
Friday, May 16, 2014

Lost Desert Prizes?!

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers! Is everyone liking the update?
The New Item in the Epic Wonders Clothing Shop is a Fairy Princess Hat...
Not the best item in my opinion, since I am a boy, but I am sure lots of jammers like it :)
Original Color: Pink
The Aquarium has released a new video...
 Also, here are the Hummingbird clothing options at the Pet Stop....
My favorite part is the little bumblebee ^.^
The New Adventure has some pawesome prizes....
The Sewing Machines were Betas!
Go to the Adventure Guide to see all about the new adventure, and did you know that you have a chance to win a Rare Spike Collar! See more prizes at the Adventure Guide!

Fashion Friday________________

 This week's Fashion Friday comes to us by snowleopardcubs for their idea of a Sun Warrior.
It looks like they used a Rhino Helmet, Sun Necklace, Elf leg armor, and a Flag.
Nice idea, thanks!!

Sky News________________

The Draw Scooter Contest is now here....
Click above to enter the Contest!

Clearance Tab Updated
New Poll on the Right Column
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call:  What is the best flying pet?

Forewarning: No Post on Sunday!


  1. Hi guys can u add me on aj :) and comment on my blog and follow me and ask me questions on it too? Animaljamlegendarypalooza

    1. Hi scooter I am wondering. AJHQ is obviously in a member mood. Imagine an adventure withOUT prizes that are nm! And even hummingbirds and so on! Still, the hyenas I am sure are going to be nm and they will hopefully bring out some awesome nm items in the summer carnival!

    2. I don't think the hyenas are going to be nm that soon. All the other new arriving animals were member at first, and some became nonmember later while some remained member. It's just my opinion.

    3. Well. I beleive that AJHQ is being hard on the nonmembers for all I can say. AJPALEGGS just for you, I got freedom bands (Rare) today for a snow leopard plushie, so I still think the glove trade was fine!

    4. And I am seeing that sparkle football are you reading this? the aj teen blog is going to be good anyway I wan to know something-

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. And I got freedom bands are rare scary bat wings and rare star cape so cool

    7. And i want a rare hood. Look at thenanimaljamteen blog it is cool.

    8. Ya i met a guy who wanted my nerd glasses everyone wants them he he he!

    9. In the header sir gilbert is wearing an embroidered cloak?! In the loading page on AJ he wears a worn!?

    10. and guess what? i saw ten rare spike collars today so they are not rare anymore!

    11. I'm glad rares have returned through adventures... they were the cause of too much drama. Love the Fashion Friday!

  2. OMG!! I defiantly need that sewing machine. I am like really into sewing. I got a brain helmet yesterday. It's purple and looks like the half top of a brain. It's on my trade list and I was wondering if you guys can help me identify it. Like, find where it came out and if it's beta and if there is a good chance others have it.


  3. Oh my god. That's all I have to say. (Eagle adventure)

      you can get rare spikes!?
      And I'm a bit confused about the contest. Do we draw it or do it on the computer? And isn't aj already sorta cartoon?

    2. I dunno, I did it on the computer. :o

  4. The best flying pet is owls guys. C'mon.

  5. Actually I wish AJHQ would make owls am actual animal. That's be awesome.

  6. Hey, I started a new blog called The Animal Jam Teen. Scooter was nice enough to put a link in the Other Blogs section, but I thought I would put the URL here too. Thanks for looking! ~SparkleFootball

  7. Bats. Definitely bats.

    And!! The only time I played, I got tan pigtails. 8) so! I kinda hate the adventure itself, but love the prizes!


  8. My parents actually decided really suddenly today that they would buy me a membership! I can't wait until the night! I'm just so excitedly restless right now, and I can't even sit still while typing this comment! I might be typing faster right now due to all the excitement ^.^

    1. If you aren't a member, how do you have a fox? O:

    2. she has a picture of a fox dear anonymous.

    3. And She used to be a member

    4. Yes, I used to be a member, but my parents didn't let me be a member for a long time until today(well, yesterday).

  9. comment call answer:
    humming birds, they are SO CUTE


  10. so yeah scooter nice blog this is random

  11. Heres a quote that i made up,

    "Not even gold ismore valuble than friendship"
    Is this cheesy??

  12. And scooter this is the best blog ever!! I love it!! Sooo really awesome post!!

  13. GUYS AJHQ IS BEING HARD ON NMS LIKE NONMEMBERS HARDLY EVEN GET ATTENTION ANYMORE!!!!!! THEY NEVER GET ATTENETION AND THERER wasn't even one thing on the jamaa journal yesterday for NMS I mean if I worked in ajhq I would make it fair for NONMEMBERS and members to get stuff

  14. Like seriously ajhq aj is suppose to be fair and equal so that's what it's suppose to be like in beta days but now it's not cuz NONMEMBERS only get one new item a week that's so lame and the rest of the days r member

    1. Argeed. Im a member BUT icare for nms. Like i treat them nicly unlike some members i seen. Once i saw a membersay this:
      Nm: " be my bff!! Last calling be mybff!!"
      Member again (same member): " ur clothing is sok lame"
      Yeah! Heres a letter for ajhq:
      " Dear ajhq,
      Nms aregetting bullied because their cloths and dens r not epic. Plz help nms!!
      See wat imean??

  15. And and there's not even new animals for nm or pets I feel bad for NONMEMBERS

  16. And scooter heres a "just ahead thingy i made up" its a heads up on wats gonna happen in 2 weeks.
    I wont be commenting becauze im a girl in girl scouts and i need to go to camp for 2 weekends:
    June 1rst----3rd camp amihaomi (idk how tp spell it)
    June 6th---- 8th herkimer dimond mines
    Soo just so u know becauze i always comment amost every day
    p.s the 40276 is my gs troop #!!

  17. Now..... im now just gonna tpe random letters because im bored:
    FfdgffcvfgthibfeswtftygcgthrfgfhfyuihgcddrghiolppkhfdFffgrggfgyvhyggTGCGGGVFGGGGFYVHUIKNBDDRT hana40276

  18. Humming birds r best!! ;)

  19. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Ikr I care for NONMEMBERS as much as u do! I think NONMEMBERS are more cooler than members actually because NONMEMBERS get limited things and members get whatever they want which cots more! Ya so NONMEMBERS only can ahve 2 animals they don't get a lot of things but there still the same as anyone that's a member just because they don't get much stuff doesn't mean anything there still as cool as members

  20. I saw someone with an item on trade called a long bow. I think they won it in the newest eagle adventure because sometimes in Adventures you can win items that will soon be out in stores. Also I saw someone with a rare mustache, it was blue and white.

  21. scooter, go to my den and find my mira statue. iTs made of ice. Really rare now in adventures

  22. what about NONMEMBERS who want to draw you? -uiouio100

    1. Nonmembers can draw me too, everyone can! --Scooter

  23. Scooter! I love the prizes on the eagle adventure there so beta! And really rare! Yesterday I got a some kind of helmet but it looked like a mech angel helmet and I also got a rare mech angle helmet! And I got a ring that u can get from epic wonders now I have to delete some stuff in my inventory for the stuff. Violet86271

  24. hey guys ironman4409 here and i got a membership oh ya it was my birthday on 21


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