
Monday, October 28, 2013

Rare Scary Elf Bracelets

Hey Jammers! Turns out I came home early yesterday, so if you missed yesterday's post scroll down. The Jam Mart Clothing Store is now selling Rare Scary Elf Bracelets...
I like the colors! Notice that we have already had Rare Scary Bracelets....
These non-scary rare Elf Bracelets were for sale June 3, 2013.
The Aquarium has a new video...
I wonder are they? You will have to watch the video!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Night of the Phantoms...
I used that classic Animal Jam picture for the blog's new wallpaper!


Sky News

Well, short posts on Mondays, but that is the only short post day of the week! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What Halloween Character is your favorite and why? (Example: Vampire, Frankenstein, Ghosts, Witches, etc.)


  1. well, I hav to say i like black cats. Why? cuz cats are one of my favorite animals

  2. Third :DD my favorite halloween character is Frankenstein

  3. I like vampires the best! (Not because of Twilight or anything!) They just seem really cool! Plus they can fly!!! And who wouldn't want fangs? ~SparkleFootball

  4. I love werewolves but people underestimate them, in Wolfblood (Disney channel show) they don't hurt people .-. And werewolves stand up, Wolfbloods are just people who turn into a wolf. Anyways I was Clawdeen Wolf last year .-. Gonna be more mature and be Fiona from adventure time and dress my dog up as Cake the cat :P ~Doogal

  5. Ghosts are sooooo coooool!

  6. I like black cats the best mostly because i think wolfblood is a weird disney show

  7. hello i would like to be jammer of the month thank u a lot if u do pick me by the way scooter i loooooove ur blog :D


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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.