
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Memory Lane

Hi Jammers! Scooter is back for this one time post! ^-^

How has everyone been?! I have't visited Jamaa in a long time, and when I recently logged into my account, a lot of things have changed.

Animal is almost getting... well how do I put this... kiddish? Like, I know it is a kids game, but everything seems more kiddish.

For instance, instead of the old days where you had to run and explore Jamaa to find a game, now you just click the game button at the top and start playing. 

I liked the olden days of Jamaa, when the Alphas were cool, mysterious beings, and not, umm, this..
I liked when more people had to make creative dens with stores, and fashion shows.
I like when the animals were normal sizes *cough* Lynx *cough*
I liked when there were new lands always coming soon.
I liked when the new animals were cool, unlike the llamas. Seriously, we have llamas before zebras..
I liked when you had just enough inventory spots for your great items, now with adventures there are so many items out there that there aren't enough spots.
I liked when nonmember and members were treated the same, and the Diamond shop wasn't the source of every new item in the Jamaa Journals.
I liked the old Animal Jam.

Anyway, that was kind of a rant, but can you relate to my points?

It has been over a year now that I have left this blog. This blog was great, it literally made me laugh, cry, and all the in-between. 
I know that we all miss our friend Blu the Monkey...
But he is doing just fine. You can visit my crowded den to see some of his pals.
I miss the Animal Jam Sky Blog too, but unfortunately I am still not coming back.
It was fun while it lasted.
Remember the Jammer and Pet of the Month?
Remember the Night of the Phantom Fashion Shows?
Remember the Journey of the Wolves movies?
Remember the Easter Egg Blog hunts?
Remember how each month I would make a new wallpaper for the blog?
Remember the giveaways?
Remember the Blu the Monkey posts?
Remember the Jamaa Journal countdowns?
Remember the Contests?
Remember this week in Jamaa's History?
Remember the fun?
Ya... me too ^-^

Below are some of my favorite posts:

To see my Final Post article click the link.

Don't worry, you can keep the fun going by exploring the Animal Jam Sky Blog! Look at the Beta page, the Sky dictionary, read some Blu the Monkey comics, see the Jammer of the Month hall of fame, and much more! Enjoy and goodbye jammers! 

Have fun and happy jamming!