

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Contests Page!
On this page, you will find current and past contests that you are able to join.
To join a current contest, simply read and follow the instructions.
Contests are fun, so make sure you follow the rules!

Current Contests: 

There are no current contests at this time.

Past Contests:

  • Cosmo's Only Party Contest
  • Liza's Best Animal Tournament
  • Peck's Animal Effect Contest
  • Sky Egg Hunt 2017
  • Slogan Contest
  • Logo Contest
  • Friendship Festival Art Contest
  • Jamaaliday Jingle Contest
  • Land Ho! Contest
  • You-Decide Blu Contest
  • Draw Scooter Contest
  • Sky Egg Hunt 2014
  • Party Planner Contest
  • Friendship Contest
  • Jamaaliday Designer
  • Thanksgiving Poem Contest
  • Where in Jamaa?
  • 15 Followers Contest
  • Party Contest
  • Holiday Item Giveaway
  • Phantom Poem Contest
  • Cartoon Contest
  • Clothing Quiz
  • Mini Story Contest
  • Photo Contest
  • Animal Quiz
  • Map Quiz


  1. It's that time of year
    That time so full of cheer
    Give a hip-hip hip hooray!
    The Jamaalidays are here!

    Crystal ice and powdered snow
    Covers every inch of land
    Give a hip-hip hip hooray!
    For the Jamaalidays are grand!

    There was another verse, but I guess that makes it too long

    My user is zuzu1199

    1. Nice contest submission!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Hi there! I'm new to commenting here, but I believe you found my blog :) I am the owner of The Animal Jam Friendship Community, author of Animal Jam Community, and also an author of the Teens Guide To Animal Jam And More (by CoolCat)

    Alright.. I'll enter the Jamaaliday Jingle Contest! This is a padrody XD

    Jamaaliday bells, Jamaaliday bells, Jamaaliday all the way!
    Oh what fun it is to ride on a one-toucan open sleigh!
    Dashing through the snow, on a one-toucan open sleigh,
    Or the Township we go, giggling all the way!
    Bells on Lost Temple Of Zios ring, making spirits.. Festive XD

    Remember, God made YOU!


  3. OK! I have a song, it is bad. Lol, Enjoy!

    Jamaalidays, Jamaalidays, it comes round'evry' year!
    Open gifts, giving gifts, showing that we care!
    Jamaalidays Oh Jamaalidays, it comes every year!
    Jamaalidays oh Jamaalidays, it makes us cheer,
    The beautiful ice,
    the beautiful snow,
    The Jamaalidays is about giving,
    Jamaalidays Oh Jamaalidays, it comes every year!
    Jamaalidays oh Jamaalidays, it makes us cheer,
    It's about giving, not getting, so let us know
    Jamaalidays. makes. us. cheer.

    :) There is 2 verses in this song
    Hope ya like it!

  4. Definitely entering the art contest!


  5. Hey Scooter! This is my entrance into the comment contest for Friendship Festival! I don't care what you give me,or if you give me anything! Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Hey Bubbub123, thanks for entering, but in order to enter you must comment on the daily posts every day until Valentine's Day. Thanks!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Oh. XD. Thanks for the info!

  6. OH no, I drew it on Paint! And I don't know how to enter it in. Please help me XD!

    May my spirit be with you, ALWAYS! Jam on!

    ~.*FrozenWarrior*.~ (Known as lpslover98989 on AJ)

    1. I have talked with you on Animal Jam, and since you can't email, Instagram, or Jam-A-Gram, I don't know how you could get it to me. Sorry, FrozenWarrior :(

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  7. xD Well, what you want to do is save the file, and then email to to Scooter at

  8. Hey Jammers! You will comment your submissions on this page for the Slogan Contest or you can email me at Thanks!

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  9. Slogan contest:

    The top Jamming news!


  10. Slogan contest:

    Animal Jam Sky Blog, Where your imagination soars free!

    Ehehe.. that stinks.. oh well :3

  11. Slogan Contest-

    Daily Posts, Blogs, and more! Sure to make your day!


  12. Slogan Contest entry:

    "Imagination is SKYrocketed on this blog!"

    That was so bad XD

  13. Slogan contest-
    The Sky's the limit!

    because this blog is amazing
    so nothing can beat it
    yeah, idk I just thought if that randomly
    *slowly walks away*



    2. That was EVERYONE's submission.

    3. @q1zx AJ
      You're right lol

      I made a new one-
      Where you can fly freely


  14. Slogan contest:

    "Jamaa's Daily News Source"

    sorry it is kind of bland XD

    1. i just realized that it is almost exactly the same as your example. you do not have to choose mine then!!!!!

  15. Slogan Contest Entry:In this blog the sky's the limit!

  16. Slogan Contest Entry: Where the facts are SOARIN' high!

    Can we submit more than once XD?

    May my spirit be with you, ALWAYS! Jam on!

    ~.*FrozenWarrior*.~ (Known as lpslover98989 on AJ)

  17. These are my entries for the slogan contest:

    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: Your place to Play Wild!
    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: Where imagination soars free!
    Your place to Play Wild!
    Where imagination soars free!

    Sorry some of them are kind of the same XD. I hope I didn't copy anyone, I didn't really read the other entries. My username is Delphinium15
    Have a nice day, Scooter!

    1. Dude, you stole my idea! The imagination soars free was my idea! Look above at what I entered!

    2. Ah sorry, you didn't see what I said, but that was my idea for the contest :)

  18. IDEA! OK OK
    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: Where you are free to be you!
    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: A place where you can be with fellow Animal Jammers!
    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: A place where you'll never be bored!
    The Animal Jam Sky Blog: A place to JAM ON!
    Enjoy! :)
    *King Tough Bunny

  19. I'm attempting scooter!

    Slogan: The Animal Jam Sky blog: Located in the heart of jamaa a great place to make time by fly and to read more.

  20. Hey Scoots, so I've got a slogan: "The AJSB, the one stop, news block for all things Animal Jam!

    By yours truly, moy788 (The 7th Gametube).

  21. Okay, okay, I have this SUPER COOL, AMAZING CONTEST ENTRY! It will knock everyone's socks off! IT IS AMAZING!

    Just let me think of it. Hmmm...

    Ooo! I have one! It's super original, super simple, and really reflects the moral values of this blog.

    "Play wild!"

    Wait, isn't that the slogan for like- Animal Crossing or whatever? No, it was Club Penguin! Well, they're closing down so it should be fine.

    Ehhh, I should be safe.

    "Play wild."

    See, now it had a period, so it's mine now. Totally original. There we go.

    Ehhh... It's too short.

    "Please play wild."

    "Pretty please play wild."

    "Pretty please play wild right now please thank you yes I'm happy now thanks."

    Meh, that doesn't really reflect the AJSB. Ummm...

    "The #1 source of Animal Jam news!"

    Okay, actually, does AJSB really need a slogan? xD You know what we should do, we should all give terrible slogans so Scooter is stuck with a bad slogan. That would be kind of fun, because on the rules it says it will be used PERMANENTLY by the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

    Wait... Wait a second... Animal Jam Sky Blog... How many letters is that? 16? 16! :O :O :O I know! Sixteen! Sixteen has three vowels. 3! Wait, a second, EYE know, and then the eyes in sixteen and animal. 3 eyes! :O :O :O

    Plus, if you take the letters of Animal Jam Sky Blog and switch them around you get...

    "Animal Jam Blog Sky." :O :O :O

    And then if you switch those around again, you get...

    "Magma bank sill joy."

    Illumanati confirmed. :O

    And thus, I have my submission for the Animal Jam Sky Blog slogan contest.

    "Magma bank sill joy."

    Oh, and if you want, you can also use my draft.

    "The #1 source of Animal Jam news!"

    Thanks for reading, lol.


    1. 15 minutes down the drain. xD No shame.

    2. Oops, I just realized how close my draft was to your example. Lol, don't use my draft, just use the magma one. I think that one really has a lot a potential to promote the Sky Blog's quality, and I think it's very catchy. It'll stick more with people.

      Hmmm... How about- "The place with faded ideas. Because there's like, clouds... and stuff, and... *sighs*.

      Here: "Where ideas take flight." BAM I AM SO GOOD AT THIS LOL Please consider both my main entry and my draft. (If there is a tie take my main entry.)

      Thanks, sorry for the edits!

    3. "You're the apple of my sky."

  22. By the way, sorry for spamming the comments a bit, but you should use your example. It's really good!

  23. Slogan contest: Animal Jam Sky Blog: "Sky high in Jamaa!"

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Lol, it should be like, "Sky High in Jamaa! A place where you can work really hard only to get a necklace! :D" xDD

  24. This is my blog slogan:
    Its time to look up!
    Not the slogan:
    I tried my best! It was on short notice.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I was actually gonna do something similar to the tornado but I'd be copying so.... I'll just think of another awesome idea!

    1. Haha, sorry! It could be with a different animal. Great minds think alike!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    Im doing a musical coyotee, I'm also drawing it in the art studio :)

  28. Ok I just came up with an amazing idea: rainbow penguin!!!!! I might draw a picture of it. It matches my personality!

  29. I posted my entry on a recent blog post, but just in case I'll post it here too-

    My username is meganfurryfun37


  30. Cats only party! It's just cats allowed. It's held at sort of like a mini version of sarepia forest but without real buildings or ladders or trees. But it has lots of leaves. There's a shop in the corner that sells mainly headpieces. The music is like flutes and African stuff.

  31. Ok, my idea for the party contest is a foxes only party, it's for foxes and Arctic foxes. I have an idea for the look of it but I don't have it drawn yet. The theme is fashionable if that makes any sense. It will have an area to do a fashion show, and the shop will sell suits, dresses, fancy hats, and shoes. I can draw it out later if you would like.

    1. Oh and the music is kinda like classical, the type you would hear at a sophisticated art gallery or something. I think the song I'm thinking of is from the 4 seasons? Idk just sophisticated classical music

  32. Hey guys! I am brand new to this blog site and would like to enter a contest. my animal jam username is shiningstar207.

  33. i would like to join your best dress contest i am kittycats4 ty!!


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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