
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Night of the Phantoms!

Hey Jammers! Happy Halloween!
The new item is a Phantom Cannon in Sunken Treasures...
Not very Halloween-y! Oh, well! 
The Daily Explorer posted Jammer Snap winners! Go to the Animal Jammers Mini Blog to see them!

I just wanted to post some funny Halloween graphics for you guys:

Halloween is so fun ^.^

Sky News


Comment Call: What are dressing up for, for Halloween?

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Witch Mask and Jammer of the Month

Welcome Jammers! How does everybody like the blog? You jammers know I love your feedback! Anyway, the Jam Mart Clothing Store has returned selling Witch Mask's...

The Sarepia Theater has came out with a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Night of the Phantoms dens...
It seems as though AJHQ is a bit overwhelmed with these Jammer Snaps. They will show their favorites on Thursday!


Rumor Reader

Recently, the Conservation Museum has switched their shop to masks, without warning us :( So Will the old plushies, hedges, and flags come back to Jamaa one day? I hope so! Another question on jammers minds is will they come out with more animal hats? I hope so too! I wish we could just have both AJHQ!


Sky News

**Graphics from Animal Jam Nox

Comment Call: Comment your Username and a Reason why you should be Jammer of the Month!

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scorpion Tail Armor

Hey Jammers! Epic Wonders has came out with Scorpion Tail Armor...

That completes the Scorpion Armor set! And I have to say that they look great on every animal, even koalas...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item yesterday...


Mystery of the Week

On the new adventure there are piles and piles of Founder Hats, Eyeball Hats, Fox Hats, and many other rare items! The question is can we get them? Well while doing the adventure, if you read what the monkeys have to say, one of them says that those are the monkey's items and they through away the key. So I guess there is no way of getting the items :( Sadly, the mystery is solved. Also speaking of this adventure and mystery, did you notice that Graham is in this adventure a lot....
Does this mean that he will be in the next adventure?

Comment Call: What and who will be in the next adventure?


Sky News

Today's Comment Call is above in the Mystery section.


New Photo on the Animal Jammers Mini Blog
New Poll on the right column
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Rare Scary Elf Bracelets

Hey Jammers! Turns out I came home early yesterday, so if you missed yesterday's post scroll down. The Jam Mart Clothing Store is now selling Rare Scary Elf Bracelets...
I like the colors! Notice that we have already had Rare Scary Bracelets....
These non-scary rare Elf Bracelets were for sale June 3, 2013.
The Aquarium has a new video...
I wonder are they? You will have to watch the video!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Night of the Phantoms...
I used that classic Animal Jam picture for the blog's new wallpaper!


Sky News

Well, short posts on Mondays, but that is the only short post day of the week! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What Halloween Character is your favorite and why? (Example: Vampire, Frankenstein, Ghosts, Witches, etc.)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bats, Scorpions, Angels, and Nessie

Hello Jammers! I know I said I wasn't going to post today, but I got home early ^-^ So here are all the new items from the past 2 days...
In the Jam Mart Clothing Store we have Bat Masks for sale...

In Epic Wonders, Scorpion Claws is for sale...

Notice that they randomly float on animals...
Very weird O.o
Epic Wonders is also selling Scorpion Armor....

Bahari Bargains is selling underwater Halos....

They are also selling Nessie Masks, pawesome...

There is also a new video in Brady's Theater....

The Daily Explorer posted 3 new articles...


Glitch Corner

Has this glitch ever happened to you? There are only 5 worlds! However, when you visit one there are tons of jammers in it! Just another unusual glitch.


Den Designer

 Did you know that if you have two different color phantoms they can flash colors? All you have to do is place one phantom right on top of the other phantom. Then, just walk by them. When you walk they will change from those two colors!


Sky News

Enter the Where in Jamaa contest here!

Boy, I was gone for one day and a lot of new things! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Which Adventure do you like best? Your comment might be featured tomorrow!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Scorpion, Horns, and Winner!

NO POST 10/26/13 and 10/27/13

Hello Jammers! I am sorry but I will not be able to post tomorrow and the next day because I am going on a mini-vacation! The Epic Wonders Clothing Orb has a promised 1st item of the Scorpion set, it is a Scorpion Helmet...
Bahari Bargains has also came out with the popular returning Horns.....
The Daily Explorer posted two articles. One about the Snaps and the other about the new adventure...
Remember the Snaps are due this Sunday! Have you played the adventure yet? Speaking of the new adventure here are the prizes...
They are all very big! Notice Graham is shown a lot in this adventure is he coming?
Also, have you noticed all the Candy Bowls around Jamaa...
 When you click it you will receive a little piece of candy!
In other news, I have noticed that you can join games from your actions toolbar...
When you click a game, a box like the adventure ones pops up....
 You can easily exit out by hitting the X button.
 Remember to watch the new Sketch Jam...
This is a simple baby phantom made entirely of circles!


Fashion Friday

Zombie Panda
Brain Helmet:     450 gems
Worn Blanket:     In Adventures or Rare
Panda:     1000 gems
Total:     1,450 gems!


Sky News

Congrats Duchess!! If you could comment your user, Duchess, so I can send your prize! Thanks, I forgot everyone's usernames. Thanks to everyone who participated! Have fun and happy jamming!!


Comment Call: What is your favorite part of Night of the Phantoms?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Great Escape and Finals

Hey Jammers! AJHQ has came out with another spooky-filled Jamaa Journal! So here is the first page...
A new adventure that is the best one yet! Not to long, but really fun! Here are some pictures I took...

Notice there are a lot of monkey related items including statues of Graham. I wonder if he is coming soon! I will post prizes tomorrow!
Cheetahs are still running around Jamaa and also there is new Scorpion Armor except this time it is sold in Epic Wonders. Probably because scorpions can be found in Coral Canyons.
Old advertising news. I wish they would just sell diamonds cards only like for $5.
Now, you can bring your adventure requests everywhere! Cool. And the Night of the Phantoms celebration is going away in a few weeks.
On the last page there is a new phantom sketch jam! Also, Brady got some new pet creatures to read and look at. Jammer Central has a new calendar posted...
Overflow is still x2 gems!
 The two new items is a Phantom Hat in the Jam Mart Clothing Store....
Candy Bowl in the Jam Mart Furniture Store...

 There is a new video in Sarepia Theater...
Can you see him in there?


Sky News

Snow Leopard has been voted out! Now, after a long journey we have made it to the Finale! This time please vote on who should win! This time to prevent cheaters (like yesterday) when you vote please put your user so we know that it is one vote per jammer!

Comment Call: Vote for the Winner!(Comment your user also to prevent cheating)

Awesome Jammer Art is now on the Animal Jammers Mini Blog. Have fun and happy jamming!!