
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

300,000 Views Celebration

Jamaa News________________

Hi Jammers! Summer has officially began for me, so my posts might be just a tad later, but just a little bit ^-^
The New Item in the Summer Carnival Clothing Shop is Clown Hair....
Yay! A new item at the Summer Carnival!
The Daily Explorer posted about the Rare Item Monday....
That seal looks like he is having fun!
Also, look what I finally got for the 2nd time in forever......
Finally, I can now buy a Hyena (\^o^/)

Discover Day________________

Comment Call: Comment the exact location of the image above, for a chance to win a prize!

Sky News________________

The Blu Photo of the Week is here....
 I call it "Enter Mr. Blek's Mansion". Creepy, right?
 It has been added to the Blu Photo Gallery.
 The Fashion Show is dwindling down.....
Lucky Icycheetah has been eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out! (Twist #2 Tomorrow)

In honor of 300,000 views coming soon.....
I know that we don't have exactly 300,000 views yet, but I wanted to celebrate with a party tomorrow!
I hope you all can make it!
Also, I want to thank every single one of you for making this blog what it is today. THANK YOU!
You all are so nice and friendly, and I believe we should make more friends so in honor of 300,000 views....
It is just a small movement to spread the word about the Blog for one soul purpose....
To make everyone's Animal Jam experience better!
So you can save the image above, post it on Social Media, post it on your blog, do whatever! Just spread the word so everyone can enjoy this blog! Thanks again!

New Art posted on the Sky Art Mini Blog
New Skymail #18 Video has been posted on the Video Mini Blog
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Replies
    1. That must be why scooter took do long to post!

    2. YAY 300,000 VIEWS 4 SCOOTER!!!!!!

    3. Like the new blu pic!
      I wonder if that will happen in the next blu?!

  2. I vote out Snowflake Snowy Star and also plz change date for party that is 10:00 am for me and i have school plz chnage party time Scooter


  3. Ya same 4 me I'll be in school then. Can u plz change that?

  4. Aww man I cant make it to the party! My last day of school is tomorrow.
    I vote Dancing Speedywolf.
    Hope you have fun at the party! :3

  5. Don't worry Jammers! I changed the time of the party! It is now 2:00 PM AJ TIME. I hope you can all make it now :)


    1. Scooter, How do you put pictures on the side of your blog like the jammer of the month?

    2. Go to Layout > Add a Gadget > Image


  6. Dang, can't make it :/ stupid school.

  7. The picture is in the Summer Carnival, I think. I didn't even bother to do research!

    Please visit my blog:

  8. still cant make it school 3:00 pm for me plz do it on saturday plz


  9. u guys still have school o o its my second week of summer


    1. I have a question since you changed the time when does the party end?

    2. The parties that I hold usually take about anywhere from 1 hour - 1.5 hours.


  10. i vote out dancing sunny flower and heres a little joke imagine this its the fashion show and then..........

    scooter:mr blek has been eliminated! lols

  11. Hi scooter!

    Well, it's been a while since i have posted, but just to let you know, I have been reading it! Awesome post today! I think the summer carnival coming back is cool! I would like to be present for discovery day though. it's my favorite! I think the location is at the summer carnival, in front of the booth where u buy tickets, and in front of that there is the art stand, where tables of papers and art supplies are. The box of paintbrushes and rulers should be on the side

    1. And this is Megaplushpack! I think I can make the party after all! Try to spot me!

  12. its in the summer carnival near the coloring pages


  13. I think a movement means much more than publicity and advertising, but I'll still spread the word.

    1. Ya, I didn't know what to call it. A Movement should change something important, like a couple of months ago there was a nonmember movement. Oh well ^.^


  14. Oh man! I can't go to the party.This is the 3rd time I've never been to your party...Cuz I live in a different country so its gonna be hard for everyone :P
    But its ok...CONGRATULATIONS ON 300,000 VIEWS :D
    (Let's get this party started XD)
    (Explosions and effects O3O)

  15. Scooter why dont you add a new theme to the sky blog? I dont want to bother...but me and my friends made an animal jam stories crew!!! We solved every jamaasian mystery and we made our first story!!! Message my player please scooter to tell me if yes or no or comment plz.i want the jammers oppinion please.Yours too scooter!!! I am Valia2305

    1. What do you mean by "theme"? I just got a new background...


  16. Also i vote out laughing futureseal... Valia2305

  17. Hi! This is blurmercer03! I just wanted to do the discover day. It's in the Summer Carnival and it's connected to the stand that lets you print pages to color and do games on. And I wanted to ask Scooter something. When I logged in today the Jamaa newsletter came up. Idk if it's a glitch or something because I have been on everyday since the last update. Well, thanks!



  19. He discovery day pic is in the summer carnival

  20. The discovery day pic is from the summer carnival

  21. The picture is in the Summer Carnival ^-^

  22. cant make it.p lz make it at 4:00 pm

  23. can you make it 4:00 , 3:00 or 2:30 P.M Eastern Time Zone


  24. i vote out Snowflake Snowy Star sorry great job getting this far though!!
    congratz on the views!
    yay! i can come to the party but only for a while sorry!

  25. I vote out Dancing Sunnyflower.

  26. I know you changed the time to 2:00PM AJ TIME,
    But I still can't make it. I'm at school. That time for me is 12:00pm
    My time is the Eastern Time Zone.
    Anywhere from 6,7,8, or 9:00pm in AJ Time would be okay for me because for me, that's from 4:00pm - 7:00pm for me. School ends in between 3:00 - 4:00 and I usually have chores. :(
    Well, have fun and jam on!

  27. I shared Animal Jam sky on my blog :)
    Today I celebrate 2 years on my Animal Jam account, Jammer49612 :D

  28. The discovery day pic is the art stand at the summer carnival with coloring pages in it
    -- humdinger41

  29. Discovery Day:
    Summer Carnival "PRINT AND PLAY" South West side of the booth.

  30. The party is on my birthday!!!!!
    And I will finally be 10!!!!!!!!
    Unfortunately I can not make it to the party because of this ☹

  31. I cant make it since I have school. Maybe change it to a Saturday or at least 6:00 aj time. thanks!

  32. the discovery day, is botton right corner of the summer canival at the side of the art tent with the drawing table thing!!

  33. Scooter now that it's summer for u it's to late when u post so then I have to read when I get home from school:( please try like 7:00

  34. Also scooter I'm really excited for your party today I can't wait to go can u have giveaways and fashion shows and random stuff


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