
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Snowflake, Carnival, + Coyotes

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog
Today is Thursday, May 11th, 2017.

BREAKING NEWS: AJHQ has remodeled the Jamaa Journal! Now it looks like this...

I like the new look, but I also enjoyed the old Jamaa Journal design. Wow, another variety, just like the Spring Bunny. It is called the Snowflake Arctic Wolf...

The Diamond Shop has painted snowflakes on the Arctic Wolf statue in honor of this new animal. You can buy it for limited time now...

It costs 10 Diamonds, and has a cool snowflake effect!

Yay, it is my favorite time of the year. Now you can go celebrate Summer at the Carnival. Here are the ticket shops:

Now you can play games and win prizes, such as Blu the Monkey!

The Eggstravaganza is still going on, and there is even a NEW MYSTERY PET. If you buy an egg, you have a chance of getting this rare mystery pet. If you get it, be sure to tell me by commenting below please!

The Beach House has arrived in the Diamond Shop...

It costs 10 Diamonds, and is a perfect place to relax in the summer. I will add it to the Den Guide soon! Also in the Diamond Shop, you can pick up Phoenix Armor again...

They can cost anywhere from 1 Diamond to 3 Diamonds.

Wow, I really thought that Fennec Foxes were coming. Oh well, coyotes are great too. They will go good with wolves. Also, I hope they are for nonmembers. (probably not >.<)

Members now have 1,000 Animal Slots. Congrats for being a member because now you can customize tons of animals!

Falcons have flown away on their travels, and won't be back anytime soon. On May 25th, Lions will be traveling too. Get the King of the Jungle while you still can!

The next page is an advertisement about a sale on retail gift cards at GameStop.

Now you can have a farm with animals like horses, pigs, goats, and sheep. Customize an Ol' Barn den now. Also, don't forget about the Ocean Diamond Shops!

The last page is about Storming The Fortress. You can access this adventure now on the Adventure Guide!

The Main Screen has also been remodeled...

I love it! It includes Spring, Coyotes, and the Summer Carnival!

The New Item of the Day is a Pinwheel...

Purchase this in the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 250 gems.
It comes in many colors and has an animated spinning effect.

Also in the SECERT SHOWROOM SHOP, you can buy...

A Catapillar Couch. Very cute ^-^

The New Video of the Day is "Peccary"...

Watch this video today in Gabby's Animal Hospital.

Sky News

The WINNER of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's SPRING FASHION SHOW is...

Mister Wonkybuddy
Congratulations! Good job DJ Happypet too for getting second place!
Thank you for everyone who participated in the Spring Fashion Show, and who voted. It was very fun, and I hope you enjoyed it too. Next time we might even see more or new Fashion Show twists!
I will have to meet you sometime in Jamaa to trade you your prize.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Wow! I can't believe I wonXD Thanks to everyone to voted me to win:) We shall meet in jamaa sometime for my fashion show prize and for being JOTM!

  2. I wonder what it means too....

    Maybe something is in Mt. Shiveer or something?

    1. Hmm.. I wonder if we will have a snow effect in all the lands. Maybe even a winter adventure or party and items!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)


  4. Dear Scooter,
    My week is surprisingly looking up!
    Yesterday my pet labrador retriever Frank, chased a female dingo mix.
    She was in our yard and he chased her half down the road to the church.
    Once we got back home, we put Frank inside.
    We were gardening so you know, OUTSIDE TIMEES! ^.^
    The dog followed our scent and while we were gardening I told Mom that she is in our yard.
    She COMPLETELY bypassed Mom when she saw me, considering that I am a kid.
    Mom took a picture of her and posted it on Facebook.
    She then looked up Lost Dog, ______ County.
    She actually found a picture of that SAME dog!
    Dad was inside and was asleep.
    Mom called the owner and found out that the dog's name is Sadie.
    Sadie's nickname is Beauty, Beauty, Beauty three times fast! XD
    Apparently Sadie got loose from her lead and they searched near their home EVEREYWHERE! :(
    She had rolled and eaten dead animal..
    Sadie apparently has pups that are getting weened.
    She's very friendly to kids and well, her owner has kids that's why she bypassed Mommy and went to me!
    The family's kids were so excited that they were jumping up and down!
    The family is I think coming to get Sadie either this morning, this afternoon, or this evening.
    I hope that maybe we can become friends of the family who owns Sadie! ^.^
    This little blog looking comment has gone on long enough! XD
    Thanks for reading this small post,

  5. Okay, who is looking forward to the new update?!?!
    I know I am 100%!
    This update better be good, though!
    Otherwise Imma throw a fit!

  6. Is it me, or am I excited for Mother's Day?
    I mean two more days is just too long!
    I am gonna give my mother some breakfast in bed if I can cook good that day!

  7. I think the winter party is coming! They usually do that in the middle of summer

  8. Yay! Winter is coming back! Now all my winter items are going down in value! :D :D :D

    xD Good job to the winner of the show!

  9. Golden rings are in stores also, Scooter!

  10. Wait Golden Rings...?
    SCRAP Now their making a yellow copy of Silver Rings..?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. When will the update come? It seems to be taking a while

    1. Btw, I finally chose a profile picture!

  13. Why is winter coming in may!!!!!

  14. The update is out -pettwix2004

  15. Winter didn't even come it was just arctic wolvesXD I prefered the old jamaa journal look much better!

  16. I don't like the new jamaa journal (But the content was amazing! :D) It seems to Play Wildish, I really love the eggs, and the coyottes are adorable!! I really like the arctic wolf XD

  17. Ok so summer is winter now. Ok ok ok but it's spring though. If I become a member I will get a coyote cuz their cool. And falcons are leaving that's kinda sad. And the lions are leaving that's REALLY sad. Cuz what if they don't come back?!! AAAAAH!

  18. Aww, I miss the old jamaa journal :( But this ones pretty cool. I hope they are for nm's!!! (I know they won't be.)


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