
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bats, Scorpions, Angels, and Nessie

Hello Jammers! I know I said I wasn't going to post today, but I got home early ^-^ So here are all the new items from the past 2 days...
In the Jam Mart Clothing Store we have Bat Masks for sale...

In Epic Wonders, Scorpion Claws is for sale...

Notice that they randomly float on animals...
Very weird O.o
Epic Wonders is also selling Scorpion Armor....

Bahari Bargains is selling underwater Halos....

They are also selling Nessie Masks, pawesome...

There is also a new video in Brady's Theater....

The Daily Explorer posted 3 new articles...


Glitch Corner

Has this glitch ever happened to you? There are only 5 worlds! However, when you visit one there are tons of jammers in it! Just another unusual glitch.


Den Designer

 Did you know that if you have two different color phantoms they can flash colors? All you have to do is place one phantom right on top of the other phantom. Then, just walk by them. When you walk they will change from those two colors!


Sky News

Enter the Where in Jamaa contest here!

Boy, I was gone for one day and a lot of new things! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Which Adventure do you like best? Your comment might be featured tomorrow!


  1. Hi Scooter! I like the Phantom Portal best! The first adventure was fun, but I never figured out the order to unlock the cages! I am nonmember so I hope I will be able to play the cosmo adventure and others soon! I really wish I could play the great escape one! Lucky Members!!! ~SparkleFootball

  2. boy, which 1 I like BEST? hard. lol anyway, I like the great escape because u get 2 explore and have fun inside and at the end where u paratute. its really cool and fun btw sorry for typing like this the computers got a problem.

  3. 3rd comment yay!! I had that glitch before scooter its anoying I have one full world the reast aren't so go to the full one its not really full.

  4. I luv ur blog so much!!!! [5th]

  5. i love the great escape because is has lots of games and not to long but i like all of them i like meeting all the alphas who will be next?

    1. lol to lazy to post my use -lol89762


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