
Monday, June 16, 2014

Mystery of the Otter

Welcome to the Sky, Jammers!
Tomorrow, the posts will be very early because I have to wake up early for the rest of the summer. Which is good because early posts, but is also bad because I will be very busy through the week :(
The Rare Item has hit stores....
Buy this Rare Fedora in the Jam Mart Clothing Store!
Looks: ****
Price: **
Jamaasian: **
It looks like it is ready for a good mystery!
The King Vultures are royally flying into Jamaa...
Mythical Spirit Armor has returned to Jamaa....
This mysterious armor is worn from the origins of Jamaa. Enjoy!

"The Mystery of the Otter"
The Mystery of the week is about the random Sea Otters visiting Jamaa.
On Thursday, after the Jamaa Journal was released, there was a "new animal" in Jamaa. When you bought an underwater animal, a giraffe with "Otter" written was an option. When you clicked on it, a real life picture of a Sea Otter popped up. When you buy it it says "Oops, this animal can not be bought!"
So many jammers are wondering, did AJHQ do this or did a hacker?
Some jammers also wonder why are they an underwater creature? Otters are probably like the penguins, how they can go underwater and on land. 
This was what AJHQ had to say about the Otters:
"We are aware of the issue. Thanks for the report!" and "Otters are not available in Animal Jam. Have you tried our latest adventure?"
It almost sounds like they are avoiding the issue. So, was it an AJHQ mistake or was is a Hacker of Jamaa?
What do you think?

The Final 3 is here, and there can only be one winner.....
Rosy Rainyrose was eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote one Jammer out!

Coming Soon to the All About Animals Tab...

The Actors for Journey of the Wolves 3 will be announced tomorrow.
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. first comment i vote out grand arctic wolf

    1. do you know the new polar bear? before it was out i hoped and said in aj:'i hope the polar bears can swim' AND NOW THEY CAN SWIM YAY

    2. oh and in aj i am called minejaguar my buddy list is mostly full so jam a gram meh!

  2. AJHQ always avoids the issue to not spoil the surprise.

    1. Yep. AJHQ doesn't want to spoil the surpise don't they? :3
      But Scooter may be right - it might be a hacker or a mistake.
      And i vote out Grand Arcticwolf .. Im sorry but you should be proud of yourself for getting to the final threes. :D
      Please visit my blog:

  3. I Vote out princess spirit paw sorry!
    Also the otters?!?!?! I love otters so if they do come its a total yay from me! I hope I'm in journey of wolves 3! I loves the other to! Scooter you make really good movies! Script writing and comic writing must be related..

  4. 4th Comment! i know it isn't exciting ,but it is to me!

  5. for sure animal jam hq is avoding the issue. I betcha they are going to bring otters here and the otter in the store jumped the gun so to speak!!

  6. Vote out princess spirit paw sorry very well done though!

  7. I vote out grand arctic wolf good outfit though!

  8. I vote out emperor the fox
    - icypaw97

  9. I vote emperor the fox to go away/vote him out

  10. So scooter who will be one of the wolves?

    1. The Actors for Journey of the Wolves 3 will be announced tomorrow.
      For now, watch Journey of the Wolves and Journey of the Wolves 2: Return of the Pack!


  11. Princess Spiritpaw


  12. Princess Spiritpaw

  13. 16th
    P.S. Why do people get up so early?

    1. Probably the countries they live in XD
      I mean right now its 2:07 for me in the noon and I think you guys might be.....11:00 in the night...Probably XD

  14. Grand Articwolf! Sorry! Crossing my fingers for Emperor Thefox to win! Squee!


  15. Emporer the fox

    I think some hacked aj maybe it was fman because there are rumours that he came back but he just hacked aj instead of giving a virus

  16. We are not sure if ajhq did that because ME and many players had out diamonds STOLEN!!! i had 7 diamonds and the other day i just had 1 diamond.My friend wanted a lion soooo much and when she logged in to get the 10th diamond,she had only 0!!!! Also many jammers complain about that issue!!! IT IS WEIRD because it happened the same day with the otter glich!!!! Anyways i messaged ajhq but idk if i get my diamonds back...And ill soon become a nm!!! i am valia2305

  17. oh and i vote out emperor thefox i am valia2305

  18. I vote out Princess Spiritpaw great try though!


  19. i vote out grand arctic wolf

  20. Nice update today. I don't think I'll actually buy the fedora though, I mostly use my gazelles (which I had them all before they returned .__.). I vote out the fox, sorry! :٧


  21. I think some one is hacking aj you know why aj was taking forever to load when I went on you and your friend lost you

  22. Guys I think the only truth to the otters and stuff is aj being hacked!!!! What if the hacker shuts down aj and we never see aj again! What if things like that happen what if it's fman!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF FMAN IS A 100 YEAR IKD THATS SNART TO HACK AJ AJ

    1. I was thinking that too!!!!!
      And sometimes ppl are annoying becoming Fmann -.-
      And lol Snart XDD

  23. Hey guys! Sorry about a few days ago where there was an anonymous begging not to vote me out (Miss Sunnypaw). I swear it wasn't me.

    But don't worry guys, you had every right to vote me out. :P I mean, come on. It's a fashion show- I should be prepared to be voted out.
    Yet, I still have a question. I mean no offense or anything, but a lot of people said my outfit wasn't very summery. You guys are still entitled to opinions, but just asking... Why didn't I look very summery? Just asking. C:

    1. Well maybe is because of the color I guess,it looks more like Spring-like....
      Though the clothing is all correctly for Summer!
      Good try too C:

  24. I vote out Princess SpiritPaw,sorry :(
    I understand the part 2 of The movie,but I dont get part 1 though,its short....

  25. i personally think that the otters are a glitch, but only slightly.

    i have reason to believe that that's, er, a storyboard, essentially, for when they DO add otters to jamaa! they meant to put it there for the people that code the animals, but they didn't mean for JAMMERS to see it. that's all. uwu


  26. i vote out Princess Spiritpaw sorry.


  27. I don't vote anyone out. It makes them feel sad. You can use the other votes. L:

    Hello Jammers,
    I'm sweetpanda56789. I love blogging, and am interested in cats. I made a blog. I'd be glad if you'd like to check it out. :D
    Here's the link:

    Well, this is not about AJ. This is about cats. You can find cat facts, stories, training etc here. If you wish, you can also sign up to be an author. We hope you will like it. :)
    ~Sweetpanda56789 and PoliteKoala


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