
Friday, May 30, 2014

Sign Ups + Jam-A-Grams

Jamaa News________________

Welcome Sky Jammers!
The Jam Mart Clothing Store has released Camouflage Jackets....
Not the coolest item in Jamaa, but certainly not the worst!
Original Color: Green
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Hyenas....
I can't wait until I get 10 Diamonds on Tuesday, so I can buy one.
Also, in the Conservation Museum, there is a new Hyena Display!
Have you seen the New Buddy Requests...
It looks a little glitched, but I still like them!
The Summer Carnival is up and running. What is your favorite game?
My favorite Game is the Phantom Ball! 
The New Jamagrams have arrived...
Above is a fast slideshow through all of these pawesome creatures!

Fashion Friday________________

The last Fashion Friday is today! It was sent in by creepersofthenether.
Nice idea for a Jamaa Police Officer. Thanks for sending in your idea.
Next Friday, we will start the Item Spotlight!

Sky News________________

The sign-ups are in....
Comment Below for your chance to win! Winners will be announced on June 1st, 2014.

Before you comment, read this please. The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place where fun and happiness should flourish! So if you are fighting, arguing, bullying, being mean, inappropriate, hacking, scamming, or doing anything in those manners. Please stop! If you are any of these, please do not be a part of this blog. I am sorry, but I want this to be a safe fun place. Always remember that I can remove you from the blog and make it so you can't comment! ;) If we have anymore outbursts, I am canceling the Fashion Show! Please just be happy!!!
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out! (Twist Tomorrow!!)
Arctic Wolf has been eliminated!

The New Jamaa Journal has been added to the Sky Archive!
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Now you get prizes for signing up? Cool, I never got one of those :P
    I guess since I can't be jammer of the month, I'll sign up for pet of the month!

    1. Username: AJpaleggs
      Reason: It would be cool if any of my pets could become pet of the month because... I think it would be an awesome experience to have one of the little pets standing in my den at this very moment to be featured on your blog! If you can't feature any of mine, that's alright, being Jammer of the Month in May was really exciting and fun, and that's really all I need.

      I haven't ever been pet of the month, but I have been jammer of the month.

      I eliminate Pioneer Snowyhiker, cause, well, it's not very summer... :o When I think of summer, I think of sunglasses and sandals and dragonflies and butterflies and visors and headsets, not really clarinets and lollipops and moon hats. I'm sorry, I know it hurts to be eliminated, and I really hope you don't get eliminated, so yeah...

    2. I would like to be jammer of the month!
      Username: Papyjam
      Reason: I love to support
      and look around this blog.
      Not gonna brag about other
      stuff. That's all,

    3. I think Cassandra Lounsbery, Wild Flower, or Papyjam will win JOTM ^-^

    4. Aww thx! I dunt care who gets it though :D

    5. SCOOTER REMEMBER HE IS A SCAM!!! *sighs* jerk that one is

    6. :,( well thx then but ur right i wont win what was i thinking

    7. Thanks AJpaleggs! I am glad you think so! Congrats to whoever wins!

    8. I got a beta rocking horse! And 2 tree stump...
      Ok let me just list my betas-
      1 Bronze Giraffe Statue
      1 Rocking Horse
      2 Wooden Toy boxes
      2 Rare Fox Hats.
      2 Tree stump chairs.
      1 Tree Stump Table

    9. Sorry, not trying to brag.

    10. I would love to be jammer of the month! My username is Link4154, and a good reason to select me is that i always play fair, and help other players when they're feeling down! I respect whatever decision you make, but I'm just asking!

  2. Dancing speedy wolf sorry!

  3. I remember doing that buddy thing!
    I vote out lucky th koala.

    Jammer of the month
    User: wessie4chu
    Status: member
    I ABSOLUTLY love this blog!
    I am writing this in the night I love it so much! If you don't believe me, my time is 16 hours ahead of the aj time. Anyway....
    I love thus blog! And blu's too! I never scam and it would be an honer to be featured on this blog! Also I tried my own blog but it's harder than it looks cause I have school and sport and stuff, so I thank scooter for putting do much effort into his blog. I hAvent been jammer or pet of the month so it would be great if I was! But if I don't congrats to who ever gets it :3

    Pet of the month
    Pet: I would like to enter my pet cheetah!
    Status: member
    User: wessie4chu
    Reason: she plovers this blog almost as much as I do! ALMOST! She us also really cute with her little furry hat! She Aldo loves blu's blog although she thinks there should be a pet blog! She loves getting her paws muddy in the mud pit in appondale.(where do they get those names from?!) she is alongside me of our animal jam lives!

    And scooter I can understand your concern, but your blog was the first to have a fashion show so PLZ don't cancel this one even if some people deserve it!

    1. My neck hurts from bending over the computer this whole time! X3

  4. nice one scooter!!!

    i vote out darling snowy bunny botom right corner! sorry.

    goog try though!!

  5. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Jammer if the month- user violet86271\
    Reason I love to enjoying this blog to comment on ask questions on and everything else I think being jammer of the month would be awesome it would be cool to if I was but if you choose someone else that's fine with me because this blog is awesome and if this blog didn't exist then I would of knew much about animal jam and that there was a new item everyday \

  6. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Pet of the month\
    Username: violet86271\
    Reason my pet cheetah is just a baby even tho I'm nonmember now and she's I my storage she loves to read this blog with me and she's always prepared for winter she has a Suther and everything she thinks if I was jammer of the month or she was pet of the month she would be the happiest baby cheetah ever\

  7. user missarlingjammer.
    reson i want to be jammer of the month because i like to help people if they have lost something or are sad or what ever i an not mean to people and i just really want to have a chance to be feathered on this amazing blog.
    i have never been jammer of the month

    1. I'm pretty sure u were before missdarlingjammer I have a pretty good memory and I really remember u being jammer of the month before

    2. eerrmm nope i really have not ever been jammer of the month.

  8. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 It won't let me publish my comment cuz it keeps glitching so I have to keep reloading the page and u know how long it's been like 20 mins just trying to post 2 comments and I literally have hit my bed and I've been trying like one hundred time a just cuz of that }

  9. user missdarling jammer
    pet quick cat
    reson i just think she whould look good on the side of the blog. :)
    i have never been pet of the month before.

  10. I vote out fuzzy the wolf and see that stuff on top that's because it doesn't let me publish so I have to copy

  11. oh and my favorite game at the summer carnival is phantom ball and the sweet one becasue i can get loads of tickets from them!!!

  12. i agree with ajpaleggs sorry pioneer snowyhiker

    1. Scoot my bday is on august 22 can u d a gift thing for me?
      i think its on a friday

    2. Mine is on august 13th!!! XD

    3. lol I'd tell u mine but welll u know all i have to say is its in august wow im a really fast typer o,o

    4. Ajpaleggs my birthday is the 14 of august

    5. O.o
      *eyeballs explode*

  13. Nice item, but it's a bit to human-y for me.
    Reason: I don't want to sound boastful, but I always try to make sure every jammer's AJ experience is good. I try to tackle scammers if I can and welcome New Jammers, because if everyone gets off to a good start then it can make Jamaa a better place for everyone.

    1. Oh, I have never been jammer of the month before.

    2. The camo jacket isn't even camo... XD

  14. Username: aaoazja2001
    Reason: I guess it would be fun to be jammer of the month for a month:P But even so, i think some one else should be jammer of the month:P
    I have never been jammer of the month before.

  15. Look guys, I'm really sorry if I haven't been acting real nice lately. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm naturally an aggressive person. I'm not the most popular person I'm school if you know what I mean.... A few days ago I was trying to get my book bag and a girl got pushed Into me. She was like, oh, sorry, sorry! But when I walked back by her she said " dude, you just pushed me into a freak!!!' ( apparently I'm the freak.). Plus my mom is really being mean right now. So yeah. But still, I wasn't trying to be mean, just funny. But I won't say stuff like that anymore. It's ok that I got voted out, I kinda deserved for caring so much.


    1. Aww it's ok! Sounds like UR in a tough time. Same as my friend. Anyway I forgive u

  16. I vote out fuzzy thewolf, sorry!!!


    I am nominating littlebunny21885 to be jammer of the month. Yes, she is non member right now, but she should get a membership in the summer. Please hear me out!!!
    First, I think you need a nm JOTM
    2. She is an awesome friend!!!
    3. She has her own blog and loves this one, so it would be very special.
    4. She is going through very hard times right now ( her mom has cancer :(. ).
    Yet she is always happy and nice!!M
    5. She NEVER ever, scams or even trolls.
    6. She is the nicest person in the world!
    7. She tries to help all jammers!!!
    8. She makes good grades.


  17. i vote pinoeer snowy hiker out

  18. hello im tig47498 i would like to be jammer of the because i think it sounds fun and im in a stop scamming group and i dont care who you pick :)

  19. opps i ment jammer of the month

  20. I would like to sign up for jammer of the month because: my friends (most I guess) would say, I am nice to most people unless I have a reason to be mad at them. You can ask my daughters or sisters, all five of which I have cheered up from being bullied. Oh I forgot my user. Whoops! I am avabug01 by the way. And I have never been jammer of the month.
    (p.s. I really don't care about getting the prize this just seems like a nice thing to do. I'll probably give the prize to my sister XD)

  21. i ould love to be jammer of the month because i am new to this blog my user name is kingpodge

    i also want to be pet of the month i only have one pet so you will know which one it is.

  22. My username is coolpapa70232 I am signing up for both. My reason is because it would just mean a lot to me to be featured on the blog i love this blog I have never been both


  23. i want to vote out fabulous prettybelle please no offence.


  24. i would like to be jammer of the month, and it would mena so very much for me to be featured! i view this blog daily, and it would make me very happy. oh, and foranonymous above me, EXCUSE ME? I am fabulous prettybelle, and her outfit si VERY PATRIOTIC!

    1. oh, and, i try to get scammers whenever i can. recently i have been scammmed, and i know how it feels. please report and block 1shadow for scamming!

  25. I would like to enter Silence (my Ninja Hummingbird) for the Pet of the month because she is a great companion and I've had her for a long time! She has enjoyed commenting with me as well. ^-^

    Silence: I hope I win! Cool item today. :)

    1. Silence: also, viewing this blog means so much! I mean, I like the AJ spirit and all, but you almost ALWAYS post early and on time. ^-^

    2. Silence: and I don!t recall being pet of the month. Sorry for not saying that before, just trying to follow the entry rules. XD

      Also, my owner had to get ready for school, so she votes out Lucky Icycheetah. Sorry!

  26. User christmas0910
    Status member
    Well June is my birthday month and I will finally be double digits and it is my first summer carnival and this is my fifth month on animal Jam sky blog thank you scooter for creating a wonderful blog

  27. Pioneer Snowyhiker

  28. i vote out pioneer snowyhiker sorry


  29. Ok! I am entering for Jammer of the Month:
    User: hiphopbunny12345
    Reason: I've never gotten picked for anything on Sky Blog, and yes, I am a little new. Also, I THINK of myself as a fun jammer who is open to all Jammers. I would never scam anyone. And, I want NM's to have more things. And, one of my favorite blog that i check on everyday is Sky Blog and I would love to see my animal right in The Jammer of The Month Spot. Thx!
    Have I ever been JOTM: As I said up there " I've never gotten picked for anything on Sky Blog."

    1. Also, I would like to enter for Pet Of The Month:
      User: hiphopbunny12345
      Reason: My pets mean a lot to me expecially my Real Live ones. (Or used to be...) One of my Guinea Pigs passed. So, in her honor I made a pet of her on Animal Jam. And, in her honor I would like to enter her in The Pet of the Month Contest.

    2. P.S. If I win my Animal is Gorgoues Theeagle and my pet is Daintyhamster even though Im not gonna win.

  30. I think "Fuzzy TheWolf" looks too warrior-ish. You did great though! \[^-^]/ Hehe this is my first time commenting on here. This is really an awesome blog! <3
    my friends call me Tacky :3

  31. I vote out Pioneer Snowyhiker. Sorry!
    Anyways, this is for JOTM
    Username: Owlzzz
    Animal: Snowflake Magicbunny
    Reason: Snowflake is the very first animal I got when I started AJ. I named her after my betta fish, who passed not to long ago.:( Also, I have never won any contest of any kind. I have not been JOTM.
    I will be entering a pet later yoday.

  32. Username: aazukaa
    Animal: Any of mine
    Reason: I LOVE AJ and because I try every month but it just never comes to me. I would love to be JOTM because I think it would be awesome to be on the epic AJSB and if I'm shown on here, I get a chance to make new buddies!! :D Thanks for reading! :D

    1. Hey, aren't you Flora AJ? You still read AJSB? I haven't heard from you since The Incident.

    2. What is The Incodent

    3. I don't want to be mean, but when there were the last JOTM sign ups, she got a little mad and commented about how she felt, and the whole AJSB group of fans kinda turned against her.. Then she signed up for a contest or something else, lost, and got a little mad again, then never commented again.

      *This is not meant to offend aazukaa/Flora in any way*

    4. Oh yeah! She didn't get jotm so she left.

      Sorry aazukaa

    5. Oh that was for May? Cuz I was reading this blog I. May:)

    6. I read the April sign ups but It didn't seem like jammers turned mad at her it did seem like she was kind of selfish she have like an SA or her feelings about how much she wanted to be it no fense flora

  33. Username:kay50 Animal: Any
    Reason: Cuz my brothers think i can't be jammer of month, but i what to prov to them that i can! Cuz anything is posable!

  34. Username:Smart06703
    Pet:(If I don't get chosen as JOTM)My Hummingbird(Forgot the name of it)
    Reason:I LOVE AJ! no matter what. a non-member is being bullied by a member? I help because I know every jammer should be treated equaly.I'm not a scammer and I don't want people to think im greedy because im rare. I think that being rare or not , everyone should be treated equaly. I know how it feels to be bullied so I want other jammers to not feel what I felt when I got bullied

    I have never been JOTM or POTM

  35. Replies
    1. Hahahaha lol dude I say " your a derp". To ppl all the time at school!!! Lol!!!

    2. I'm a banana chocolate bat

  36. I WANNA BE FAMOUS LIKE SNOWYCLAW AND JULIAN2 just cuz i do idk why I just have a feeling

  37. My username is sparklegirl252
    I love this blog
    I want to be one because I don't have really any real buddies and I never get to meet anyone famous like you
    I have never been

  38. I DON'T LIKE creepersofthenether's Idea of the police thing.I don't know but i think i just got the feeling :T.Sorry if that offends you ..

  39. Entry for Jammer of the Month

    User: Jammer49612
    Reason: I really enjoy this blog I try to look at it daily but when I do I always have the best time reading what Animal Jam sky blog has to offer on the post. I try to help jammers out with problems while stopping scammers too. I am a nice jammer to all I find and I try to get my real life friends to join the fun on animal jam. When a new update comes I always go to AJS blog to find out anything I missed and learn more about what I didn't miss.

    (I have never been jammer of the month...)

    1. Me neither. I never had time to sign up for Jammer of the Month ^.^ Good luck to all those who signed up!

  40. For pet of da month
    pet: Flutterowl
    Reason: This is possibly my favorite pet, and she is the best pet anyone could ask for. Now I think ill go to bedzzzz...... -.- zzz

  41. Entry for Jammer of the Month:
    Reason:I really love this blog,its my first blog ever since I needed help!Plus,there are many fun things here like contests,the Fashion Show and more.I'm not saying that Im super nice,Im just regular and help ppl out with their problems,i wish I could tell you a story how my friend hated the eagle when it came but its fine and most of the time I give out rares like any rares for new Jammers especially.I've been doing this for...Idk few months I guess..(I have never been Jammer of the Month before)
    Typically my animal I use right now is my Wolf cuz she's been my Best Friend since I started AJ...Creepy.... XD

  42. For jammer of the month
    Reason: I lovey lovey lovey my artic wolf and I deciding she would love to be in this contest my artic wolf likes to be a part of everything she's my only pioneermuddyStone

  43. I would like to be Jammer of the month!
    Reason: I enjoy this blog and animal jam itself, and I have never been the jammer of the month. I also joined animal jam in June, so it would be kind of a special time to ever be the jammer of the month.
    Username: rainbowdash95271

  44. I would love to be jammer of the month!
    I have not been jammer of the mounth before.
    WHY?: Well I am a jammer that would do anything to make the animal players have fun. witch is why i go around giving prizes to people i see being a good buddy/jammer..


  45. I would to be jammer of the month

    I am Saganlucy on animaljam

    I love the sky blog, animal jam, and I hope maybe it could publicate MY ag blog, Incredible Toughcat's How to do Animal Jam!

    I have NEVER been jammer of the month before!

    -Incredible Toughcat

  46. I'm probably a bit late, i forgot to enter yesterday. ewe;
    Username is Burrtail.
    Never been JOTM before.
    Member status.
    I would like to enter, and i know i have said this before, so it still holds true; because i would like to meet new people, and having my name on the sidebar would help! :> i'm just assuming that people would message me, saying as your blog is growing so popular that a lot more people are reading it and i could be noticed! it would also kind of help if i ever made a clan or somethin', i guess, but that's besides the point. uwu


  47. Username: Purpleflora
    Status: Non-member
    (for jammer of the month)
    I really like helping jammers and I contribute to the Animaljamnonmember blog by posting tips,stories,and etc. I have been a jammer for about 2-3 years on aj and I want to shine now and make a difference. This will earn publicly for the blog which helps many jammers and myself. This would mean a lot to me,thanks for considering!
    (for pet of the month)
    I want to submit my pet Flutterchip. She is a kangaroo and I got her when I was a member. My sister bought aj jump for me and I received the joey. As said before,I was a member so I got to dress her up. I really hope that she wins because it is finally a new pet for non-members (besides hamsters) and she does pretty swift moves. cx She has a crown,boxing gloves,and dragon scales. I wanted to make Flutterchip a bit feminine but tomboyish as well. I think she has an awesome design and deserves to win pet of the month. :D

  48. Username: fluffysnugglepuppy
    For: Jammer of the month
    Reason: i would love to be jammer of the month But i am also happy for other people to be jotm and also i love meeting new people shouting out to people ( i would love to do that ) and your Blog is so cool.
    status: non member


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1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
3.) No Advertising Your Websites Please
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.