
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Play Wild App

Hey Jammers!
Have you heard that the Play Wild, Animal Jam's new app, is open for Beta Testing?
Guess what, I am a Beta Tester, and it is great :3
Today, I am going to show you a behind-the-scenes look at the Play Wild App!
First off, the Beta Testing s only for Android devices unfortunately, but when the real app is released it will be open for all devices! Hooray (\^o^/)

Images of Play Wild:

The Play Wild app brings the Animal Jam experience in a fun new way, mobile! The image shown on the left is a picture of the Play Wild log in screen.

The famous Mira returns to the Play Wild App! Did you know that if you gather a bunch of wolves, bunnies, or monkeys, the Mira statue actually dances? Jamaa Township is the main section of Play Wild and Animal Jam, which contains the Den Shop, Clothing Shop, Club Geoz, and the Pillow Room.

The well-known Pillow room located in the Northern part of the Jamaa Township is a place to meet with friends or pretend to adopt an animal!

Coral Canyons, is the desert themed land in Jamaa. It contains buildings such as the Art Studio, the Den Depot shop, the Royal Ridge shop, and Epic Wonders. So far, none of these buildings have been released yet, but they are Coming Soon!

You can once again try to break the bridge in Coral Canyons. The fun mini-game Long Shot is available to play for gems.

In your den you can customize, play, and invite buddies over. There are tons of color schemes of flooring and wallpaper, with items available to buy at the Jam Mart Furniture Store. You can fully rotate each item too! So far, there is only one den available.

Sarepia Forest is a the nature center of Jamaa. You can explore mushrooms, frogs, firepits, and slides. It is certainly bigger than the Animal Jam version!

Sarepia Theater is the only open building/game/feature so far in Sarepia Forest. You can only go watch a select few of videos.

The Temple of Zios is an ancient ruin land to explore. In this land, you can currently on play the mini-game Falling Phantoms. Soon you will be able to enter the extraordinary buildings.

Finally, Crystal Sands is the last land available in the Beta Testing Period. You can slide down the waterslides, lay in the sun, and go swimming! The Aquarium and Juice Hut are both coming soon!

Videos of Play Wild:

Play Wild App -- Beta Part 1

Play Wild App -- Beta Part 2

That is pretty much it! It is so much fun and they keep adding stuff. They are thinking of lots of new ideas, such as new animals not featured in Animal Jam! 
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Do you know when it will be released?

    1. Unfortunately, I have no idea. However, I do have a prediction! AJHQ released the Tunnel Town app during early/middle Summer, so maybe then... But the Play Wild app is SO much more complex, so it might take till next Christmas! :(


    2. But beta testing only takes like a month to 2 months? And I heard somewhere that it's suppose to be released in February or March which makes sense because of beta testing. Right?

    3. But technically they have the whole lands made so they just need to add the stuff which they will release sooner or later!:)

  2. I submitted a joining thingy 3 times and i never got the email..

    1. Keep trying Cloudclaws, I am sure you will get in because of your grrrrrreat blog! If you get into the Beta Testing add me, my username is chocolate4050 (just like Animal Jam).


    2. OMG SCOOTER!!! YOUR PROFILE PIC IS A MANATEE!!!!!!!!! I love manatees!!!!

    3. Thanks but i don't think they know my blog. I did it 4 times today.. how long does it take?

    4. They are probably full at the moment! They said in the form that you have to wait a few weeks for the next beta test!

  3. Hey guys!
    I just want to clarify that if you are an android user and you submitted a form, you WILL get accepted eventually ;)
    AJHQ isn't really picky about which Jammers to accept. Just follow the instructions and you get the link in either a few hours or a few days~

  4. Also, I've noticed that the items in the store change every few days. At least, that's just what I've seen.

  5. Dang.....The app looks wayyyyyyy 3d-ish than the one for computers
    Finally I dont have to go on my computer all the time XD

  6. This look so cool!


  7. Looks stupid. I wouldn't pay for it. It also encourages kids to be inside and play a game full of scams. Sorry to disappoint ya'll.

    1. Ambert, I think your wrong on that. Aj isn't a SCAM! Your just upset cause its not out yet

    2. It's free! And seriously, if you don't like it, keep it to yourself. There might not even be trading in yet.

  8. Hey scooter. Im just wondering how you added tabs to your blog. (stuff with home,ask scooter, etc) Im just starting my own blog. BTW please add me on AJ im purfectpink. Jam on jammers!!!

  9. How do you get invited to test it? Or, however you do it?

  10. I got in, but guess what? I don't have an android device.

  11. I have been meaning to write something like this on my website.

  12. Hi, Scooter! Don't worry, I HAVE been reading all your posts! Play Wild sounds pawsome, did you know that cottoncandygal11257 plays it on the computer? I think she may teach me how, and I'll put it in a comment. :D

    Best Wishes,

  13. Hello, Jammers! got some info about an EXTREME.. kinda scammer. Her use is Zoey27540 and she has scammed three wrists and rares. SHE HAS SCAMMED MY YELLOW LONG AND CREAM WORN! report zoey27540 scamming! from, =PinkypipesAJ=

  14. Did the close beta still open?

  15. Hey Guys!

    I just finished programming my free rates generator, check it out:

    1. Hi, i tried out your rare generator and i got scammed. Jammers, do not trust this guy. Also thanks a lot for getting me scammed -.-

    2. WHAT!? You want people's PASSWORDS!? NOT cool!

  16. Can you post again soon PLEASE? I miss you :(

  17. Yeah Scooter! I like this blog! ( I just found it.) What exactly IS an Android device? An Ipad or Kindle Fire??? I have no idea! And how do you get on on a computer?! And is it REALLY gonna come back out in summer, but without the BETA days? I REALLY wanna play this, but when I looked up Clark Stacey, the one who gets you into the game, I couldn't find him! What website is he on? Facebook? Twitter?

  18. Wow! it's like a "type" of 3D, such as club penguin app!

  19. Jammers! Jammers jammers jammers! I found it! The day the first Blu The Monkey comic was made! November 11, 2013! This November 11 will be Blu's second anniversary! Yay!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. JAMMERS! Are you to "mature" for Animal Jam? Does nothing appeal to you anymore? Then try Treasure Arena! The super-fun new battle game, choose a character, a setting, and off you go! Train with CPUs or play with friends! And it's TOTALLY free! so try it today!

  22. Hi! READ MY BLOG! It contains fun and unique posts!!
    Spread the word about this brilliant blog!

  23. Hi Jammers! Now, have any of you ever dreamt of having a pirate sword, or maybe a top hat? Now's your chance! Click the link below to visit my blog, where I'm holding a giveaway! To be in with a chance of winning, simply enter using the link in the post.
    Good Luck to all! Jam on <3

  24. Does anyone know around when Play Wild will actually come out? So excited! :)

    -Gorilla Z. ♥

  25. Also, the dens look so amazing I really need this app lol

    -Gorilla Z. ♥

  26. Guys!!! Someone is copying Blu the monkey! She is doing the same plot as blue the monkey! Please tell her to stop and be original!!!

  27. Hey guys, many of u of course do not know mah, but watever, anyway I'm just here to say, Scooter, jam on bro! And keep doing your awesome Sky Blog!
    ---your friend,

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ok ppl, I'm guessing that the play wild app will be realeased in the month of August, Cuz today I looked on the app store to see if it was on, the name of it was, but not the game, so I'm guessing the month of August or September.

  29. Hey, I'm doing author tryouts on my blog! So if you wanna be an author, check this out!

  30. Today marks 1 year after you quit this blog. Miss you a lot.

    1. Hey, I miss this blog too! It's me, Scooter (the author) ^-^ I am glad you remembered the 1 year thing because even I forgot!

      P.S. I am not logged into my Blogger Account, but this is the real Scooter ;)

  31. Please come and visit again scooter! We all miss you and your posts:)

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