
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Concept Art

How's it going, Jammers?
Today is Thursday, February 23rd, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is Leprechaun Shoes...
Purchase this in the Jam Mart Clothing Store for 500 gems.

In the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can buy...
A Shamrock Couch for 650 gems! AJHQ is really getting into the Lucky Day spirit, and a bit early might I add o.O

Did You Know?

Since there is no Jamaa Journal today, I am bringing back this one-time segment called Did You Know? Did You Know is a segment where I tell you interesting facts about Animal Jam that you might not have known before, and today I think you probably never knew this!

Did you know that Mt. Shiveer was going to be called "Snowy Mountain Flat"?

Taylor Maw is the lead character designer for Animal Jam, and on his social media accounts, he revealed that Mt.Shiveer was going to be called "Snowy Mountain Flat". He even posted a picture of what it planned on looking like...
WOW! That looks awesome. I would have been satisfied with Snowy Mountain Flat or Mt. Shiveer. Both are such cool lands. Notice many of the same features were added to Mt. Shiveer, such as the water, frozen pond, and caves. However, look at all of the features that would have been added, including an igloo and even a yeti?!?!

Taylor Maw also posts concept art of animals, pets, items, and alphas...
Woah, he is such an epic artist! Thanks for the concept art Taylor Maw! You can follow him on Instagram at taylormaw_art to see more concepts art.

Sky News

FuzzyLeopard has been eliminated from the Pet Fashion Show...
Wow, we are already down to four contestants, and things are really heating up! Tatertot has lost immunity, but FrostyBlush is still safe until the next round. 
Comment Call: Vote out a pet!

Remember you can always submit your art to the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog...

Rainbowz just submitted this grrreat masterpiece! Just send your art to my email at or Jamagram me at chocolate4050.

Calypso the Turtle has been added to the Alphas Page...
Click the image above to learn more about this great minor alpha!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Man, that mt. Shiveer looks EPIC! I wish they could've released that first, to see if we would've liked it for a land! I vote out Mirrorbook, sorry!

  2. I vote out Supercat, sorry!!! >.< This is getting super hard...

  3. SuperCat.. Sorry Sarah :c

    Remember, God made YOU!

  4. ;o Thanks for showing my masterpiece!! <3 I vote out Mirrorbook, Sorry!

  5. Mirrobook... I seriously picked randomly >.< Sorry Gracieeee D: This is super hard. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. Mirror book, sorry I keep voting your pet out

  7. Taylor Maw is so talented! I really like that design of Mt. Shiveer. I vote out Supercat. Sorry, it was really hard!

  8. The concept art for Mt. Shiveer actually looks really cool and a lot more interesting than the one now


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