
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fruit Stool

 Hey Jammers! The new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is the famous Fruit Bowl...
Just in time for the Feast of Thanks!
The Play-as-your-Pet Party released a Pet Diner Stool...
*Picture Credit to the Animal Jammerz
 There is a new video in the Sarepia Theater...
Go check it out on your free time.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the new video...
I suggest watching it, it is pawesome!

Den Designer
Feast of Thanks Picnic
This week's Den Designer is a great Thanksgiving item for your den! All you nee is a picnic table, food-related items, and anything else you want on your table. Plus you can add special items such as trees or a scarecrow. Go try it now!

Sky News

I have made another Skymail video. This is the Eighth Skymail video in it's series....

Thank you jammers!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Picture of the Day
Hamsters are available for every jammer! They can go to the new party too!


  1. I love this blog its better than snowyclaws

  2. Ooooh! I LOVE<3 the den designer today! Wish I were a member so that I could make it. Also, wasn't there a snowman glitch that said it was new or something yesterday? Well anyways. playing in the Pet Party. Gotta flash!


  3. Comment Call: What do you like about the new party? Do you hate it or not?

  4. IDEA SPARK! how about AJHQ makes an option to BLOCK trades?
    Let's say you're super rare and you have like all the betas you want. You're in Cascade, though, and some random seal keeps on trading you Rare Old Hoods for your spike collar, and you want to say 'STOP IT, SEAL, OR I'LL PUNCH YOU!' but you can't. With the option to block trades, when the seal clicks your player card to trade, it will have the gray thing over it and it wont let you trade you. I hope you guys like this idea! x3 -Rainbow Dash fish face-

    1. I have thought about that! I always wanted that to happen. :3 But then, you can take everything off of your trade list. Wha-la, no trades! And Scooter, awesome mailtime! ^.^


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