
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Dig Site Tools

Greetings Jammers! I hope you all are doing well. Let me know in the comments! ^-^
Today is Sunday, June 11th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is Dig Site Tools...
Buy this in the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 500 gems.

Remember that today is the last day to purchase the tails for Wild Weekend...

Head over to the Diamond Shop to buy these limited time items!

The New Video of the Day is "Baby White Rhinoceros"...
Watch this video in the Brady Barr Theater.

Every Sunday we reminisce into Animal Jam's past to see what happened this week in history.

This Week in Jamaa's History:

June 12th, 2014 - "Bubble Trouble Released"
Animal Jam's first underwater adventure was released to jammers, called Bubble Trouble. This great ninth adventure was about phantom goop spreading to the ocean. Save Jamaa from pollution in this adventure still available to play. Check out more on the Adventure Guide.

Comment Call: What is your favorite underwater adventure and why?

June 12th, 2014 - "New Colors Added"
Each animal in Jamaa was given new colors to choose from when 50 colors were added this week in history. With more colors, there are more varieties and more fun!

June 15th, 2014 - "Gazelles Return to Stores"
One of Animal Jam's favorite items, the Gazelle Horns were released back to stores. Good for many jammers who didn't have them, but bad for everyone else who did. I remember lots of jammers were upset because they were no longer rare.

This Week in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's History:

June 17th, 2014 - "Summer Fashion Show Finals"
This week on history on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, we ended our Summer Fashion Show contest with the finalists shown above. It was a fun and big fashion show that lasted all summer long, well, maybe just the beginning of summer ;)

Did you happen to find Mint the Kangaroo yesterday? He was hidden on the Adventure Guide. Here is the next clue that he revealed...
Hmm.. so it will be coming after Season 2 of Blu the Monkey. Remember, there are only four more clues to go before the mystery is solved. Can you find Mint today with a new clue? He is hiding somewhere on the blog.

The Horses Only Party has been added to the Party Guide...
Click the banner above to find out more about this great party.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Scooter, what happened to Silver?(Or was it Shiver o.o) She was an author and posted on Tuesday, also, will you be accepting more authors?

    1. I will not be accepting authors at this time. Two years ago, I announced that there would be two authors doing daily posts, Shiverbreeze and Dreamgirl365. However, I left the blog a few days after that. When I came back, I decided to be the only author. I will let your know if I need authors in the future!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I remember that Summer fashion show.

  3. Hmm, it seems like it's been a while since my last visit. I'm quite surprised to see there seems to be not as much comments?

    Other than that how are you?
    I myself am quite busy and juggling my responsibilities but other than that I'm fine-

    1. Welcome back, rainbow000pegasus! Yes, sadly views and comments have declined in recent months :( Other than that, I am doing great and keeping busy!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. You were having, you were having a potato, a potato,
    And lots and lots of candy,
    You got sick, you got sick,
    Youu cause youuuu youuuu
    Cause you took too much food, took too much food!


    1. HAHA! Very funny ^o^

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.