
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Diamond Tiara

Hi Jammers!
It is Saturday, July 12th, 2014.
The Epic Wonders Shop has released a similar item to yesterday's new item, it is a Diamond Tiara...
Not the best item, but definitely for the royal side in you!
 Brady's Theater has released the birds, I mean a new video XD
Fly away in this new movie!
Bzzz! Do you hear that? Bees are invading the Daily Explorer...
Go check out this buzzing video!

Shake-It-Up Saturday

The Shake-It-Up Saturday segment is here to stop your Jamaasian boredom! 
This week's idea to make your experience more interesting is to start a Lion Pride. You have heard of a Wolf Clan, but have you heard of a Lion Pride? 
First, gather lions and tigers in your den.
Next, decide some adults and some lion cubs. Have everyone dress orange, brown, and yellow. 
Then, decide a territory, such as the Adventure Base Camp, Appondale, or your den. That will be your territory. Set up a home.
Finally, you can have fun! Go on adventures, journeys, fight, and raise a lion pride!

Weekly Overview

Weekly Overviews are back! Yes, now you can look back of the week on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. It is a cool chance to remember all the memories and fun facts...
I hope you like these!

Sky News
ChewyTurtle was eliminated from the Pet Fashion Show, sorry...
Comment Call: Twist #1 Double Elimination, Vote 2 Pets out!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I vote out blue sky and oceantron

    1. Same I vote out those 2 to.
      I love the weekly overviews scooter!

    2. Hey, congrats on first comment! :)


  2. Replies
    1. You're actually tied with Cassandra for 1st since you both commented at the same time (7:22 AM).. But anywho, Congrats both of you! (Lol, that rhymes. 'who' and 'you'. XD)

  3. And oops i am on the wrong account! He he he!

  4. I vote out blue sky and fire frog

  5. Hi guys! I'm having a Raspberry Bow Giveaway at my site,
    To enter, just click the contest tab at the top, read the directions and comment!
    Happy Giveaways ^_^

    1. Awesome! I should enter!:)

      ~Dietcherry and Blueroo

  6. i vote bluesky and fluttergal out im very sorry

  7. i vote out fluttergal and oceantron sorry! WELLDONE for getting this far though!!

  8. I vote out Bluesky and Oceantron (sorry!)
    Hmm, weird item XD
    Nice idea of a lion pride, I have seen one of those :P

  9. Cottoncandygal11257July 12, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    I like Lion Prides, and Clans too!
    Also, maybe YOU can host one? It would be cool! :D
    For the fashion show, Imvoting out Earthowl and Bluesky.
    Sorry! D:

    1. Yes Scooter, PLEASE DO! That would be BOSS.

      ~Dietcherry & Blueroo

  10. voting out..
    Earthowl and fire frog.

  11. Scooter, I have a plushie fashion show on my blog, I hope lots of jammer's sign up!

  12. I would vote out Firefrog and Bluesky. Sorry!

  13. I vote firefrog and bluesky out. I'm REALLY sorry!!!

  14. i vote out oceantron and bluesky. Sorry!
    i dont have a lion but i will make a tiger version!

  15. I vote out fluttersky and oceantron. Sorry users! Good try though ;)

    ~Pengy01 ( I wish I could change my user though this is a pretty good one )

  16. Everyone who voted out Bluesky:
    She is 2fab4u
    I vote out Firefox

  17. I vote out noblesky and bluesky. Valia2305

  18. I vote out Oceantron and Firefox

  19. Hey there everyjammer! Dietcherry here with Blueroo! Hmm.... We're going to vote out Bluesky and Earthowl. Not working for us, dudes...:)

    Blueroo loves the new item, I think AJ is running out of ideas.. Yesterday's item was MUCH better. The new videos are pretty cool, I especially like the bird one. I LOVE THE SHAKE-IT-UP SATURDAY!!!:0 It is just SUCH an original idea! I will definantly have to try it when I become a member. What the heck is that beta picture from the beta days? That looks FLIPPING COOL! It's so 3D...:0 Well that's it for now, peace out and happy jamming!

    ~Dietcherry and Blueroo

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I vote out Bluesky and Firefox. Sorry!

  22. I vote out Noblesky and Fluttergal


  23. Noblesky and Fluttergal.


  24. Again, I haven't commented here for a while. >.< So anyways...

    1. I see the blog background and banner have changed. Kewl! :3
    2. I like the Sky Arcade. I've been playing that Cooking game. It even got meh frustrated cuz the game was laggy for me. Eh, oh well. >:P
    3. The Diamond Crown and Tiara are so SHINY!!! *o*
    4. That's sure is some interesting Daily Explorer news!
    5. Lion Prides are pawsome. Sometimes, I see them in Appondale (like Scooter said) or Kimbara Outback. I don't like when some Jammers say "There's a Lion Clan my den." It's called "Lion Pride". Once I was in Jamaa Twp. and these 2 Jammers were arguing about that. o3o
    6. Cool weekly overview!
    7. For today, I vote out these 2 pets:
    Oceantron & Bluesky. -sorry to those 2 Jammers; you both did great; nice try!

    ~cutepups522~ c:

  25. noblesky and fire frog


  26. Scooter, You might wanna check out this Jammer......

  27. I vote bluesky and firefox out. ~Hallystar52

  28. I eliminate Noblesky and Bluesky.

  29. Paige is here! Yes, Only Paige. Goodsky is still sleeping. >.>i vote out Firefrog and Oceantron. Sorry!!!


  30. I vote out OceanTron, sorry.. I STILL DON'T KNOW WHY I FEEL SO BAD! XO -Applestorm

  31. I forgot to add "I also vote out BlueSky", sorry. -Applestorm

  32. I vote out Firefox and Noblesky

  33. Scooter why did u change the banner again? Also I remember that banner

  34. I vote out Firefox and Firefrog sorry :(

  35. I vote firefrog out

  36. Someone in Crystal Sands on Aldan was scamming saying those were the BETA tiara.... (THERE NOT)


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