
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jellyfish Hat

Jamaa News

Hey Jammers! Yesterday, I forgot to post about the studded collar being sold in the Diamond Shop...

Today's new item is a Jellyfish Hat sold in Bahari Bargains...
**Animal Jam Times

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Play Wild Funds...
Go Lions! Go Tigers! Go Bears! Oh wait, I mean Go Big Cats!

Den Designer

Last Friday, I told all of you I switched Sunday's segment "Blast to the Past" to "Den Designer." However there has been a major glitch this morning when I try to log in! Look....
And then when I try to log in it would not load. I sat there for 45 minutes and nothing! So I am very sorry for the inconvenience! I will post a den designer tomorrow! There are no blog news to report about. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: If you had 10 diamonds added to your account, what would you do with them?


  1. I would save them for when something really epic comes to the diamond store :D

  2. I really enjoy your blog! I come here when Snowyclaw posts late!

    1. Thanks! I am glad you like it. If you really like it you can Join the site on the left side column and Become a memeber! ^-^ Thanks again!

  3. I might have 20... Maybe 21? Ehehe. I'm saving them for the new armor in the diamond shop! At least, I hope that there will be new armor...

  4. 0-0 21???

    If I had 10, I'd buy the studded collar in red, and if theres ever a wrist studded then i'd also get that in red. Then I'd save incase the new animal is only in the diamond shop.....

  5. I would save them to buy a kangaroo or the next diamond shop animal

  6. Owe I haven't got on animal jam either . The question , I would buy a coloured kangaroo plus hie and trade to a non member . I would buy a studded collar and 1000 gems and 5000 gems

    Blueberry b

  7. The studded collar looks... well... interesting, don't you think?

  8. If I had 10 diamonds, I would buy a new animal!

  9. WAIT! you wuv da Beatrs?!?! I wuv dem too! That means... WAIT wha! U in Illinois too? -Doogal :3

    1. The Bears reference was not the football team, I was quoting The Wizard of Oz (Lions, and tigers, and bears oh my!) But I do live around that state :)

  10. How can I join I'm your buddy stovetop.

    1. If you are wondering how to join the blog, follow these steps:
      1. Look for "Sky Fans" on the Left Side Column of the blog <---
      2. Click "Join this Site"
      3. Log into an account or make a new account

      Hope this helps!

  11. I would spend them on a chest of 15000 gems from the diamond shop :D


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