
Monday, June 9, 2014

Worns Return

Good Morning! This is the Animal Jam Sky Blog, coming to you with all of your Animal Jam needs!
Have you ever wanted a new worn blanket?
The Jam Mart Clothing Store has a rare worn blanket for everyone.....
I like this color because everyone can wear it, boys and girls, members and nonmembers!
Looks: *****
Price: *****
Jamaasian: ****
Wow, I voted this item a 14/15 stars for a great rare item Monday!

Attention, there is a Mystery coming your way!
The Mystery of the Week is about something new coming to Jamaa.
Does everyone remember the "We Are Coming" Paw Prints?
Pet Cheetahs were the first paw print, Hyenas were the second, but what is the third paw print?
Take a look at this poll from AJHQ a long time ago.....
The question was what should the new animals be?
Of course, we got Eagles, then we got Hyenas. 
So is the final paw print Lynx? Will they be a new nonmember animal?
We will have to wait and find out!

Today in Sky News....
Grand Arctic Wolf was voted back into the Fashion Show, congrats!!
Comment Call: Vote a jammer out!

You are lucky you are reading this because we have a.....
Surprise Contest!
You heard right, the contest is a "You-Decide Blu Contest"!
To enter the contest click here, be sure to go there today because it is a two day only contest!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Sounds like an awesome contest! I love Blu the Monkey! Good luck to everyone!
    P.S. I think the RIM is really good. Non-member, cheap, and plus, it's pretty!

  2. 3rd

  3. I vote laughing future seal out!

  4. hey scoot another half a day today at school i vote out miss sunypaw sorry good outfit though love the new rare item monday

  5. Grand Arctic wolf i vote put and i was not hacked it was my sibling!


  6. Players could have always worn any color they wanted. None were gender-specific.

    1. I know, I am just saying that it is a pretty color for all jammers ^-^


  7. i dont like that another rare worn is out but my purple on is still better

  8. Hey Scooter! I love how this blog has evolved since last year. You constantly outdo yourself. Also, IDK if you noticed, but the medical center apparently has a spotlight of wolves. Not sure if you covered this just thought it was interesting.

    1. Thanks so much! It seems, however, there are less comments today for some reason. Oh well, I bet there will be more tomorrow ^.^ Also, I did notice that, I thought they were very pawesome. Thanks again for making my day!!


  9. Scooter! Why did u rearange your blog? Just wondering but it looks cooler

    1. I thought it looked a little easier to find things :) I am glad you like it!


    2. It is easier! But this blog will always be the best no matter what it looks like! I love it anyway!

  10. i vote out juniper daisylily sorry well done getting this fair though!!

    yay grands back!!

  11. grand arctic wolf.

  12. What happened to Me Me?

    1. You were voted out 3 days ago, sorry!


  13. Juniper Daisy Lily shold be out, sorry! good job to everyone still in!!!!!!

  14. oopes forgot i allready comented! lol.

  15. I vote out Juniper Daisy Lily well done Though!!!


  16. I vote out Juniper DaisyLily...Sorry :(
    And yay I always wanted the worn with that color ^-^
    I cant wait for the new animal....I hope it is the Lynx ^○^

  17. Paw prints have all been revealed :3


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