
Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Hello Jammers!
Today is Wednesday, February 15th, 2017.

The Friendship Festival may be over, but the Animal Jam Sky Blog's background will remain the same all February long!

The New Item of the Day is a Curly Wig...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 300 gems. Here are the colors:
Also, in Treetop Gardens, you can purchase a legendary item...

The Cherry Tree for 500 gems! I love this item!

Item Spotlight

The Item Spotlight of the Week shines on Pirate Swords...

Rarity: **** (4/5 Stars)
Status: Nonmembers, Land
Rare Version: Yes
Popularity: ***** (5/5 Stars)

The Pirate Sword is one of my absolute favorite Animal Jam items. The most interesting fact about the Pirate Sword is that it has NEVER been released in stores! Wow! The only way to obtain the pirate sword is through Sky High or Adventures. It was originally released through Sky High as a prize in 2012. There is a rare version worth 600 gems in a light purple color. Make sure you do not  confuse Pirate Swords with the member item called "Sword"...

These are not as rare as Pirate Swords, even if they look the same!

Comment Call: What item do you want to shine in the Item Spotlight next week?

Sky News

Today are the sign-ups for the Pet Fashion Show...
It is so simple to enter, just comment below on this post your username and pet's name that you would like to enter! Please sign up because the winner will receive a awesome prize. It is a fun way to get involved in the Animal Jam Sky community! By the way, there is NO THEME!

Comment Call: Comment Username and Pet Name to enter the Pet Fashion Show!

Sheep have been added to the All About Animals Page...

Click the image above or here to check it out!

In other Sky News...

Tomorrow there will be a NEW JAMAA JOURNAL!
I am excited, are you?

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Awesome! I actually have two questions....
    ....Are you making the video? And I've been trying to get ahold of you but I don't know if you'd just busy or if I'm being a bother!

    1. I am making a video. Also, I have just been really busy, sorry! I saw that AJHQ buddied you. That is PAWESOME. I am not even buddies with AJHQ... ^o^

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    2. Thanks! Maybe one day you'll be buddies with them! :D

  2. Pet fashion show sign up:

    Awesome blog post scoot! I love your blog...Great work and hardship went into this awesome blog, I think. Keep up the good work and I love the cherry tree! Wish it was for non-members aswell. I think the next item to be in the spotlight would possibly be the silver glove as its a great item and as you saw me before, I do wear that item as it s a great look to have and suits any animal.

  3. Pet fashion show sign up:
    Username: Graciepopstar91
    Pet name: MirrorBook *my meerkat* :D

    Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Username: Gfox0

    Pet name: Superkat (my meerkat)

  5. I quite like the all about animals page! I actually did not know that pirate swords were never in stores. Very cool!
    I'll comment again later with my entry for the pet fashion show.

  6. Cheetah87516
    Fuzzyleopard, my snow leopard pet!

  7. User: Violet86271
    Pet: Zippybee

    Earth owl once won this fashion show. Now it's time for Zippy bee to win:)

  8. I'll enter! My user is lostfairy and my pet is Dapperdude, my lion pet. ;)

    1. Ok, wait, never mind... Entering Frostyblush my penguin.

  9. Hi! I would like to enter my pet TaterTot! He's really sweet and he was wanting to enter for a while, it would just make his day! :)

  10. My username is sarahkey8 and I would like to enter my pet Supercat! :D *my cat XD*

  11. I'd like to enter my pet ferret Microgirl. She's very cute and excited to enter! My username is Jayfeather17, as you know.


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