
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Welcome to the NEW Animal Jam Sky Blog

Welcome to the NEW Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Saturday, April 20th, 2017.

Notice anything different? The Animal Jam Sky Blog has been completely remodeled! New logos, background, theme, template, colors, and much more. I still may have to fix some glitches. If you see any let me know. Feel free to look around. It is your same favorite blog, with a redesigned look. I want to know what you think.
Comment Call: What do you think of the NEW blog remodel? Do you like it or like the old look better? Rate and review it!

The New Item of the Day is Cartoon Gloves...
You can purchase a pair at the Summer Carnival for 1,000 tickets.
Above are all of the colors varieties possible.

The New Summer Carnival item is a Lollipop Fence Gate...
Buy this for just 450 tickets at the Summer Carnival.

The New Video of the Day is "What is a tidal zone?"...
Watch this video now in the Tierney Theater.

Blu Comic Issue

Blu the Monkey is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Plushie Comic Series. Every Saturday a new Comic Book is released.

The NEW Issue of Blu the Monkey is here...
Click the Comic Book Cover above to start reading! You are going to want to read this fun issue. Blu the Monkey now has a few MOVING pictures!

Issue #82 - "Sweet Maple Sugar"
Description: Once again, Blu is traveling back in time to see all of his friends' pasts. This time he stumbles upon a Sweet Treats Candy Factory to find a hard working and hyper friend."

Did you enjoy the issue? Comment your thoughts below. I love to hear them! ^-^

Sky News

Liza's Best Animal Tournament is still in the starting rounds. Is it hard choosing between these animal species? Find out more information about the tournament on the Contests Tab. Below is the updated tournament bracket:
The winners of yesterday's round are Sea Turtles and Penguins.

Round #4:

Comment Call: Vote which animal species are better!

Something is Coming Soon to the Animal Jam Sky Blog...

What could it be? Hm...

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Omg that scared me! I thought u got hacked of something since it said "NEW animal Jam Sky"

    Thanks for featuring my comment :3
    I pick elephant and sheep!

  2. Hmm I think I pick elephant and goat. I have never had a goat but I think they look cool and I want to get them as soon as they come out again! :) does and one know when they are coming back? Thanks!

    1. I'm not sure when goats will return. It could be soon since they left November 17th, 2016.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Ok Thanks! Also can I submit a animal for the fashion friday? Its my wolf Empress Rockystar. Thanks!

    3. oh yeah i forgot to mention my user is Cheshirecat200 XD

    4. Yes, definitely! Thanks for the entry!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Don't get me wrong, I like the new setting, but I think the other one, more matched this blog, it wasn't as 'fancy'. It seemed to match this blog more :( (Please don't take offense by this D:)

    1. I understand what you are saying! It is a little fancy and modern. Thanks for your opinion :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. I LOVE the new blu issue!! I vote for elephant and sheep. I have felt an alpaca before. I sorta think this new blog style will need some getting used to, but is ok. BUT DO WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the new thing is going to be an alpha contest or an art contest. I NEED ICE CREAM!!!!!! !

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry made a typo!
      I vote for elephants and goats!
      I like the new layout!! It will take some time getting used to, of course, but I think it's nice!

  6. I like the new template a lot! Though I kinda liked the older one a bit better. Rhinos and Sheep:)

  7. i like the old blog layout better

  8. Rhino, goat, don't like this one at ALL.


  10. I like the new layout!

    However, I'm having some issues commenting on my phone because there appears to be no mobile version (hopefully you get what I mean ^-^)

    HM.. Peck.. Maybe an art contest?



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