
Friday, December 23, 2016

Ostriches, Sheep, and Dodos

Hey Jammers! Christmas is in 2 Days!
The Daily Jamaaliday Gift of December today is Jamaaliday Leg Armor.
You will also receive 1 Diamond along with this great gift.
The new item of the day is in the Jam Mart Clothing Store.
It is a Jamaaliday Kite that looks like a present. Here are all of the colors:
Now on to the Rumor Reader!

Rumor Reader

Rumor Reader is the Friday segment here on the Animal Jam Sky Blog where I give you the latest scoop on the rumors heard around the Animal Jam community.
Today's Rumor Reader is about New Animals coming.
Back in April of this year, AJHQ introduced Dodo Birds supposedly coming to Jamaa. They even made the picture above. However, it was soon debunked that this was an April Fools' Joke, but why would them make so much time, effort, and money into making a Dodo bird animal. Will it come to Jamaa someday?
In the recent Jamaa Journal last week, AJHQ informed us that a new animal would soon be coming.
What will that animal be? Personally, I have two guesses:
1. Ostriches
2. Sheep
The reason I think Ostriches are coming is because in the Jamaa Journal back in January...
AJHQ had jammer vote on which animals they want next. Sloths and Falcons have both came to Jamaa, so it is obvious that Ostriches are on their way!
The other animal species that I think will come next are sheep because of the secret bottles that have washed ashore of Crystal Sands. Here are just two of the messages:
The Message in a Bottle event has been going on since October 2016. Almost everyday, there is a new message with a prize from animals, which are more than likely the traveling goats. Notice in one of the images it says "Baa" and the other images says "kind of looks like us." If the new animal looks like a goat and goes "baa", it has to be a sheep!

Comment Call: What do you think the new animal will be? Dodo? Ostrich? Sheep? Other?

Sky News

The Jamaaliday Extravaganza Post on Christmas Morning will feature Jamaaliday art from you!
Your art will be featured on the Animal Jam Sky Art Blog and might be in the Christmas Day Post. Send me your art through Animal Jam or email me at
Thanks for your pawesome art!

The Jamaaliday Jingle Contest ENDS TODAY!

Go now to enter for a prize and be featured on the blog!

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. I can't say which animal is coming to jamaa. However we have some clues so we could predict. For the sheep it says clearly in the message in the bottle "Baad", and Julian2 made a video about the baad. IF this was a type o AJHQ would fix it correct? AJHQ never fixed this baad on the bottles message so the new animal COULD be a sheep. If it's not it may be an ostrich, or AJHQ may have just released the top 2 voted animals which would make the ostrich come out maybe much later in the years. AJHQ is releasing animals back to back, and they may never release the ostrich. Now, who doesn't want to see an ostrich in AJ? People may have voted for the falcon because, they may have thought it would be EPIC. In my opinion, I don't like the falcon, but I may have liked the ostrich. Now the dodo, that picture was released April 1st 2016. This may have been a easy draw, and just joking with people. However aren't dodos extinct? Why would AJHQ bring out a extinct bird? Anyways their are my conspiracies. Bye byes!~Addygym

    1. Oh hey scooter I'm sorry I forgot! So, you know how I am the jammer of the month? Well, can I schedule for my prize now? Can you do December 24th at 10:00 AM eastern time? Thanks!Bye byes!~Addygym

    2. Yes, that will work! I will be in Jamaa at that time.

      --Scooter (chocolate4050)

  2. Hmm, I don't know... I'm hoping it's not going to be a sheep! We have goats already and you don't HAVE to have horns on them so they pretty much look like sheep.

    Plus, while the dodo bird may be cute, it looks a lot like the toucan! Big colorful beak, smiling eyes, different color patch around its face, same body shape. Pretty much a toucan. ;)

    1. Maybe, they may bring dodos into Jamaa.~Addygym

  3. Hmm it'd be cool to have dodo birds


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