
Monday, September 30, 2013

Rare Wavy Bookshelf

Jamaa News

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog jammers!! The Rare Item Monday being sold on the 4th page of the Jam Mart Furniture Store Catalog is a Rare Wavy Bookshelf...
I love Rare Den Items!!!! The colors are pretty colorful too!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jammer Snaps..
All entries are now over!

Den Designer

If you didn't know already, I couldn't get on Animal Jam yesterday, so I am doing Sunday's Den Designer today! It is called "Fall Picnic" All you need is Seasonal Trees (however many you want) and change them to colors like red, orange, and yellow, a picnic table, a green painted post, a red painted pot, and a Bee hive from the Adventures. 

Sky News

**Picture from Animal Jam Nox

Once again another Jammer of the month will be selected. Tomorrow is October 1st..which means 2 returning parties, 2 returning pets, and a new birthstone! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Comment your user if you want to be Jammer of the Month!


  1. oooh! First COmment! I want to be jammer of October..Sorry i am typing fast XD


  2. 2nd ^.^ anyway. Idk wut to say XD

  3. 2nd ^.^ anyway. Idk wut to say XD

  4. 3rd COMMENT! Can i please be Jammer of the Month?!


  5. SWEET I love the new bookshelf :3 and I would love to be the jammer of the month.. -lovedogs99

  6. Wow! I cant wait to get the new bookshelf! Nonmember! squee! They don't do very many den rares! Anyway my user is I hope I get to be jammer of the month! Awesome blog BTW!!!!

  7. I hope I get jammer of the month! I am constantly checking your blog! Anyways the rare is pretty cool! I love the bright colors!


  8. Lol I guess I'll enter for jammer of the month. :). I am thehobbitfan17. Thanks for all your posts scooter, I read all your daily updates they are very helpful!

  9. I'll enter for Jammer of the Month! Good luck to everyone! - xXRobinHoodXx

  10. I enter for jammer of the month I really wish everyone good luck ! Blueberry b also I surrport the non member movement the rare is for everyone yeah

  11. I am sooo exited for the new parties! :D Idk. I might be the only one. But I don't think I am! And this is one of the first times that I've ever seen a rare den item... Cool!! Oh and I'd also like to be Jammer of the month XD My user is Burrtail c: Anyway I love your blog, and keep up the good work! O3O

  12. My user is: Chocolateh
    I really want to be Jammer of the Month because It would be fantastic to be on your blog.

  13. Hi (: I love your blog! Its amazing and helpful to other Animal Jam users; thank you for your hard work! ^^b
    It would be awesome if i got lucky enough to be Jammer of the month for October XD because Halloween is my birthday! ^-^
    My user is AznAnimeGirl ~ and good luck to everyone & have fun on Animal Jam !! XD

  14. I love your user Chocolateh!!!!! I'm sorry it's just so cool! Scooter you blog rox! Serisouly!

  15. Can i be Jammer of the Month? Please? I've never been called for a month to a blog this amazing *^* i've only had my username posted on a quiz on Animal Jam Times :(
    I LOVE Halloween and it's like Christmas to me because, honestly. i LOVE scary, but sometimes it can go too far o-o
    Still, i want to be JOTM :D
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  16. i want to be jammer of the month


    your a good blogger

  17. Could I be Jammer of the Month?

  18. I really want to be jammer o the month please it's your buddy stovetop
    I love your blog and I never been featured on ANYTHING please it'll mean a lot to be the jammer I also send you stuff, I love thatsong by song by imagine dragons I have their whole almbum not that you mind your amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean it literally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. hello its MISSDARLINGJAMMER i whould love to be on your blog but i am NOT a member so if i win please caan you trade my gift we can arange a time to meet on animal jam.. thanks


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