
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Lightning Speed

 Hey Jammers! Scooter here at the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place where jammers can hang out, learn, and play outside of Jamaa!
The Returning New Item in the Summer Carnival is Lightning Necklaces....
Original Color: Yellow
I love my blue lightning necklace, because this item is not too big and it fits every animal. Though I have to admit that necklaces + rhinos = weird. Just try it out, enough said -.-
Dr. Brady Barr is talking about Terrapins on the newest post of the Daily Explorer....
^o^ Haha! Poor Brady's face is paused in a weird position!
Although, I thought the video was very interesting still!

Epic Sky Den

The Epic Sky Den of the Week on the Animal Jam Sky Blog is from Valia2305 for your idea of a Dangerous Hideout!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame!

Sky News

The Freedom-y New Blu Issue is here...
Click above to read the issue!
Wow, almost 40 Issues!

Have you noticed the 3 new Coming Soon signs?
What could they mean? Let me tell you that they are three different new things coming!
Twinklelight2002 won yesterday's Discover Day!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Haha, nice face Brady XD
    Well done Twinklelight2002!
    Nice den, too O-o

  2. One is a freedom party I swear it cuz u had a poll for that one looks like it has something to do with games and the pet one might be a contest?

  3. AAAAAAWWWWW why do we have to wait so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I'm really impatient for surprises

  5. Yeah, nice pic Dr.Brady :). I wonder what's coming soon, and I agree I'm sure ones a freedom party. Hmm..... They're probably replacements for the sky zoo. Good post, scooter!


  6. Coming soon pet-tips corner?

    My guess!

  7. But one looks like it has a game in its hand it must have something to odd with a game

  8. Hi there! Dietcherry here, with Blueroo! The lightning necklace has always been one of my faves, we're both exited to have it back:) Hmm, a new Creature Feature about Terrapins? Sounds interesting. We'll have to watch it. Brady's face tho... LOL! The Epic Sky den is AWESOME! I love the idea of the 'Rainbow Phantom,' shall I call it. Blueroo REALLY likes the new issue of BTM, he was laughing so hard when Blu got blasted off of the cannon! ( Literally, he was rolling on the ground laughing XD ) Congrats to Twinklelight2002 for winning Discovery Day! It was pretty easy, although it took Blueroo a second to remember whose den we went to yesterday.. XD New signs... SQUEE SO EXITED TO SEE WHAT THEY ARE! Anyways peace out and happy jamming until tomorrow!

    ~Dietcherry & Blueroo

    P.S. Did you see that we got a Blogger Profile? XD

  9. Hmm... I think the three coming soon signs are for:
    1. Freedom Party
    2. All about pets page
    3. Games?

  10. Ha Ha, Brady's face is so weird. XD. Congrats to Twinklelight2002. :D so excited for the new stuff!!!! :) Scooter I was in your den the other day, you were on and you switched your den than you logged off. My username is wasomji1 so yeah.

  11. The one on the 6th is a birthday celebration! Lolz not really but it is my birthday that day!


  12. My day hasn't been good:( on aj my fiend left me then I was with my other fiend and she just ignored my whole time I was in sarepia forest with her I kept doing sad faces because was and she didn't even talk to me she used to be fun but now idk anymore:(

    1. It's okay! I'll be ur friend:)

      ~Dietcherry & Blueroo

  13. Actually I was up to use the Ol'Barn den...anyways thanks Scooter!!! Why it shows my name tag as nm...weird...oh did u take the snap when I was a nm? XD Valia2305

  14. the new things that are coming i think are.... something about pets maybe? (top right)
    something to do with freedom day (left hand side)
    and something about games (bottom right)

  15. Woah scooter I like your new background it's so purple and cool

  16. Ermagesh I think the pet sign means...PLZ LET THERE BE A PET SHOP XD
    AND I THINK Scooter is gonna host his own Freedom Party I think XP
    And I think the game one shows some cheats of the games in Jamma X3
    Lol thats all I got X3

  17. Omg Omg I translated the page to French XD
    I WUV FRANCE o3o

    1. Lol translated to my country's text XD


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