
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Epic Antlers

Hey Jammers! 
The New Item located in the Epic Wonders Shop is Epic Antlers...
I love this great item! They are so big and epic!

Shake-It-Up Saturday

This week's way to Shake-Up Jamaa is to host a birthday party!
1. Design your den for a party, put plenty of balloons, presents, and most importantly food ^o^
2. Invite jammers to your den for your birthday, someone else's birthday, or even a famous cartoon character or celebrity's birthday!
3. Play Games like a Fashion Show (Set up a bunch of tables side by side for a runway), find the plushie (hide a plushie, first one to find it wins a prize), and take pictures. Most importantly, have fun!

Weekly Overview

Thanks for making this the best week on the Animal Jam Sky Blog!

Sky News

The Skymail Birthday Episode is here.....
I am sorry if I didn't get your present in the video, I recorded it at 6:00 PM AJ TIME on Wednesday, so any present after that time, will be in the Next Skymail Episode!

Sorry for the short post today!
Have fun and happy birthday!
Reminder: No Post Tomorrow! See you Monday!


  1. 1st I think!
    I like the antlers but we have lots of antlers already!

    1. Great sky mail! Ur a lucky bday duck scooter!!

  2. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Scooter I was waiting forever for u to pos!:( And why is this postes as on Thursday she it's Saturday?}

  3. Awesome I was on there thanks you scooter!! I send you the rare bread

  4. Umm... Scooter? You accidentally got this post on Thursday. Or is it a glitch? Your blog have been glitching lately.

  5. Time to make whatever that reindeer from frozens name was ):D


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