
Friday, June 13, 2014

Soccer Otters

Welcome to the Animal Jam Sky Blog! I hope you still like reading it. Sometimes, I wonder if jammers still like me doing this.. 
Anyway, enough talk, the new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Pro Soccer Ball....
Are you watching the World Cup? Which team do you cheer for?
 Two new update articles are on the Daily Explorer...
Have you entered the AJHQ Accessory Contest? I have! Do you want to see my entry?
It was the best I could think of! Please don't steal my idea :3
 Have you seen the new buddy Jamagrams....
I like these better!

Now to have a Mini Mystery! (I couldn't wait until Monday ^-^)
Yesterday, before AJHQ did the offline update after the Jamaa Journal was released, lots of jammers were experiencing this glitch....
When they bought an underwater animal, there was a new slot labeled "Otter". And when you click on it, a real life photo of an Otter pops-up. I know it seems fake, but it happened to lots of jammers!
So could Sea Otters be coming to Jamaa soon for 1000 gems? I hope so!! More to come on the Monday Mystery of the Week!

Item Spotlight

The Item Spotlight of the week is.... Weather Clouds!
Weather Clouds, consisting as the Rainbow, Lightning, Rain, and Snow Clouds, were Monthly Membership Gifts in September of 2011. They are not Beta as most jammers say, but they were very rare! The Clouds have went down in Rarity since they are now sold in the Diamond Shop. Notice that you can tell which clouds are from the Monthly Membership Gifts because those items have a Rare Label on them. The least rarest cloud is the Rain Cloud.
Rare Version: Yes
Status: Member & Nonmember
Rarity: *** (3/5 Stars)
 I hope you enjoyed another Item Spotlight!  

Sky News

The Fashion Show has 7 more contests left....
Princess PrettyPaw has been eliminated!
Emporer TheFox has immunity for 1 More Day!
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out! (Last Twist tomorrow)

Bubble Trouble has been added to the Sky Adventure Guide....
Click here to see all info and prizes on this new adventure!

Jamaa Journal Archive has been updated!
Clearance Items have been updated!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. I vote out lutaintant cute claws
    And do we get monthly membership gifts as items anymore?

    1. Nope, we get diamonds instead.

    2. I vote out Countess snowyrose your wearing a blue blanket in summer.
      Please check out!

    3. Is that better? Anyway I think Bubble Trouble is to easy compared to the other adventures. (No offence bubble lovers)

  2. My entry for the contest was lobster armour (underwater item) 030

  3. I know what I'm doing for the contest! I won't tell but it will be a paw item :3

  4. I'm doing a paw mood necklace and it's gonna be purple and it's gonna say BFFs

  5. I Vote out the cheetah? What it's name again?

  6. Maybe some one hacked aj like FMAN and put that sea otter picture there? Or aj did it as a clue? I think aj is making to many new animals lately it should be like one very other month not once a month also I love the soccer ball and it's non member

  7. Why can't ajhq make belugas and manatees then they would have all my fav animals

  8. I vote out princess spiritpaw

  9. I vote out Lieutenant Cuteclaws.

    Member gifts of the weather clouds were made RARE by AJHQ.

    Wow! Otters!!! Wow! AJHQ is really improving buddy messages every now and then!

    Please visit my blog:

  10. vote out princess spirit paw

  11. I vote out Lieutenant Cuteclaws, sorry D:


  12. Miss Suunypaw


  13. I vote out lutaintant cute claws weldone for getting so fair though!!!!

  14. and i LOVE you doing this blog its much better then any of the other ones i have visited

  15. i think i like the armor better than mine entry mine was a rainbow spike

  16. i vote out countess snowy rose and scooter your blog is still awesome this blog helps me find out the latest and newest things in animal jam. i also love the blue plushie comics,fashion shows, etc. Keep up the good work!


    1. Thank you so much for saying that. It gives me a reason to keep blogging! ^-^


  17. I don't think the otter was a glitch, I think it was a hacker derping around with aj.

  18. I vote out Countess SnowyRose out..Sorry :(
    I'm figuring what item I should make :P

  19. Well since I don't have a blog ill just do a little contest here!
    1st person to answer the questions correctly will get a beta, rare, or something that's cool but out of stores.

    1. What month did Animal jam debut?
    2. What song did these lyrics come out of: I saw a spider I didn't scream
    Cause I can belch the alphabet
    Just double-dog dare me
    And I chose guitar over ballet
    And I take these suckers down
    Cause they just get in my way
    3. Who is the mascot for the college UCLA?
    Hope you have fun but gifts would not be sent till Sunday!!!

    Bonus: this would count if you get one of the 3 questions wrong..
    B1. Which song do these lyrics come from : You got me into this
    Information overload!
    Situation lost control!
    Send out a SOS
    And get some cash out
    We're gonna tear up the town
    Don't be a baby and
    Remember what you told me
    Note: the lyrics can be in part of the song!!

    1. Aww too bad nobody's gonna enter.... :(

    2. 1: september
      2: one of the boys by katy perry
      3: a bear; UCLA bruins

      my user is tiger13567 i'll send u a friend request

    3. You win I hope you like your gift because you will get it on Sunday!!
      Live laugh and love huskies

    4. No. Animal jam celebrates its birthday in September, but it actually opened in October of 2011. I would know, my friend beta tested and I was at her house te day it was opened for players.

      - rascalcat


  20. \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Scooter I know I've asked u this before but...\
    Ok so I was the add image and like you've said before that's where u go to add a page and put a picture on top so I just need to know what the adress would be so would it be...
    Animaljamlegendarypalooza or what would it be?

    1. Yes, the address is the URL (Example:


    2. So u out the page after animaljamlegendarypalooza?

  21. i vote out rosy rainy rose

  22. I vote out lieutenant cuteclaws.oh and...Cotton there is no name like that matching to a jammer...Weird?... -Valia2305

  23. Wow cool otter glich!!! I also found another glich.A cool glich!!! When you have an item in your den and you trade someone when you are in the den you have the item,after you trade it away it is still in the den!!!(if you remove it it is gone)!!!My sister kept a beta tiny tree this way.It is not in her inventory but it is in her den and she can move it...XD. I did the same with rocking horse but I accidentally removed it XD...the worst is that ajhq may now be fixing the glich because it says to me that animal jam is hard at work updating aj and then it said my account was under maintenance!!! Weird things happen...!!! -Valia2305

  24. And ajhq must fix some gliches like the white screen with the exclamation mark and then I cant even close the tab!!! It took over an hour to load.Until then I played aj from my mobile phone...Such hard...(Interested of aj from mobile or tablet?:Download Puffin free and just go on puffins google and write animal jam.For me it works only for mornings and noons and a little in the afternoon.I live in Greece.But for it to work all day u have to pay 0.89€ per 6 months.Sorry guys idk how many dollars is that.). I hope I helped someone this way.Scooter did you know that? XD. -Valia2305

  25. How much do i want do i want to do an adventure with scooter!!!! Btw scooter how can you make sooooo huge posts so quick? I guess now you will have even more time...Summer!!! School is over to me!!! And to anyone that goes to school.I suppose you too scooter!!! Everyone is free in summer (exept of some parents...) i fill your chat that much...right...Sorry scooter i just had many things to say...

    1. I work on most of it the night before and then in the morning I wake up and add the new item ^-^ Actually, I won't have that much time because I have Summer homework, sports, family trips, holidays, and a little job (not a real career job).


  26. Oh i am Valia2305

  27. Oh SORRY AGAIN i have a more important glitch to tell you!!!How to win diamonds on daily spin???Easy!!! Log in 3 times in a row but cancel the third spin without even spinning it!!! Then log in a fourth day in a row and click on the diamond on the left.Then push left and right arrow keys very fast and click on spin when you stop doing that.sorry if you dont make it guys!!! I make it every time but you can do it only once a week... -Valia2305

  28. i vote out miss suny paw

  29. Please visit & comment on my blog!

  30. Here's a little blog adventure so first visit animaljamlegendarypalooza while your there click contests and read instructions while you do that go to cool blogs
    After that go to ask violet after that go to home and comment if you read it


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