
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Slogan Contest

Greetings Jammers!
Today is Sunday, March 11th, 2017.
Did those of you in the U.S. remember to change your clocks an hour forward and hour? 
We lost an hour of sleep -.-

The New Item of the Day is Clover Shoulder Armor...
Buy this epic item in the Epic Wonders Clothing Shop for 1,200 gems. Here are the colors:

I think this item is very epic and Jamaasian; however, a little expensive!

The New Video of the Day asks "Are all snakes venomous"...
Short answer: NO, but watch this video to find out more in the Brady Theater.

This Week

Every Sunday on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, we look back at what happened this week in the history of Animal Jam and the Animal Jam Sky Blog.

This Week in Jamaa's History...
March 18, 2011 - "Brady Barr Enters Jamaa"
The world-famous scientist, Brady Barr, set up his lab in the Lost Temple of Zios.

March 18, 2011 - "Volcano Den Released"
The Volcano Den was available to purchase for 3,000 gems.

March 14, 2013 - "New BFF Toys Introduced"
Exclusive BFF versions of toys were introduced in the Phantom Invasion.
That female phantom O.O

This Week in the Sky Blog's History...

March 18th, 2013 - "Animal Jam Sky Blog was Created"
I had no idea that the Animal Jam Sky Blog would turn out to be this popular.
Thank you for supporting and reading the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Sky News

The Slogan Contest has arrived...
Click the "Enter Now" to enter or go to the Contests Page.
The Slogan Contest is another important contest, similar to the Logo Contest. Your assignment is to create a slogan for the Animal Jam Sky Blog. This slogan, or saying, will be used on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. 

Do you want your masterpiece to be Masterpiece of the Week tomorrow?
Comment Call: Comment your username and where the Masterpiece is located.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. That's so cool! Would we make a picture of the slogan or just email you or contact you what you think the slogan should be?

    1. Since a slogan is a written saying, you could comment it to the Contest Page or email it to me at

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Not sure if I'll enter, I'm not good at slogansXD

  3. Definitely will enter. Look out for my comment on the contest page scoot! Happy 4th birthday (for Saturday) blog!

    Lol! 1,200 gems just for some clothing! Happy Sunday! :( school tomorrow! 951,037 views! Great work!

    See you soon,
    Booscare5 :)

  4. Scooter? Can you take a look at my den, and maybe show 1 of my art for masterpiece of the week? If you can, can you do one made by me XD

    1. Sure, I will take a look!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  5. my masterpieces are locate in my den. Just pick the one u like best scooter.

    1. oops almost forgot, my username is tmoo44 and i meant located

    2. Cool username!

    3. I will look at your den soon!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  6. Username-meganfurryfun37
    Masterpiece-My white tiger art. It's normally somewhere in my den. if not, it's on my jammer wall


    1. I will have to check out your Masterpiece.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  7. Ha, Scooter, I made a masterpiece for you and it got rejected for some reason. xD

    1. XD that stinks!

    2. Did it have the word "blog" in it? That might be the reason because you can't advertise. I bet it was great!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  8. Love this contest! My masterpieces are in my den. You will see them when you first get there. :)

    1. Thanks, I will look at them!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  9. MEEP i'm your buddy rabbitmaster65 (I don't know I don't feel comfortable commenting without people knowing who I am xd) I HAVE A SLOGAN XD!!!!!!!!!!! XD So can I just comment it on the contests page? Please reply! I'll just comment it on the contest page just in case you don't reply! :P

    1. Yes, that is where you submit your entry.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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