
Sunday, March 26, 2017

Three Horned Armor

Hey Jammers! Glad you are reading the Animal Jam Sky!
Today is Sunday, March 26th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is Three Horned Armor...
Purchase this in the Epic Wonders Clothing Shop for 1,500 gems.

Above are all the colors for this item.

Also, underwater in the Sunken Treasures shop...

You can buy a Ship Cannon for 700 gems.

The New Video of the Day "False Gharial"...
Watch this video now in the Brady Theater.

This Week

This Week is the Sunday segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where we go back in time to see what happened this week in Animal Jam's History.

This Week in Jamaa's History:

March 31, 2011 - "Trading is Here"
One of the most popular features, trading, was introduced.

March 31, 2011 - "Liza's Expedition"
Liza was exploring the lands in the West, which later became Appondale.

March 29, 2012 - "Octopuses Arrive"
Jammers can now become Scooter's favorite underwater creature!

March 28, 2013 - "10 MILLION JAMMERS"
AJHQ announced this HUGE milestone for Animal Jam.

March 31, 2016 - "Pet Lemurs Enter Jamaa"
These little creatures found their way from Madagascar to Jamaa!

Comment Call: What event from This Week do you like the most? What event was most significant?

Sky News

TODAY is the LAST DAY to enter the SLOGAN CONTEST....
This very important contest will determine the Animal Jam Sky Blog's slogan. To enter go to the Contests Page or click the image above.

Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups will be this Wednesday, March 29th, 2017, so be ready to sign up or suggest a buddy!

Today is the last day to vote on one of the polls!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. I don't know why, but I think my favourite part of this week was 10 000 000 jammers. I like this one because it shows just how far Animal jam has become with jammers, and I think AJHQ was very proud when they made that milestone:)

    1. How far animaljam has gone with the game and jammers**

    2. I wonder how many there are now... *does research* Well, in 2014, they announced that they had reached 30 million. :P DANGGGGG!!! Wow. :D

    3. I believe that on the Animal Jam toys, they say Animal Jam has over 50 million players! A large percentage of those would be people who have quit playing and storage accounts. I think I heard recently that an average of 100,000 people log onto Animal Jam every day. That's a lot of Jammers!


  2. My favorite part was the trading. As much as everything else was great, Animal Jam is reason so many people play Animal Jam. However, the problem with trading is that people are very concerned about items, and Animal Jam is not really a place of, "friendships and parties!", but a place where people are so concerned about items they're selling them on eBay. (Not even joking, a year ago I saw a rare spiked collar and today I found a rare blue worn. This is ridiculous.) However, it is a major part of Animal Jam and changed AJ forever. It's is extremely significant, even if it arguably made a negative impact.

  3. My favorite part was the trading. I actually didn't know that trading wasn't at the beggining of animal Jam! That's news to me! I really wish I could've played around the beta days because it would've been amazing to see Animal Jam progress in a positive way. And lots of the players weren't obsessed with rares.

    1. BEGGining! Triggered. xD I know. I haven't played since beta days, but looking how far it's come. I remember a seal named Incredible Poshfriend met me on my first day in Animal Jam, and they showed me the claw, and I was OBSESSED with getting plushies! Everyone was so nice back then! xD

    2. XD! Plushies rock!

    3. When I got the raccoon with the rocket, I thought I was the coolest kid on the block. :D

    4. I think everyone collects toys and plushies when they start playing Animal Jam. Plushies are just a classic! They're so much fun =)

      In the Beta days, there was no membership, but there was also a lot of other things that didn't exist back then. Instead of trading, people could only gift- that's why Animal Jam says 'safely trade items' with other jammers. Gift trading was actually a thing before that, because that was the only way you could exchange an item for another item. Many people were scammed, and that's why AJ added trading. Interesting little things about Jamaa's history =)


  4. I definitely think that trading was the most significant and fun update for Jamaa. Of course, Appondale being revealed and hitting 10 million players were awesome, but not many people go there or think about it anymore.


    1. I know right! People only go there to do Doctor Roleplay or if the other places are full.

  5. Trading was probably the BIGGEST update ever to come to Jamaa! I mean, imagine animal jam without it!

    1. Actually, imagining it without it, there would be no scamming, and although some people would be rarer than others, I think people would be a lot nicer to each other. But imagine every item was in the shop and never left! Then everyone would be nice to everyone, but it'd be an entirely different game.

    2. Yeah true, but without trading, people would have a weaker chance of getting their dream item.

    3. True! I guess once it would be gone, it would be gone. But at least scamming would be gone. :P

  6. Scooter, just a small note, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there's a discretion statement, and it says "national Geographic Society", and I think the n in national should be capitalized. But that's just my opinion. :P

    1. Haha XD Thanks I fixed it!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  7. I'm just wondering, in the poll bout the new poll page, what is the Sky Jammers part? Just curious :3

    1. I think it's just jammers that are part of the sky blog...? xD I don't know.

    2. Yes, it is a page that gives you a spotlight. It is all about the Animal Jam Sky Jammer Community!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)


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