
Monday, June 30, 2014

Rare Freedom Tie

Hi Jammers!
Monday, means back to work for many adults, and some need to wear ties!
The Rare Item Monday is a Rare Freedom Tie in the Jam Mart Clothing Store....
Looks: ****
Price: ****
Jamaasian: **
The Rare Item is even nonmember and freedom day! I like it!
Think you could be a Biologist?
Watch this video in Brady's Theater to learn more about it!
The Freedom Party is lighting up the night sky in the Daily Explorer...
Be sure to visit the Freedom Party to buy fireworks for a den party and to buy clothes to dress up your animals!

Mystery of the Week

The Mystery of the Week is about Rhinos....
Rhinos are returning to Jamaa on July 10th, 2014. Thankfully they are the last of the 3 traveling animals to return. They are all safe and sound! So there is one major question that needs to be answered. Will they return with anything? Pet Rhinos? Rhinos Only Party? Are you excited for their return?

Sky News

Sign-Ups are here....
*Click photo above for bigger version*
Comment Call: Read Above!

Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Ok.
    Username: Papyjam
    Pet: Mirrorwings (Hamster)
    Reason: She and I love you blog!
    We also have lots of fun together!
    P.S. I will probably not be chosen cause'
    I was JOTM already that's ok!

    1. My username is 3berrygirl.
      My animal is my wolf,
      My reason is that i love your blog and i never was JOTM on your blog, and i'm really sad for missing my part in journey of the wolves 3 :C I'm also moving to North Dakota so this might be the last chance i get! Oh! And July is my favorite month! ~3berrygirl~

    2. Oh! I'm non member as well!

    3. Well I have been pet of the month so I will give JOTM ago, although I probably won't get picked twice in a row.

      User: wessie4chu
      Status: member
      Reason: I love this blog so much I'm stealing wifi off some network called micholius to comment on ur blog :D
      Scooter uve done the best posts/blog ever!, and I never want u to quit! NEVER! >:3

    4. But wouldn't u get internet to read the blog

    5. Also if I DO get it (big if) could u take the photo of my wolf, fox or arctic wolf? Thx!

  2. Username: violet86271
    Status: nonmember
    Reason: from the first day I read this bog I thought to my self hmmm this blog is so awesome as I started to read this blog I started to make more friends learn more about aj, more about everyone and you scooter! This blog can help anyone it's the best blog ever and I think if I was jammer of the month I could make everyone be happy and make new friends!

    Ive never been jammer of the month before

    1. My friend introduced me to this blog and I thought it was awesome so yesh.


  3. Username: violet86271\
    Status: nonmemeber\
    Reason : My pet seaberry love the ocean and everything in jamaa she likes to swim and play and she especially likes this blog! Everyday when I go on aj and scooter is on she reall wants to meet you scooter but I always forget to let her lol this why she would like to be pet of the month
    I've never been pet if the month before

  4. I find it weird how ajhq is making everything freedom nonmember

    1. Na when you think about it long enough, not really.

    2. The non members need more stuff. :/

  5. I would like to be jammer of the month!
    User: rainbowdash95271
    Status: member
    Reason: Animal Jam is my favorite game, and this is one of my favorite blogs, tied with Snowyclaws animal jam spirit. Scooter is a nice jammer, and I hope to see him on AJ one time.When Scooter sent me my discover day prize, I promised to never trade, or recycle it. I still have the JAG as well.

    1. Oh and I have never been jammer of the month before.
      - rainbowdash95271

  6. my user is tig47498 im member i think i should be jammer of the month is because it sounds fun i have never ever scammed and i dont care who you chose i have never been jammer of the month

  7. why is aj making every thing freedom i know what the 4th of july is and some people atre from england and they lost the revelutinary war so this must be hard on them

    1. What if your Canadian! Canadians don't celebrate freedom day or independence we celebrate Canada's day on the first of July and freedom has nothing to do with Canada's day!!!!!!! It's harsh in Canadians too

    2. Ikr, I'm from the U.S.A but I think its EXTREMELY unfair and typically refuse to buy the items.

    3. I like the items but I'd prefer to celebrate something in my country so I just buy the items and wear them on aj but I don't wanna celebrate it in real life cuz I'm a Canadian and I celebrate tomorrow and I'm not celebrating on July 4 I'm celebrating on the 1

    4. Well National Geographic was created in the USA then they have a right to celebrate Freedom Day. Even if you are from a different country, it does NOT mean they're being unfair or typical. If you don't like Freedom Day just ignore it. You don't have to rant about it! (Note to self: make a YouTube rant video on this conversation)

    5. That's exactly why I love the Fourth of July (other than the petting zoos and buffets) we get to rub our freedom in England's face. That's what they get for not letting us be free.

    6. I'm not ranting that hurted my feelings I'm just saying:(

    7. My Freedom Day is on 31st August XD
      And I love Frredom Day thats why my penguin is one XD

    8. We are all from different countries and cultures, we have different holidays and a lot of times our time is very different. But we need to see all the stuff that we have in common instead of making fun about others differences. Always remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


  8. Username:paws00001
    Reason:I LOVE THIS BLOG SO MUCH and I know I dont really comment as much as others but, usually, on aj,I dont have anything to do. I get bored. So I go to thi blog and look through all the posts, and I find something to do. I only joined in January,but I have gotten the hang off Animal jam now, all thanksto this blog. PLEASE, NEVER QUIT THIS BLOG!!!!! :D

  9. Oh, btw i have never been jammer of the month before.


  10. Username:Snowflakedarinwolf
    Reason:I really love this blog cuz it has cool stuff like BLU THE COMIC!!THANK GOODNESS YOU CREATED THAT I LOVE IT X3 And fun contests to enter!I was even able to make a few friends here too!And I love the art mini blog :3 I really want to draw something there but I will soon x3
    Status:Member/Non member IDK I think my membership gonna be cancelled soon so its best you DON'T sent me the gift (If I ever win)
    And no,I've never been Jammer of The Month before :)


    1. Lol I like wearing ties too XD

  11. Username: TwinkleLight2002/CelestialTwinkle (Because I sent in for a username change, the old username is TwinkleLight2002. If it doesn't appear with TwinkleLight2002, please try CelestialTwinkle. Thank you!)

    Status: Member :3

    Reason: I follow up with every post and update on this blog, though I don't usually comment much. My comments are usually found on Blu the Monkey XD I think that this blog is great, and I love how you always change the theme of the blog to the theme of the season or occasion! I have never been Jammer of the Month before, because I am usually too occupied or too lazy to sign up, and decided that I would like to give it a try this month C:

    Nope, I have never been Jammer of the Month before.

    Thank you!

  12. Hi scooter I am Valia2305 again.I am a member and my dream is to be jammer of the month!!! I know that I want to be it very very very much!!! But there are some people that are waiting to be jammers of the month for months.I don't wanna make them sad and dissapointed.So if someone wants it more than me,not just for fun,I really mean that,scooter,choose that jammer.Oh and if I am not jammer of the month,can my fox be pet of the month?Anyway I forgot to tell that I have never been jammer or pet of the month. Thank you.

  13. Here in Greece we all celebrate when we were saved from the Turkish? But that celebration was about some months before and we also celebrate when we said the NO to the Germans.But the freedom day had nothing to do with us.But think it is like Christmas!!!Lets all celebrate it!!!Even if it is not a celebration of ur country.AJ made the freedom day party,for the People that celebrate it,and we can connect it with our own celebrations and be the colors of our flag!!!This way we all celebrate....freedom!!! Valia2305 ^.^

    1. Ur Greek? I'm Greek 2! Although I live in Australia's. but I'm in Greece right now!!! On symi. That's y I'm not commenting so much...

    2. When I was in 5th grade my teacher from England, Mrs.Pendleton, left because she was pregnant, our substitute was from Greece. I love Greek mythology and stuff it's so fun to read, I want to go to Greece!!!!!

      ~ Hawk13

  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Please read the message up there talking about freedom day.It is important for all jammers to read. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^If you want read the message up this one.It may be useful to you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  16. My user is Pengy01 ( I am a commenter )
    My status is member
    My reason : I've always enjoyed this blog and I want to have a chance to be Jammer of the Month
    I've never been Jammer of the Month


    P.S. I don't think my glitch picture was really a representing of me much...

  17. Username: bunnyllover
    Status: member
    Reason: I would like to be jammer of the month because it seems fun and everyone could see what my animal looks like. (they could copy the look of my animal) also because I really love this blog! It has fun things like your comic (blu the monkey) fun contests, nice posts. And if anyone is jammer of the month they would be a role model. I think I am a good role model. Maybe I am not the best role model but I think If where jammer of the month I think I could be even better.
    I have also never been jammer of the month.

    1. I would also like to be jammer of the month because it can my time playing on animaljam better.
      This is the best blog ever! Never ever quit!

  18. Hi, this is Hawk13, and once again, I nominate littlebunny21885.
    User: littlebunny21885
    Status: nonmember
    Reason: she is a great jammer and person. She makes good grades and is having a hard time at home but always has a great attitude!!!! She sticks by her friends and never scams. She doesn't even troll!!! She has always wanted to be jammer of the month. She is a big animal lover like me, and has a lot of pets. She doesn't know I nominate her until she reads the blog. Please consider this wonderful jammer for JOTM.

    She has never been JOTM.


  19. Think about a rare freedom NM spike on next rare item Monday!!!AJHQ would never do sad...

  20. User: Creepersofthenethter
    Status: member
    Reason: I love your blog
    I have neve been JOTM

  21. Username:coolpapa70232


    Pet name:Superowl

    Reason i want to be pet of the month: my owner has always loved this blog and so have i it has been my dream to be pet of the month so Scooter plz chose me

    Reason i want to be jammer of the month:i have always loved this blog scooter i loved it so much i made sure u beccame a offical favorite blog att the AJ club at my school I also did a report on u thats how much i love ur blog plus this is the nfirst blog i check for aj so scooter plz chose me


    1. no offense isnt that to obssive over scooter to write a report the club is pkay but the report is wrong what grade did you get on that?
      The Noobstar

    2. Yeah... What noob star said.... XD

  22. Hi my username is redskins00 the football team. Im a non member, please chose me because i have been emtering for a while now and i enjoy reading your blog every day evn if i don't get to log on that day.


  23. oh redskins00 again i forgot my pets name but its a kangaroo and congarts to whoever wins :)

  24. user missdarlingjammer
    status member
    reason i love this blog and comment daily.
    i have NEVER been jammer of the month before.

  25. user missdarlingjammer
    status member
    reason i love this blog and comment daily.
    pet i want to enter quickcat.
    i have NEVER been pet of the month before.

  26. Hello there! Here is my sign up for the J. T. O. M.!
    Username: Rainbowcat1
    Status: Member
    Reason: I want to help Jammers learn more of Jamaa's history, and answer questions, and help them with what they need. I was JOTM once, and, I don't feel like I was a good enough example to Jammers then. I didn't do what I will do now, if I am picked.
    Have you ever been JOTM? Yes. Once before, a few years ago. 2 years ago.

    Thanks for this chance!

    ~Rainbowcat1 :)

    1. I want to be a good example of a Jammer, to others. :)

    2. Whoa..That is super weird! My profile picture went all weird. :?

    3. Oh, my status is member, but in about a month, it runs out.

  27. Username christmas0910
    Status member but my membership is running out
    Reason I have never been JOTM and have only been on this blog for about 6 months but I check every day in the morning. And thanks Scooter for doing all this work for us.

  28. Username: Tobbyn
    Status: Member
    Reason: I'm nominating my cousin because she's just plain awesome and she loves your blog! She looks at it everyday, but doesn't comment.


  29. Username: Flyingpiko (your buddy )
    Reson: I've never been Jammer of the month the minit I saw this blog I feel in love with it I was searching for the rare Monday one day and foung this blog I thought you were the best jamm ever! Even better ten eny aj filmer -

  30. Sorry if I missspelled some wordsim typing on my tablit

  31. I think ajhq should make a freedom worn next

  32. username: zks910
    status: non member
    reason: I love the blog and I read it every day, I've always wanted to be jammer of the month on my favorite blog
    : no i've never been jammer of the month ( on any blog )

  33. Username: Saganlucy
    Status: member, Incredible Toughcat
    Reason: I read this blog every single day and I actually have my own blog, and this might give some publicity. I also just think it would be really super cool!

    I have never been jammer of the month before

  34. JOTM Sign up:
    This is my favorite blog that I check everyday. I dont always comment, but. I still check it. I would love to be on the Sky Blog for a whole Month! I would never scam and I think of my self as A regular Jammer.

  35. User- CMO1st
    Reason- I love your blog, it is very interesting and i enjoy reading it.

    I have never been the jammer of the month before.

  36. Hi there! Dietcherry here! I'd like to nominate my pet, Blueroo, for Pet of The Month. He always checks AJSB with me every day. He loves your pet zoo and especially the Blu comics (that's why he wanted his name to be 'Blu'eroo!:D)! He is always up for an adventure and comes everywhere with me. He enjoys reading about the Alphas and is really curious about where we all came from. He's always wanted to see his picture up on a blog, he thought it'd be so cool! Blueroo is really sweet and is everyone's friend. I hope you choose Blueroo not only because I love him, but I hope he grows wonderful friendships with every jammer here on Animal Jam Sky Blog!
    User: Dietcherry
    Pet name: 'Blu'eroo :)
    Reason: Is above^^

  37. Username-paige16663
    Reason-I love your blog and pets!

    I have never been Pet Of The Month before.

    1. I can make my sign-up longer...
      Reason- Same as above and im really curious what its gonna be like to be the pet of the month!
      Pet Name: Goodsky (Call er' sky.)

  38. User:kitkat8529
    Status: Member
    Reason: I love this blog! I am always kind to other jammers.

    I have never been JOTM before

  39. User: icypaw97
    Status: Member
    Reason: I adore this blog and I can always count on it and I have never been jammer of the month
    Animal: My bunny sleeping pretty sun
    Pet: My pet hummingbird firesky
    Reason for pet of the month: All of my pets adore this blog like I do.
    If you pick me it doesn't have to be both but at least one cause I would like to be pet of the month or jammer of the month so you can also give another chance to another jammer.

  40. User: 2deafdogs
    Status: Member
    Reason: It would be cool, and it sounds cool, too.
    Have I ever been J.O.T.M?: I have not ever been or entered a jammer of the month.

  41. POTM Sign up:
    I made my hamster, Daintyhamster, in honor of my Guinea Pig who is no longer here and it would mean a lot if I won this.
    Thanks! And, good luck to all!

  42. My user is Applestorm, I'm a Member, My pet is a Spider (named MetalSpider) And my Reason is I thought it would be Fun. (I know this is like a 1 to a 1000 chance that i will be pet/animal of the month, but at least i will be excited to see who is :3)

  43. GUYSNTHIS is the saddest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fend said aj was stupid!!!!!!!! It's to stupid and she hardly knows anything about cuz she's only played it like 3 times

  44. Have you seen the advertisement? I wonder what it's for

  45. Weird... Rainbows Animaljam has an arctic wolf but when I stop moving the screen,a rainbow appears on her picture!!!! Weird huh!! But cool!!! I was always wondering how did she do it... Valia2305

    1. Wat??
      When I stop moving it just shows the arctic and when I move it shows rainbows XD

  46. Does anyone know what tacocat is backwards?


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2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.