
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

1,000 Accessory Slots

Hello Jammers!
Today is the last day of February, Tuesday, February 28th, 2017.

The New Spring ONE-DAY ONLY items are a Spring Glove and a Spring Baby Bonnet...

There has been a glitch today where the Baby Bonnet never shows up! See for yourself.
Buy these in the Diamond Shop for today only!

The New Item of the Day in the Jam Mart Store is a Clover Tie...
Purchase this for 400 gems. Here are the colors:

Also, in Outback Imports...
...pick out a Leprechaun Gnome for 500 gems!

On Instagram, there have been clues that AJHQ is making...

1,000 Clothing Inventory Slots, just like the den slots, for members!
We will have to see on Thursday if this is truly coming.

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den is the Tuesday segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, where I choose a den that is designed very well, and display it on the blog. Their den idea also goes into the Epic Sky Dens Hall of Fame.

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is Delyan's den...

Bumblebee Garden

Congratulations on your idea of a nice bumblebee garden! Go to their den now to see the full layout, and even make a bumblebee garden of your own. Delyan's den has been added to the Epic Sky Dens Hall of Fame.

Comment Call: Do you want your den to be an Epic Sky Den? Comment below!

Sky News

The Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups for March are today:
Comment Call: Sign-Up by commenting below on this post, and tell your buddies to sign up too! If you have already been Jammer/Pet of the Month or if you don't want to be Jammer/Pet of the Month, you can suggest a buddy by commenting their user name below instead.
The Jammer of the Month will receive a prize, and both will be displayed on the blog all March long.

The Poll on the right-side column has ended. Here are the results:
It looks like there will be a PARTY coming soon! I will post about it within the week, and I am planning on having it soon so keep your eyes peeled! Since New Page was in second place, I have been working on creating a new page. Details coming soon...

A New Poll has been added on the right-side column.

A New Wallpaper and Background is Coming Tomorrow!
It will be Lucky Day themed ^o^

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rare Heart Scarf

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Monday, February 27th, 2017. February is almost over already.

The New Spring ONE-DAY ONLY Diamond Shop items of the day are...
A Spring Worn Blanket and a Spring Lace Bow for 2 and 3 Diamonds!

The Rare Item Monday is in the Jam Mart Clothing Store...

Pick up a Rare Heart Scarf today only.

In Treetop Gardens, you can buy Potted Clovers...

This classic item only costs 300 gems.

In Bahari Bargains, Clover Tridents are for sale...

It costs 500 gems. Here are the color varieties:

In the Sunken Treasures Shop, everyone can buy...
Clover Tubes for 300 gems!

Masterpiece of the Week

The Masterpiece of the Week is a segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where every Monday we display a new Masterpiece from Animal Jam. This Masterpiece is posted on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog, and is displayed all week long on the left side column.

The Masterpiece of the Week was created by Aardwolfy1...
They drew a great picture of two long black spikes, and a rare Headdress. The background is pawesome too! Nice job, and thank you for Custard709, the owner of this Masterpiece, for allowing me to show this as the Masterpiece of the Week.

Do you want your Masterpiece to be Masterpiece of the Week?
Comment Below!

Sky News

Unfortunately, the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Pet Fashion Show has ended. It was great fun voting on and looking at all of your wonderful pets! Congrats to the winner, FrostyBlush.

The Phantom Badlands Adventure has been added to the Adventure Guide...
Click the image above to view facts and prizes about this adventure.

Don't forget that the Logo Contest is still going on...
This is a very important contest because it decides the logo for the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I have gotten a lot of fantastic entries, and keep bringing them in! You still have one more week before the designs are due on March 7th, 2017.

Tomorrow's Post: Jammer and Pet of the Month Sign-ups for March

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pet Fashion Show

Hey Jammers, sorry for the late-ish post this morning!
Today is Sunday, February 26th, 2017.

The New Spring ONE-DAY ONLY items in the Diamond Shop today are:

A Spring Bow and Arrow set and a Spring Dragonfly Hair Clip for 3 Diamonds each!
Also, in the Diamond Shop, today is the last day to buy a NEW archway....

These are so pawesome, be sure to pick one up!

The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Clover Bench...

Buy this today for the low price of 300 gems.

In the Mt. Shiveer Hot Cocoa Hut, you can buy clover earmuffs...

Only 200 gems, and here are all the colors:

Great items have been coming to Jamaa the past couple of days!

This Week

This Week is the segment on the Animal Jam Sky Blog, where we go back in time to see what happened this week in Jamaa's History.

This Week in Jamaa's History...

Raccoons were released in February of 2013! To read more about raccoons, visit the All About Animals page on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Also, in that same month, the Cosmo Hat Contest winner was announced...

Do you own an eagle hat? Pick one up today for all jammers!

This Week in Jamaa of March 2012...

The Snow Fort Den became available to own! In that same month...

Crystal Sands was being remodeled, and you could now put your pets in your den!

This Week in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's History...

We started a Lucky Day Fashion Show. How fun!

Sky News

The winner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Pet Fashion Show is FrostyBlush....

Congratulations to FrostyBlush and her owner Lostfairy! I will be sending you and your pet a prize very soon through a Jam-A-Gram. Also, good job to the second place winner TaterTot, who actually was voted out, but got back in the game.

What a fun fashion show! I really hope you all enjoyed the pets, twists, and voting throughout the fashion show. We will certainly be doing more in the future. But, for now vote in the polls, check out your favorite Animal Jam Sky page, read the Blu Comic Book Issues, and...

...Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Spring Items + Finals

Hey Jammers!
Today is Saturday, February 25th, 2017.

A New Page has been added to the Jamaa Journal...

NEW ITEM will be in the Diamond Shop every day for 12 DAYS! Yay :3
Yesterday's items were Spring Elf Tail Armor and a Spring Flower Braid...

These are so awesome, I hope you got them yesterday.

Today's new items are a

Wow, AJHQ is going all out for the early spring!

The RARE ITEM in the SUMMER CARNIVAL has finally arrived...

Pick up this nonmember rare TODAY ONLY!

The New Item of the Day can be found in the Jam Mart Clothing Store...
Buy a  for  gems. Here are the colors:

Also, in the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you can purchase...
A Clover Fountain for 550 gems. I love this item.
There were a lot of grrreat items released today, so go shopping!

Blu Comic Issue

The Blu the Monkey Comic Book is the Animal Jam Sky Blog's plushie comic series. New issues are released every Saturday, and are about Blu the Monkey and his adventures in Jamaa.

The New Comic Book issue has arrived...
Open up and read the comic book by clicking on the cover above!
Issue #70 - "Navigating the Others"
Description: A surprising familiar figure returns to the Alpha Headquarters after being kidnapped, and now Blu, with the help of some old friends, must try and find where he came from in order to find the others. 

Comment Call: Did you like this issue? Comment your thoughts below!

Sky News

SuperCat has been eliminated from the final three in the Pet Fashion Show competition...
There are just two pets left in the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Pet Fashion Show competition. You will decide the winner. Right here. Right now. Comment below, jam-a-gram me, or write on my jammer wall your vote on who should be the winner. Good luck to the contestants!

Comment Call: Comment below who you want to WIN!

Boomer the Kangaroo Alpha has been added to the Alphas Page...
Click the image above to read about this minor alpha!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Animal Jam Zebras

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
Today is Friday, February 24th, 2017.

The New Item of the Day is Shamrock Glasses...
Pick one up for 300 gems in the Jam Mart Clothing Store. Here are the colors:
In the Jam Mart Furniture Store, you will find a new Giant Four Leaf Clover, if you are lucky...
You can buy one of your own for 650 gems.

The Art Gallery den is on sale in the Diamond Shop for only 4 Diamonds...

Also in the Diamond Shop, the Friendship Cottage will soon be leaving stores, so be sure to pick one up by the next update which is this Thursday.

Mystery of the Week

Mystery of the Week is a segment here on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where we figure out Jamaa's secrets and mysteries.

The Mystery of the Week this week is about zebras!
In yesterday's post, I told you about Taylor Maw, who is the lead character designer for Animal Jam. On his social media page, he posts many concept art photos. Some time ago, he posted this archived image of a rhino, lion, and a zebra...

I love this design! Unfortunately, zebras are not and have never been available to own in Jamaa. Other African animal counterparts, like Rhinos, Lions, and Elephants, have been released, but not zebras. I have a theory on why that might be. I think zebras have never been released because of horses. Horses look very similar to zebras, and even have a stripe design that you can choose. However, this doesn't explain how similar Arctic Wolves, Wolves, Arctic Foxes, and Foxes look practically the same!

Regardless, I hope that one day zebras come to Jamaa. The only way to see one is far off in the distance of Appondale. We know the new animal coming soon is not a zebra.

If you want to learn more about that mystery click above to see last weeks Mystery of the Week.

Got any mysteries? Comment below and they may get featured next week.

Sky News

MirrorBook has been eliminated from the Pet Fashion Show Competition...
We are down to the Final 3 already, which means FrostyBlush has lost their immunity(safety).
Now, you decide who will move on to the Final Round tomorrow, and Sunday we will crown a winner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Pet Fashion Show!
Comment Call: Vote out a Pet

Hey Sky Jammers, I have a goal for you!
The pageviews for the month of January were 27,773 views. If you can beat that record for this month of February, I will give you a surprise! So far this month, we have around 22,200 views. That means we need around 5,573 views by February 28th, 2017. We can do it Jammers!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!