
Monday, February 13, 2017

Rare Heart Balloon

Hey Jammers, Scooter here!
Today is Monday, February 13th, 2017.

The Rare Item Monday is a Rare Heart Balloon...
Purchase this rare for 550 gems in the Jam Mart Clothing Store. It is towards the end of the catalog. This is a great rare and doesn't cost a lot.

Masterpiece of the Week

Today is the first day of the new segment called the Masterpiece of the Week. It has replaced the Scooter's Sketches on Mondays.

The Masterpiece of the Week is from spikethefrog....
It is displayed in Karalee's den. It is an elegant, yet simple design of a Rare Spike Necklace.
Wow, very good job on that!

Each week, we will have a new Masterpiece of the Week, and it will be displayed on the left-side column under the Jammer and Pet of the Month winners. If you want to have your Masterpiece to be featured in Masterpiece of the Week, just comment!

Also, since we have this new segment, I have unfortunately got rid of the Masterpiece of the Day page. The new poll said most of you didn't look at it, and some didn't even know what I was talking about. But don't be upset because we have the new segment to show off masterpieces! And remember you can always send your art to the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog

Sky News

Today is the LAST DAY of the Friendship Festival Giveaway Comment-A-Thon...
Yesterday's Winner: violet86271
Since you are a nonmember, comment below times you are on Jamaa to meet so I can trade you your prize. 
To win a prize today, all you have to do is comment on this post! 
Also, I am adding a TWIST to the Giveaway Comment-A-Thon. The twist is that whoever has commented the most from the week will win an additional prize. You can see who is in the lead by checking the "Top Commenters of the Week":
It is located on the left-side. Whoever has the most comments by the end of today wins a prize! Your comments must be real, they can't just be quick nonsense just to win the prize. Good Luck!

New Poll on the Right Side Column.

The Friendship Festival Art Contest has ended. The entries will be shown in tomorrow's post. You will not want to miss tomorrow's Valentine's Day Post with a NEW special Blu Comic Issue, contest winners, and more!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Yay, I'm at the top. My username is Gfox0. I love how you do the twists, they make it more exciting and unexpected! Great job!

    1. Also, I'm super sorry I haven't been on animal Jam much! I am sick, I think I've got strep throat or a cold! Eek! Tommorow is Valentine's Day already?! Wow! And Scooter sketches is back?! Yay! I love seeing them, they are SO cool!

    2. That's okay. Sorry, but I think you miss read the sentence. It says "It has replaced the Scooter's Sketches on Monday." Scooter's Sketches is not back sadly!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    3. Oops, yeah you did say that. Hopefully one day in the future Scooter Sketches comes back!

  2. Haha I usually don't win top commenters thing. I'm on mobile so I access the mobile site, but you asked about a video you could possibly make? Tours? Parties?
    Skits? AJMVs?

    1. Ah, I'd LOVE to see tours of dens!

    2. Parties would be kinda random, I mean usually people don't video parties, just they casually go to them!

    3. Skits would be super fun! Maybe continue sky scenes again?

    4. So would AJMV'S! Maybe you could do a music video to the jammer anthem? I know that sounds a bit silly, but I absolutely love the song and I think it'd be cool to have a music video to it!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, Valentine's is the 14th! *hint tommorow*

  4. Replies
    1. Idk the difference between them, they are just like the normal balloons

    2. I love how they remake the colors on items into RIM'S but sometimes they forget they make the exact same color as the unrare ones. So basically your paying like 1,000 gems for the same thing

  5. XD I cant believe this is the last day! Its gone so quickly

  6. Replies
    1. Mine is EST! Oh... you meant him lol

  7. Replies
    1. I know they are cool but, every week for the last like three weeks, it's been the same colors as the ones u can normally buy... what do u think?

    2. Finally someone agrees with me! :D

  8. Gosh I need a better schedule on my blog! I love how he has awesome holiday themed posts for the holidays! It makes the blog more interesting!

  9. Replies
    1. It's not EXACTLY a competition, it's just for fun! :)

    2. Remember, your comments must be RELEVANT. You can't just talk about random things and post emoji faces...

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  10. Replies
    1. I'm pretty sure he said for the comments not to be random, Sarah!

  11. You know what? Since the whole 1,000 den spaces thing, we totally need that for clothing items! The only problem is, if we get 1,000 clothing spaces, the rarity of spikes, Dem betas, etc will go down, and eventually won't be worth much.

    1. Just curious, how would having 1,000 clothing spaces make rare items drop in value?

    2. Because, if you have 1,000 clothing spaces, instead of having to recycle spikes right now when you don't have room in your space, you could keep more and more of them. In adventures, you could keep more and more rare items such as spikes and den betas. If we get more clothing spaces, people will be able to have more rares. Understand?

    3. Uh, yes I do. That makes sense.

    4. Who cares about rares :P People usually don't recycle betas, spikes, and other rare things like that.

    5. I'm just saying XD, but it IS true, if there is gonna be more clothing spaces, it's possible lots of items may loose their rarity!

  12. Wow, there's a lot of comments here! I'm excited for the special Blu issue tomorrow!

    1. Exciting! There is already 50 comments on here lol

    2. Yes! More blu!!!! I can't wait, that's like three issues in a week! Counting Saturday, tuesday then Saturday... yep! I'm so excited! I'm so glad he decided to continue blu!

    3. No, it's just a picture of her.


  13. AJ needs to fix the glitches with den inventory its really annoying

    1. Yeah, or when your scrolling down and it goes ALL the way back to the top and you have to scroll down ALL over AGAIN.

  14. You should really make a pet fashion show! :D

    1. That'd be so cool! To see the pets all dressed up would be so adorable!

  15. Btw Scooter! I know a way you can get your blog more out into the public! Try commenting on other ppl's blogs daily, then they might click on your profile, and then find your blog!

    1. Hmm..... doesn't he already do that?

    2. Hey that WOULD be a good idea! That's how I found some blogs! :D

    3. More like be a hypocrite and advertise it. on the blog rules it says "no advertising" but what does scooter do? Advertise on my friends blog

  16. Hey Scooter? Have you heard of the Cookie Clan?
    Also, who is your fvaorite youtuber?

  17. Scooter, what is your favorite food?
    Mine is Macorini and Cheese
    We have like 10 boxes of Mac and Cheese rn O.O

  18. Remember, your comments must be RELEVANT. You can't just talk about random things and post emoji faces...

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    1. Thank you Scooter for clarifying to everyone.

      Anyways, did you guys see the PAWESOME art that won the animal jam jamagram contest? It's super cool and it's fan made!

  19. Thanks scooter! You can probably find me in jamaa from the time frame of... 4:30pm EST-5:30EST. Just jag me when your on!

    1. Aw I didn't know u were nonmember! XD we need to hang out on animal jam sometime soon! Congrats on winning by the way!

    2. Yes we do actually. It's beeeeeeb way to longXD And thanks:)

  20. your blog is the best! its unique! and creative! i found it when you just advertised it on another animal jam blog! woah i need a photo! this person is famous!

  21. I'm starting to feel a little better, so hopefully I'll be back to my normal ways of commenting and posting again! I'm very excited for tommorow's post, Scooter!

  22. Hmm? Do you now blog a little later than you used to years ago?

    Also I'm sorry it's a bit sudden, but maybe I should invite you to my little party later?

    Not forcing anyone or anything, though.

    1. Awn, I wish I could make it, Rainbow! It looks very fun!

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  23. Happy Friendship day! I hope everyone gets lots of valentines from friends!
    I love this blog because it gives extra info about AJ that the daily explorer doesnt!

  24. Hey Scooter, it's been a while. I have moved on from AJ blogging but I still love to read other AJ blogs. Don't get me wrong I still love AJ and all, it just got kind of boring to make post about it every single day! But, wish you the best with this blog!


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