
Friday, March 10, 2017

Special Events

Hey Jammers!
Today is Friday, March 10th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is a Clover Rug...
Purchase this from the Jam Mart Furniture Store for 350 gems.

Also, did you know that you can buy a Lucky Frame in the Art Studio...
It costs 2 Diamonds, and is only here for limited time!

The New Video of the Day is "Kangaroos"...
Watch this now at the Sarepia Theater.

Mystery of the Week

The Mystery of the Week is the Friday segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where we talk about the big mysteries that haunt Jamaa.

The Mystery of the Week is about New Adventures.

New Adventures are bound to be released in the future, but what will they be about? Who will they be about? What type of adventures will they be? What setting will they be in? Lets go through each of these questions and try to answer them:

What will they be about?

We last left Sir Gilbert and Cosmo in the Phantom Fortress vowing to return to defeat the Phantoms after safely bringing the Sheep back. I believe that the future new adventures will be focused on the phantoms, and saving animal species and lands. This is the heart of the Alpha's mission.

Who will they be about?

The Adventures will always be about the Alphas vs Phantoms. Hopefully, in the future AJHQ will incorporate minor alphas into adventures. I bet AJHQ will attempt to introduce more new animals this way, just like they did with Sheep in the Phantom Fortress.

What type of adventures will they be?

Adventures are either Land, Air, or Sea. I assume AJHQ will develop more Sea adventures and maybe even one more air adventure in the foreseeable future. The Adventures can also be 2-D, which some jammers prefer (however I am not a fan).

What setting will they be in?

The future new adventure settings could have many possible settings. Hidden all over the Adventure Base Camp, there are secret passages, waterfalls, ponds, caves, and many more paths that AJHQ can add more adventures to. I think that the Adventure Base Camp will eventually have to be remodeled to organize all of the many adventures better!

Comment Call: What do you think the future Adventures will be like?

Sky News

Three special events are coming to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

The first is on March 17th, 2017 because it is Lucky Day (St. Patrick's Day). The post on that day will be dedicated to Lucky Day, full of facts, photos, and fun!

The second special event is on March 18th, 2017 because is is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Blogiversary! We will celebrate that day by reminiscing the history of the Animal Jam Sky Blog and maybe even have a giveaway.

The third special event is tomorrow. It will be a special day on the Animal Jam Sky Blog because we will (probably) reach 950,000 pageviews! Wow, we are only 50,000 views away from 1 Million Views! I can't wait! Be sure not to miss tomorrow's post, when I post:

1.) A New Page
The secret "Coming Soon" message was hidden and revealed this week. Tomorrow I will release the New Page it has been hinting at.

2.) A Poll Result Surprise
The poll on the right-side column will decide what is coming next to the Animal Jam Sky Blog once we hit 950,000 views.

3.) A New Skymail Episode
The next mail time video will be released in tomorrow's post.

I am so excited, there are so many positive things coming to the Animal Jam Sky Blog ^o^
Comment Call: Who else is excited?!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!! SO MANY THINGS ARE HAPPENING EEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!congrats on getting the 950,000 soon Scooter! I'm super glad I get to be part of your blogiversary! Who else thinks that the kangaroo in the video looks SUPER kawaii?!

  2. The Blogiversary is coming?? That is soooo cool!!!! This has been my favorite blog by far more then any other one! I can't wait until we get 1 million pageviews!!!!!

  3. Neat! I had no idea about the new frame. Okay... Thanks!

    1. I love he new frame! It's so cool!

  4. I am excited for all of these events! Seems interesting.

  5. I can't wait! :D Congrats on hitting 950,000 pageviews! :D

  6. Wow! That's a lot of views! 900,000 more to go for me, XD!

    And nice! My bloggerversary is coming up too! ^.^ April 15th is the date.


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