
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Cougars Are Here

Hey Jammers! The Update is Here!
Today is Thursday, March 16th, 2017.

Cougars are the newest and most famous animals in Jamaa right now!
You can purchase one of your own for 10 Diamonds in the Diamond Shop.
Check out all of their nice moves! They are so cute ^o^ Like a Giant Lynx!

Pet Geckos have returned for 3 Diamonds in the Diamond Shop...
Also, check out the pet stop items:
Geckos are so cool, be sure to check out their video song!
Also in the Diamond Shop, you can buy a Spring Cottage...
These dens are for 7 Diamonds and make a great place to stay in the new season.

Another advertisement for members is on the third page of the Jamaa Journal.

On the fourth page, you can now have even more Den Music slots for members! I sure wish nonmembers were allowed music too, but I guess this is good news. Also, Lucky Clovers has been played a lot by jammers (almost 4 Million Chests have been opened)!

The Cougar Minibook has arrived, and I will upload it to the Minibook Guide later this week.
In other news, another one of our favorite big cats, cheetahs, will be returning from their travels!

The last page is an advertisement for a retail gift card bonus.

The New Item of the Day is in the Jam Mart Clothing Store...

It is a Clover Antenna Headband for 550 gems. Here are the colors:

Also, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can buy a...

Lucky Coffee Table for 500 gems!

Since it is basketball March Madness season in the U.S., AJHQ has put basketball equipment on sale...

Buy these items for 5 Days in the Jam Mart Furniture Store.

This week there is no hidden item in the Epic Den Showroom...

Hmm... That is strange. If you can find it, let me know in the comments!

The Update also brought new loading screens for Spring. Here are some of them:

I love this season, and can't wait for warm weather!

In other news, I say the famous Wisteriamoon today...

We were both buying cougars at the same time in the Diamond Shop. She was too busy, and didn't know who I was, in fact nobody really did...

Obviously, I guess I am not as famous as she is. Blogs have almost become a thing of Animal Jam's past. Now everyone does Youtube videos :( It is kind of sad, but hopefully the Animal Jam Sky Blog never goes out of style!

Sky News

A New Page is Coming Soon...

It will be released in Three Days! Any guesses on what it could be?

The Jamaa Journal Archive has been updated...

Click the banner above to read more.

Tomorrow on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, celebrate Lucky Day with us!
On Saturday, we will celebrate the 4th Blogiversary of the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. I'm thinking the Blu pictures of the week or the fashion page. M so excited for cougars! (P.S I'm unsuspended! Yay!)

    1. Hey, about Instagram... I'm going to make a new account, ok? My normal instagram has pictures of myself and I don't really want to follow people I don't know irl (Safety reasons) Is that ok? The new one has aj at the end of it :)

    2. Thats fine! I understand :)

  2. Im catrose9, Why did you unbuddy me?

    1. I didn't unbuddy you.. On my screen it says we are buddies :)
      If not, simply add me again!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  3. Hmmmmm, maybe the page is about items?

  4. There is! I found the secret shop in it!

  5. And awesome update! Cougars are SO KAWAII!

  6. The secret shop is actually super easy to find. :P It's the coat rack that has dragon wings on it. It's on the top floor.

    1. Oh my goodness, I was looking so hard XD
      Thanks, Lostfairy!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. It's totally fine! ^.^ It happens to the best of us. ;)
      You're so welcome!

  7. Cougars are my new favorite aj animal (That and the kangaroo)They are super cute!
    I can't believe you saw WisteriaMoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cool! I love this blog, it's never gonna go out of style!

  8. hahaha u think ur famous but ur not wisteriamoon and apari will always be famouser than u

    1. Ya, I know. I was saying how I wasn't as famous as them.
      Also, there is a nicer way to say that next time ;)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Don't let people get you down. You ARE famous, and I see people asking you for autographs all the time! ^ whoever wrote that, didn't say it very nice!

    3. Uh..
      1. It is Aparri, not "apari"
      2. Please learn how to use grammar
      3. Famouser is not a word
      4. Nobody cares :L
      5. I'd like to see you make a blog with almost a million views


    4. Wow. Way to be rude, Anonymous. Who cares if YouTubers are 'more famous?' I personally think the blogging community is much more close-knit and has way less drama. It's more like a family. :)

  9. Aw don't worry scooter! You will always be famous to us the AJ sky community:)

    1. Yeah! You are such an amazing blogger! You have inspired so many people. And technically, WisteriaMoon has only like, 200,000 subscribers and you have 950,000 veiws! So technically your more famous!

  10. The cougars are cute, but I feel like nothing in this update was fir nonmemvers.

  11. OML

    I'm really sad now D':

    does anyone have some I can trade for :(


  12. Awh, Scooter, your one of the most famous bloggers out there! And OMG WISTERIAMOOOOOON XDD! But seriously, you are a very cool blogger!

  13. Its so sad how youtubing has overcome blogging :( And I don't really understand why, if you become a famous youtuber, you never have a moment in peace once a fan finds you because you never really reach out to them, but in blogging you get to know every single commenter!

    1. I agree, I feel like we have a community here :)

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Agreed! Sure, they have met in real life (which I am jelly about cuz I want to meet all the bloggers... XD) but c'mon. The blogging community is so close and we're like a big family all over the world. I agree with you, Sarah. I doubt the YouTubers read every comment and care who commented it. Bloggers actually take time and reply to them.

  14. I can't wait to get my new cougar!
    That's cool that you saw Wisteria. I don't think I've ever seen her around Jamaa before.
    I think you should become more famous! You have an awesome blog.

  15. GIANT:D :D LYNX... need bad

    but.. I'm not a member. . .


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