
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Coyotes Are Here

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Thursday, May 25th, 2017.

The Update has arrived with Coyotes...

Coyotes are the newest animals in Jamaa. Welcome them with open paws!
Pick yours up today in the Diamond Shop...

Unfortunately, they are for members only and cost 10 Diamonds.
They also have a new Minibook in the Chamber of Knowledge, which I will update on the Minibook page very soon!

Coyotes have brought Wild West Gear to stores, including the Diamond Shop...

Also in the Diamond Shop, you can buy Wild West Den items...

Finally, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store there is even more Wild West items...

These item are so cool, especially the Giant Tumbleweed!

Pet Sharks are here! FINALLY another underwater pet!
They are so adorable (just don't let them play with other pets, they may bite ^-^)

You can purchase one of your own Pet Shark in Flippers N' Fins, where they made a new Diamond Pet Shop for 3 Diamonds!

YAY, Graham's Workshop is back! Join this fun adventure for all jammers and win really cool prizes. I was wondering when this adventure was going to return. I bet Battle for the Beacon is after this!
I will have to make an Adventure Guide for this adventure soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Lions have sadly left stores, but there is good news. Dolphins will be returning in the next update! Have fun on your travels lions!

Finally, the last new page is an advertisement for a Spring Animal Jam Box.

Some believe they look like mini Arctic Wolves, some think they look like a wolf, while others think they look relatives of the foxes.
The New Item of the Day is Clown Hair...

Purchase this at the Summer Carnival for 2,000 tickets.

Above are all of the color varieties possible.

The Secret Showroom Shop is hiding a new item...

You can find and buy an Antique Couch for 950 gems. It is located in the Epic Dens List on the Map and is in the top-right of the showroom.

Sky News

Welcome to the SWEET SIXTEEN! Liza's Best Animal Tournament is still going on strong, and today we begin voting to see who goes to the final eight! Here is the updated tournament bracket...

Yesterday's animal species that will advance to the next rounds were Giraffes, Deer, Goats, and Foxes.

Round 9:

Comment Call: Vote the best out of each animal set!

Tomorrow: More update features and news, Fashion Friday, and much more!
Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Lol! I want some clown hair 😂

    Yes I'm so excited to get the coyote!!! I've been saving my diamonds!

    And wolves and snow leapords.... boy that was a hard decision!

  2. Bunnies and raccoons
    Pettwix 2004

  3. Scooter? What is your eye color and skintone? Kara (Who is an amaaaaaaaazing artist) is going to draw all the AJ bloggers on adobe draw(Or it might be youdoodle, idk) as chibi's, and she needs to know :)

    1. Haha, kind of strange! Eyes are brown and skin tone is... white/tan XD

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  4. Yay coyotes! They would probably be for members. I'm a non member. But anyways, I vote bunnies and snow leapords. I'm exited for the new update. But I might not be able to check it tonight.

  5. Wolves and snow leapords.the updates out now, but I'll comment about it later when you post about it! The clown looks so funny! Has anyone played best dressed underwater version? Theirs thus super creepy Liza mask, it's like a clown, the Clown hair reminds me of it. Can you do a spotlight on it? Thanks! I've never done a comment this long lol! !😂

  6. Update is out o think -pettwix2004

  7. Wolves and Snow leopards!

  8. Wolves and snow leopards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Wolve, Snow Leopards! I can't let my Senpai-Wolves lose :c

  10. In the Wild West where the steak is the best and the cowboy boots no men in suits.
    HAHA omg I just made that up XD
    Why is it called the Wild West when West is....... California and Oregon?

  11. Wolves and snow leopards

  12. Does anyone remember me? I am PAPYJAM from the old days. How's it going? Everything is SO different!


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