
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Giraffes in Vines

Hiya Jammers! No update today, but there will be one next Thursday!
Sorry about posting later, and I am sorry if you still have school, but don't worry you will be out soon!
Today, I am going to switch up the format of the daily post! I thought the way I usually do it was a little robotic and restrictive. Anyway, lets begin with the new item!
The Jam Mart Furniture Store has released new Vine Flower Lamps....
Nice job following the vine theme AJHQ! I like these nature items.
Original Color: White
AJHQ along with Peck the Rabbit Alpha has posted some pawesome Jammer Art about Hyenas on the Daily Explorer. I have posted this art on the Sky Art Mini Blog! Remember, if you have any art, be sure to send it to and it will be posted on the Sky Art Mini Blog.

Today in Sky News, our Fashion Show is still coming on strong....
Yesterday was Twist #2, which is where I randomly numbered each contestant and you all commented random numbers. The most common number commented was: #4
The random contestant numbered 4 is , Grand Arcticwolf who has been eliminated. Sorry!
Does that make sense how it worked? Did you like that twist?
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out!

Yesterday we had a Summer Carnival Party in honor of 300,000 views...
It was a blast! There were prizes, games, food, and fun. If you couldn't make it, don't worry because I will have more in the future!
Giraffes have been added to the All About Animals Page....
Click above to read about these tall creatures!
Until tomorrow, have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Do you like the format of this post better or worse?


  1. Snowflake Snowystar


  2. Yay party! Guys if you didn't make it to the party then you should know Lola is coming back for one last issue! I vote out miss chilly lily! I love the new vibe furniture collections!

  3. scooter u copied Cloudclaws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uhhhhhh come on, Cloudclaw had that Animal Info page b4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -a very mad jammer

    Btw that is not my user

    1. Well, well.

      If it isn't a party pooper.

      People can have the same idea coincidence or not.

      For example, at school, your teacher asked you to write a story. If you write about Animal Jam and your friend who submitted earlier wrote about Animal Jam too, does it mean you copied?

      ~a very understanding Jammer

      Jam on!

    2. Lots of Animal Jam Blogs have Animal Pages. Cloudclaws' page is about the animals of jamaa and about them in real life. Mine is about the popularity and special stories behind the animals. I consider Cloudclaws a Blogger buddy, and she is my friend on Animal Jam too! :3



    4. Sorry.
      'a very understanding jammer' here.

      Look, Anonymous. Just because they have the same topics up doesn't mean they copied each other!

      For an instance, I was thinking to put up 'Scammer Saturday' by my blog. Guess what? Another blog had already have that idea published without me knowing!

      I hope you understand, 'a very mad jammer'.

      Oh, by the way, read the rules for commenting below. 'Also, NO PUT-DOWNS'.

      Sometimes, it's frustrating to think some Jammers copy another, but it doesn't always mean they did. Look, check by and see that Scooter AJ told Cloudclaw that she's really sad people thinks she's copying.

      Scooter, chin up!
      '...but the things are always the darkest before the dawn."
      -Fate of the Cosmos

    5. Lets forget about this Kay?.....

  4. errm excuse me i under stand that some one else had it first but scooter had a comic sires first and EVERYONE coppyed him!

    1. Actually, my blog was not the first blog to have a Plushie Comic Series. I think the Animal Jam Expert had the first one. My blog was the first one to have a Fashion Show :3


  5. i like this layout the same as the old one.
    aww grand arctic is out!! :(
    will there be a chance for her to get voted back in?

    i vote out snowflake snowy star.

    1. The Twist #3 might help you out! You will have to wait and see ^.^


  6. I vote out Snowflake SnowyStar,sorry :(
    And I'm not sure both new and old look the same but I like the new one cuz you're telling more details lol

  7. snowflake snowy star sorry


  8. I didn't get to go to the party. :(((((((((((((((

  9. awwwww grand arctic wolf is out!!!!!

    well i gess i vote out juiniper dasiy lilly.


  10. I am Anonymous I comment daily only the comment call i will never tell who i really am so today i vote out snowflake snowystar

  11. I vote out dat seal with sunglasses -- humdinger41

  12. I had a TON of fun at the party yesterday! I'm Fauna Bravespirit, the eagle. I loved all of the games we played, the Q&A, and just dancing and having fun! I can't wait until the next one! Scooter, when do you think it will be?
    Now I have to decide who to vote out for the fashion show :(. Hmm... they're all so good! But I think I'll have to go with Princess Prettypaw. Sorry Princess :'(. I like both layouts, hard to decide! I love the lamp, maybe I'll buy it for my own den! :D

  13. Princess Prettypaw actually made it this far o.o (I am Princess Prettypaw)
    x3 I like this layout :3

  14. hi peeps have not commented in a while :D

  15. Hello Scooter! I would have to say I like the old format better, because it was a bit more neat and organized. But, I think this format has some more detail. I think you should keep your old format but add just as much detail as there is in this one.



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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
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The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.