
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mummy Mask

 Hey Jammers! Today's new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Mummy Mask...
Yep, that is the only item for sale today. It looks like we are back to normal one new item per day schedule! Anyway, Brady's Theater has came out with another new elephant film...
 The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday...


Mystery of the Week

In the Sarepia Movie Theater there is something on the wall. What in Jamaa is it?!?! It almost looks like some kind of mask! Is is a new preview of a new animal? Is it a forgotten Alpha? Is it another Armour set? Comment your imaginative thoughts below!!


Sky News

 Today's Octoberfest Costume of the Day is....
A Scary Eyeball! To make this costume you need an Eyeball Hat, a Blue Glove, and a Phantom Shirt. Simple, you can also wear some kind of black or blue necklace! 
  • Enter the Where in Jamaa? Contest here!

One more important news is a... Comment of the Day! With each comment call, I will post a comment from yesterday's post! Your comment might be posted. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Read the Mystery of the Week above!


  1. Could the mask be a moose?

  2. Oh yeah first comment x3 almost forgot

  3. Hey there, nice blog!
    I think that mask has something to do with Cosmo as it is at his land.
    It lookes like a koala to me. Probably it´s from the koala tribe Cosmo lived at before coming to Jamaa.

  4. It looks a LOT like a chicken head! XD

    Btw, AWESOME blog Scooter! Really cool! :D


  5. i love your blog! and most of all the mysteries and glitches! i think the mask might be a some kind of bird and did you just realise that mask?i mean i has been there forever! do have a list of mysteries and you put them in randomly???!?! you see ever little detail of jamaa! the mystery photo is a little blury so i will look at it when i log in. man i love your blog this is how i found it.... i was writing a news paper for animal jam and i needed to write a article about the alphas so i went to google and looked up the alphas on animal jam i went to lots of blog and i found one i thought it looked like the typing was to small so i could not read about the alphas! then i found one that did not have alphas but it had history of jamaa i do not remember the blog but i will will comment it along with my thing about the mystery and then i found your blog! i read all of it and comment to ad mira to list does this sound familiar? can you ad mira i want to know the story of her! thats what i said! then i looked at it again and saw that you did daily posts!
    lol89762 i am so awesome just saying someone have to know so how bout post it online huh?

    1. Thanks so much! I am glad you like the blog so much ^-^ and I always new the mask thing was in the Theater but I wanted to do a mystery about it.

    2. thanks and its weird remember the story contest? well why is it that i cant type long comment but now a long story??! i guess i have more of a talker then a thinker! lol
      lol89762 i am awesome! seriusly people need to know that!

  6. Can the featured comment call please only be chosen if it has proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar? Because I don't think you should choose a comment that looks like this: "i was thinkin that it looked kinda like a tiger cause it has stripes and stuff" But if it has about only one spelling mistake it's ok because it could be due to fast typing or low knowledge of how to spell the word.

  7. Scooter, you should do another costume contest, but look for Halloween costumes. IT WOULD BE SO FUN (please reply)

    1. I like your idea! However, I did one last month.... I suppose I can do another one! In fact, I will get started on that right now :)


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