink down and have that as my ACTUAL T.V.


  9. am i the only one to notice that all the leaves are gone on the epic seasonal tree

  10. hay jammers please go to my blog it is thx i'm malenock


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