
Monday, December 19, 2016

Gingerbread and Candy Canes

Good Morning Jammers!
Welcome once again to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
The daily Jamaaliday Gift of December is Gingerbread Wings..
You will also receive one diamond as a gift from AJHQ.
The two new items of the day are a Candycane Longbow and Candycane Sword!

Not to be confused with the Candycane Bow and Arrow!
The color varieties are as followed:

You can purchase these great items both for 2 Diamonds at the Diamond Shop.
These items are great if you want to go on a Christmas adventure.

Scooter's Sketches

Scooter's Sketches is the Monday segment where the author, Scooter (me -.-) draws for you. Today's sketch is one that I drew a long time ago of a Cartoon Cat.
I hope you enjoy this meow-tastic sketch!
If you have ideas for the sketch next week, please comment below.

Sky News

Today, we announce the Jammer and Pet of the Month.
The Jammer of the Month is addygym!
Congratulations! If you would like to claim your prize, comment below what time you are available to meet on Animal Jam to trade your prize (since I can't send through Jamagram because I am a nonmember).
The Pet of the Month is Honeywings!
Congrats zuzu1199! Both of these users will be displayed on the blog for the rest of December.
January's Jammer and Pet of the Month will be coming in a couple of weeks!

There will be a surprise tomorrow, only on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Comment Call: What do you think the surprise will be?

Have Fun and Happy Jamming!


  1. I have no idea what the prize will be o.o I hope it involves candy :D


  2. Those drawings are cute! I didn't know you liked to draw! Maybe for next week you could draw something for the Jamaalidays!


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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