
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pogo Peck

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers! Ever wanted to jump to the sky?
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Pogo Stick and will help you do just that....
This is a great idea! I love it so much because it looks Jamaasian. It comes in 3 great versions!
When you click it it jumps in the air, however.... was a little small for my snow leopard.
Brady's Theater has a new video....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Jammer Art, which I posted on the Sky Blog Art Mini Blog.
However, I wanted to show you something cool....
At the end of the Article it is signed by Peck herself! Thanks Peck!

Epic Sky Den________________

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is brought to us by avtl, for their idea of a Carnival Collection!
Congrats, you have been added to the Sky Den Hall of Fame.

Sky News________________

A new Blu issue has been released....
Click above to see a new Blu Post.

hanju678 won yesterday's Discover Day!
Come back tomorrow for the Big Surprise related to the "Advertisement".
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Talk about Tomorrow's Surprise!


  1. Tomoorow's surprise???? What is that...

  2. 3rd!
    Wat is the surprise?
    Signed by peck cool!!
    she's my fav alpha.

  3. The new eagles only adventure of course! Thursday = update day!

    1. Next Thursday is the update day. Not this Thursday. Also, can you please stop calling Jake a "scammer". I realize that he steals some of my photos, but that doesn't mean he is a "scammer". I don't mean to sound rude, sorry! This is an issue regarding me and Jake. Thanks for keeping your eyes peeled though! ^-^


  4. Congrats hanju678! Now I'm gonna read the Blu issue :D

  5. The surprise I think was how on the sidebar of the AJ sky blog there was an picture of a video camera recording and it said coming soon. :3

    1. Oh yeah thats definitely it because the article said look for a surprise related to "The Advertisement" and the sidebar video recorder camera thing is labeled "Advertisement"

  6. Oh yeah! I wonder what It'll be.....

  7. Wow surprise it sounds REALLY cool I love the blu post today you are so creative

  8. Sorry forgot to put name in my other comment abovešŸ˜³

  9. da surprise is dat ad option through which u get payed. Adsense, But isnt it 18+?

    1. BTW i wanted to ask whats an elf hat worth, I recently got hold of one and I'm stuck with it. I want a Phantom Tail armor. Wats a phantom tail worth? I think good way for phantom tail armor would be to send a good howl??? and use the plaque......

    2. On a third side not I wanted to ask, I have a costume idea, do i email it? Im gonna add a bit descript bout a item (its an alternative, which works on some animals)

    3. Srry for 4 different comments. where is da new blu photo of da week?

    4. The new Blu (that rhymes XD) issue is on Scooter's other blog. On the right side of this blog where the Advertisement is scrolled down, there's a pic of Blu the Monkey. Click it and it should take you to the plushie series blog featuring Blu. I enjoy reading it. And, if you're asking an entirely different question, I'm so sorry!

    5. I do not have Adsense. That is just a photo I made, and I put "Advertisement" as the title. Elf Hats are sold in the Jam Mart Clothing Store every Winter, so they are more "rare" during the Summer months. Phantom Tail Armor is the prize in the Hard Mode for Search for Greely. Yes, if you have a costume idea you can send it to Also, on yesterday's post I mentioned that I didn't have time to make one this week, sorry!


  10. Want me to make you fan art? I'm not very good at it but, I'll do my best.

    1. Sure, I would love that. However, you might want to wait because coming soon, there will be a Drawing Contest!


  11. wait, surprise? sure surprised me, i didn't know there would be one tomorrow! ah, um. what is it? on the blog or on AJ? aah i'm sorry i didn't catch on but i'm not sure


  12. yay! thanks scooter for showing my den! I thought it would be fun to do!



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