
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Only Parties

Hello Sky Jammers!
Today is Wednesday, June 21st, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Sandcastle Sofa...
Buy this new item in the Sunken Treasures Shop for  gems.

The New Video of the Day is "What is a group of crocodiles called?"...
Watch this video in the Brady Barr Theater.

Every Wednesday, we look at interesting facts that you may not have known.

Did you know Night of the Phantoms was originally called Day of the Phantoms?
Animal Jam's Halloween celebration used to be called "Day of the Phantoms" instead of "Night of the Phantoms". This name lasted for two years, in 2010 and 2011, and then in 2012 it was changed to 2012 to give a more spooky effect.

Did you know Scary Horns are just a nonmember different color of Big Skulls?

Big Skulls, seen above on the left, are a land member item. Scary Horns, an almost exact replica, is just a nonmember version of a Big Skull in a different color. Kind of strange how AJHQ made the items so similar.

Did you know Sloths actually bounce in slow motion on Animal Jam?

When sloths bounce at the Bouncy House Party, Bouncy House den, or at any other bouncy house, they jump slower compared to when they do the hop effect. Almost in slow motion! Just fun little details in our favorite online world.

Yesterday, I displayed a Coming Soon Message, and today it will be revealed! Introducing...
Find out more information, how to enter, and how to get bonus points on the Contests Page. I hope you all let your imagination and creativity flow in this fun little contest.

In other Sky News, grumpycat1848 I need you! Since you are Pet of the Month, I need you to use your "Special Power". You can choose your "special power" out of the two options below:

1.) Write A Segment: You can write an item spotlight, glitch corner, did you know, or fashion friday. Your article will be published on the day of that segment.

2.) Pick A Party: You can pick the theme of the next party here on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. Phantom Party? Alpha Party? Black and White Party? Underwater Party? Fourth of July Party? You can make up a theme for the party ^-^

Remember, this is only for grumpycat1848, since they won Pet of the Month. Please comment below!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. I did not rep Alize hat scary horns factXD

  2. Ok so I don't even know if I will be able to make it to the party, but I don't rlly want to do a segment, so I'm gonna choose underwater party. It's cool.

    1. Cool, thanks for using your special power, and thanks for being a great Pet of the Month! Say "hi" to FancySprinkles for me!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Good choice! I've always wanted to do a party because I missed the last one, I had school

  4. Also, I had an idea for your channel, you could have a table and you and somebody else could be news anchors to tell jamma about the latest news (big updates, new animals, cool den ideas etc.)

    1. Thank you for your idea, Cheshire. I will have to think more about it!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)


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