
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Blu Day and Q&A

Hey Jammers!
Today is Wednesday, July 26th, 2017.

"Scooter's Last Week" continues today with Blu the Monkey Day and Q&A. Check out the rest of the schedule here...
Tomorrow is the Final Post, but lets not think about it. Instead, lets celebrate today!

Blu the Monkey Day

The Animal Jam Sky Blog has a very special friend, which cannot be found on many blogs. This special friend is Blu the Monkey. Blu the Monkey began as a short gift to all of you at the 60,000 views celebration. The first issue was released on November 10th, 2013, and the rest is history. Each week a new issue would be released. With two adventurous seasons, Blu the Monkey became a hit. It also had many milestones including Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION.Blu the Monkey became one of the greatest Plushie Comic Series of all time.

Looking back, what are your favorite issues? According to views, Issue #63 - "Season Finale" is the most viewed comic book issue, followed by Issue #60 - "Funhouse Fiesta", Issue #30 - "Blu Goes to the Summer Carnival", Issue #56 - "Gather the Group", and Issue #22 - "Frozen".

Personally, the issues that I enjoyed making the season finales the most (Issue #63, Issue #89, and Issue #90). If I had to choose some issues as my favorites, I would choose Issue #54 - "Beginning of the End", Issue #45 - "Origin of Blek", Issue #43 - "Mystery of Shadows", Issue #40 - "Wonders of Jamaa", and Issue #33 - "New Beginnings".

Many jammers have asked who my favorite character in Blu the Monkey is. Of course it is Blu the Monkey. However, I also love the characters Mint, Maple, Grubby, and even Mr. Blek. Who are your favorite characters?

The moment you all have been waiting for. The rest of Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION will be released today....

Above are all pictures from Issue #11 - Issue #29. It reintroduces new characters, new villains, and new adventures!

 Issue #11 through Issue #29 are now available to read...

You can read them by click the image above! I hope you enjoy the issues.

Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION may be over, but I have a Behind-the-Scenes look at what some characters would have looked like in future issues...

Zero, Plum, Mira, Cornelius, and more are shown above in all of their glory. I wish I had time to make the rest of the issues. I wish I had time to make a Blu the Monkey Season 3. Sadly, I do not have time for either.

Finally, Blu the Monkey has a final message for all of you...

Goodbye, Blu. Thanks for the memories.


You asked jammers, and now its happening! It is now time for a final questions and answer session. All of the questions below were asked by you. Thanks you for submitting questions!

How old are you?
Well, I knew this question would come up. It always does. Here's the thing.. I am not going to give you an exact age, but I will tell you that I am between the ages of 15-20.

What's one thing you enjoy doing in real life?
One thing that I enjoy doing in real life is drawing! As you know, one of our segments was called "Scooter's Sketches" that showed actual drawings from me. Recently, I started Blu the Monkey: LIVE ACTION, which is real life drawings of the adventure of Blu the Monkey.

What is your religion?
I am a Christian ^-^

What is your favorite color?
Blue. You didn't get that from BLU the Monkey XD

Are you doing any kind of summer camps right now or this summer?
Nope, not this year.

Do you like Pokemon? If so, who's your favorite character?
I used to play Pokemon when I was younger, for a little bit. I think my favorite character was Eevee, more specifically Jolteon.

Who was your biggest inspiration in Jamaa?
My biggest inspiration in Jamaa is definitely Snowyclaw. I loved reading her Animal Jam Spirit Blog. She was so caring to everyone, and was a great writer. She knew everything possible about Animal Jam.

What made you want to start an AJ blog?
With the previous question, I used to read the Animal Jam Spirit Blog. I thought that I could do what Snowyclaw did, but even better. I had new ideas that I wanted to try in a blog, and that is what made me want to start the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

What were your daily responsibilities when you posted? Like what did you have to do?
The Animal Jam Sky Blog isn't easy to keep up with. Every day, I would write the post for the next day. Of course, aspects such as the new item and new video, I had to wait for the next day. Each day I would log into Animal Jam, go to almost all the stores and theaters to find the new things, research information for the featured segment of the day, check the Daily Explorer, Play Wild, and the Animal Jam Instagram account, make blog graphics, reply to comments, check the statistics for the blog, and plan for things coming soon. I know, there were a LOT of daily responsibilities.

How long did it take to write and get a post online?
Each day, I would put in at least 1.5-2 hours into the blog. Now you all realize why I always said I was busy! In the morning, since I would have the posts pre-made from the previous day, I just had to add the new item and new video.

What program do you use to make all the graphics for this blog?
Before the first time I left the Animal Jam Sky Blog, I used to use the default Paint program on practically every computer. However, when I returned, I found a website called Canva, which I love and have never stopped using.

What would you recommend to advertise your blog to somebody who cannot use social media?
Social media is a great resource to advertise you blog; however, if you can't use social media, it can be harder to spread the word. As I said in yesterday's post, use Animal Jam to your advantage. Spread the word on Animal Jam. You can also comment on other blogs or tell people in real life if you want!

Why didn't you become an AJ Youtuber?
When I started blogging, there wasn't an Animal Jam Youtube community. It didn't even cross my mind to have a Youtube page. Most of Animal Jam was on blogs. These days, there are not many blogs left. They are going extinct, so be sure to read Animal Jam blogs!

What is your favorite party in AJ?
Ooh, this is a hard one. I love many parties, like the Haunted Forest Party, Play-As-Your-Pet Party, Cruise Ship Party, and the Trading Party. My all-time favorite party is probably the Beta Party. I really think the Beta Party was a great idea on AJHQ's part.

What is your least favorite land?
My least favorite land is Crystal Reef. Can you blame me? Sure, it looks pretty, but there isn't much to do there, it is very small, and no one is ever there except that giant whale.

What is your least favorite animal?
My least favorite animal is the Lynx on Animal Jam. I am sorry, but I think they look too bulky and big for their size. I felt when AJHQ released them, they really didn't try hard.

Are you going to delete the Sky Blog or will you keep it up?
I will NEVER delete the Animal Jam Sky Blog. It will hopefully be up forever to look back on.

Are you going to be hiring new authors so they can continue the AJSB?
Unfortunately, I will not. I have always been the author the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and I want to preserve its essence. If I have authors, I have a feeling they will forget to post or start to change things. Sorry!

What will happen to your Animal Jam account? Are you keeping your items?
Oh, the most asked question! What will you do with your items? I have decided to KEEP my items and account. I thought about doing a BIG giveaway, but I know some jammers would get upset for not getting something or not getting what they want.

Will you still play AJ?
Yes, I will check back on Animal Jam every once in awhile. Especially for updates. I NEED to see if these flamingos will be nonmember!

What will you be doing instead of playing Animal Jam? Do you have another game?
I do not have another game that I play. I love Animal Jam the most, and there is no other online virtual game better out there. Instead of playing Animal Jam, I will have more time to do other things, like drawing, going outside, and enjoying Summer in real life! :)

Are you leaving AJ or just stopping the Sky Blog?
As I mentioned above, I will try to get on Animal Jam every once in awhile. We will talk more about this on Thursday's long post.

Thank you for everyone who sent in questions, and sorry for not being able to answer them all! Come back tomorrow to read THE FINAL POST. Mark an end of a legacy. Find out why I am leaving. See if I will ever return. Say your goodbye.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Scooter I know you didn't answer this in the Q&A but what did you use to Make Blu Live action?
    And will you be doing the email and stuff idea to keep in touch with you in tomorrow's post?

    1. I used good ol' paper and markers. That's it! Yes, I will be telling you ways to keep in touch in tomorrow's post.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. I like the Lynx in real life, but in AJ it just looks weird.

  3. I do agree with AJ blogs dying, and getting very unpopular. I do have one again :) wanted to let you know that I have the Num back :)

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  5. I wish you would come back :(

    I finally got a free animal jam membership and now all the best bloggers are gone.

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