
Monday, October 7, 2013

Rare Scary Bat Wings and Contest

Welcome all jammers to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! Thanks for reading! The Rare Item Monday available in the Jam Mart Clothing Store, it is Rare Scary Bat Wings...
I think most jammers were expecting this based on the adventures. At least they are nonmember for all those nonmember jammers!
Also, Sunken Treasures came out with Scary Barrel Sponges new today...
I love their facial expressions ^.^
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Spooky Old Bones Music...
This music is available in the Spooky Party and the Haunted Forest Party.


Sky News 

The Octoberfest Costume of the Day is...
A Skeleton! All you need for this outfit is a Skull Helmet, a Three Horned Armor, and a Legendary Glove!
Also, the New Animal Poll is over! Here are the results....
It looks like most jammers want Cheetahs to make their way to Jamaa!
New Stuff on the Animal Jammers Mini Blog
New Contest on the Contests Tab

I hope everyone will join the contest! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Vampires v.s. Werewolfs?


  1. I wuz hoping the new animal would be some kind of Bird I mean come on! We already have mamals and water animals! We need a bird. DX

  2. I really wanted the new animal to be an owl. - xXRobinHoodXx

  3. Where do you get three horned armor? Epic wonders?

  4. I want a hyena to be the next animal! I mean, come on, we already have snow leapords! Who needs a cheetah?

    1. no we need a bird we already have land and water animals. we need a flying bird!

  5. LOOK AT GRINGERSNAPS BLOG! WEIRD GLITCH THAT YOU CAN GET A KANGAROO! EPIC :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-):-):-):-):-):-);-):-);-);-);-);-);-);-)★★★★★ IPOD656

    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  7. Ok I'm really hoping the new animal is a cheetah. Maybe its a bit original, but cheetahs are sooo cool! Animal jam would have to do a lot of work to make it a bird! Also in reference to the comment call I think that vampires are way cooler. (In no way does that relate to Twlight which I really dislike) I thought vampires were cool before twilight. I mean werewolves are like animals, vampires are just undead and stuff lol. ~SparkleFootball

  8. Werewolves! I mean, you really can't get any better than evil wolves who try to rip your head off! :P


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