
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Saturday, July 15th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Mechanical Dragon...
Buy this in the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 750 gems.
Awh, our little Mechy has returned ^u^

The New Video of the Day is "Salty Oceans"...
Watch this video in the Tierney Theater.

The Blu the Monkey Plushie Comic Series may have ended, but the fun lives on with Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION. This fun new take on Blu the Monkey shows a bit more cartoon and realistic view of our favorite little plushie monkey. I hope you enjoy it!

Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION begins today with the first 10 Issues...
Click the image above to head over to Blu's blog to read Issue #1 - Issue #10. I hope you like this reimagined live action comic series. Issue #11 - Issue #29 will be released next Saturday!

Did you like Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION? Tell me what you think below!

THE RESULTS ARE IN! The winner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Pet Fashion Show is ICYBERRY....
Congratulations! It was VERY close between PurpleBerry and IcyBerry. All of you did wonderful in this small little Fashion Show. I'm sure it was fun, yet difficult to vote someone out each day. Thank you everyone for participating!

I still need your help...
If you read the blog, comment, or are involved with the Animal Jam Sky Blog community this includes you! I need a picture of your animal for a little special project. Here is more information...
Please, if you consider yourself a part of the Sky community. Please do this as soon as possible! Thanks jammers!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Umm scooter i am quitting.... (cheetahrawr)

    1. Oh no, I wonder why! I am so sorry to hear that, cheetahrawr. Thank you so much for being a part of the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and thanks for being a great jammer!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Wow! This looks so cool! Sorry I don't comment as much as I used to. But remember, I sill read these posts, even if I don't comment

  3. Congrats Icyberry! :D
    I forgot to email the picture, but I will ASAP!
    (Also tysm for the comment call)

    1. I can't use my email right now, but please go to my G+ page to see the picture

  4. I love the drawing in blu live action. It was surprising it was so short though. Icy berry is SOO cute!


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