
Friday, January 6, 2017

Animal Jam Sheep

Hello Jammers!
Happy Friday January 6th, 2017, I have a GREAT post for you today.

Yesterday, I posted a later than usual, so if you missed this great post, click the image...
It goes into the newest Jamaa Journal, and shows you the new animal coming to Jamaa, which we will talk about in our rumor reader just below. Also, it reveals the new message in a bottle.

The New Item of the Day is a Feather Necklace...

You can buy this item for 2 Diamonds in the Diamond Shop.
Here are all of the colors:

This item is great, and looks like it was hand-made by Mira herself.

Rumor Reader

The Rumor Reader of the Week is about the new animal, Sheep!
(feel free to use the little graphic of a sheep I made above)

Sheep are all the buzz right now on Animal Jam. Every jammer is talking about them.
Especially with the new adventure, "The Phantom Fortress", introducing the lovable species.
Even Greely the Wolf Alpha is getting into the festivities...
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, I see what you did there AJHQ ;)
I have an exclusive look for the prizes won in "The Phantom Fortress" adventure.
If you choose the first chest, you will win a Sheep Stool:
If you choose the second chest, you will win a Sheep Couch:
Other prizes include Sheep Lamp, Sheep Window, and Sheep Chair.

There are many rumors and questions about Sheep roaming around Jamaa, so I thought I would tell you my answers to these questions:

1.) Will Sheep be for Members or Nonmembers?
More than likely members, I highly doubt they will be a nonmember animal.

2.) Will they be released in the Diamond Shop?
Yes, probably. Almost all new animals are going to be in the Diamond Shop.

3.) When will they be released?
My prediction is with the next Jamaa Journal on January 19th, 2017, or the one after on February 2nd, 2017.

Those are my opinions about common questions about Sheep, as well as the possible prizes awarded from the adventure "The Phantom Fortress".

Sky News

The Animal Jam Sky Blog's New Year's Fashion Show
is coming to an end today. Today is the epic showdown finale!
It is anybody's game. Which Snowflake will win? You Decide.
Tomorrow, we announce the winner on the blog. I can't wait, so remember to vote.

Emperor Majormaster has been voted out of the New Year's Fashion Show, sorry!

Comment Call: Vote for the Winner of the New Year's Fashion Show
Reminder: Please provide username for vote to count to prevent cheating. Thank you.

Yesterday, the Animal Jam Sky Blog was graciously featured as the first "Featured Animal Jam Blog" in a new Youtube series by Dadted.

Watch the video now, or click here to go to their Youtube page!
Thanks Dadted!

The Jamaa Journal Archive has been updated.
Click the image above to check out the full issue.

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. Wow! I can't believe I made it to the last round!

  2. Congratulations, guys! I vote Snowflake Prettyfox to be the winner

    1. Tysm! I'm actually pretty nervous!

  3. I vote for Snowflake Strongfox :)

  4. Snowflakeprettyfox should win

    1. I think your supposed to say your username to avoid cheating!

  5. I vote for Snowflake Prettyfox to win.

    Also, the bottom right chest in the adventure is sheep window, bottom left is sheep lamp, and top right is sheep chair :)


  6. Ah! I'm so nervous!

  7. I vote for Snowflake Prettyfox.
    Also, I love the new sheep! They are so cute. The adventure was really fun too!


  8. Snowflake Pretty Fox should win! I like her outfit the best!

  9. Snowflake Strongfox :)


  10. ahh! this is a hard choice! um, Snowflakestrongfox


  11. FASHION SHOW!! Ack. MISSED IT!!! :( ANywaysssss Snowflakestrongfox


  12. Hmm, I vote out Snowflake Prettyfox. And, as you can see, my user is Lostfairy.


    1. Oh, I just saw it said vote for the WINNER. Then I want Snowflake Strongfox to win.

  13. I will vote for Snowflake Pretty Fox. I like ur look Snowflake

  14. I too shall vote for Snowflake PrettyFox. Her look seems very festive!

  15. Snowflake Strong Fox


  16. snowflake pretty fox

  17. Snowflake strong fox is my vote! Good luck to all! ��⚽️

  18. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I just heard about this from a friend! Not sure who I should vote for.... Hm Snowflakestrongfox......


  19. I vote for Snowflake Strongfox to win ^.^

    Remember, God made YOU!

  20. How do u drop out of the fashion show?

  21. Just wondering just in case in the future I wanna XD! I'm too late to drop out now!

  22. No problem.
    You do an awesome job with your posts!
    Keep up the good work!

    Im so excited about the sheep!
    Plus I vote for Snowflake Prettyfox


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