
Friday, May 9, 2014

Grass Chair + Actors

Jamaa News________________

Hello everyone!
The New Item in the Treetop Gardens Shop is a Grass Chair....
I like the item, because it is involved with nature.
However, it may hurt a little when you sit down! ^.^
The Aquarium has released a new slithery video....
Yes, snakes live in the ocean.. Creepy!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about AJHQ & A....
The video said "error" for me, so see if it works for you.

Fashion Friday________________

 The week's Fashion Friday is a Summer Seal brought to us by Shalaka.
She says that you can interchange the leg armor for something else and also the colors.
Thanks for sending in your idea. If you have a Fashion Friday idea send it to

Sky News________________

After many decisions, the Sky Scenes Episode #3 Actors are:
violet86271 - Koala
paige16663 - Fox
wessie4chu - Raccoon
Thanks for being an actor! ALL ACTORS please comment the times below that you are available for recording:
5/10/14 @ 8:00 AM AJ TIME
5/10/14 @ 6:00 PM AJ TIME

Clearance Tab added 2 more items!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What should the Episode #3 Sky Scene be about? Your idea might win!


  1. 1st!!
    I will comment time when
    I figure out the time diff.
    SCREAM YAY!!!!!!!! I actor!
    Congrats everyone who tried though!

    1. Scooter I can only do it at 6pm time

    2. The next sky scene should be about-
      " A lost animal, and the others have to team up and save him/her.
      Then, they find out he/she was captured by phantoms. They save him/her and imprison the phantom... Scooter? I am almost crying!!!!!! You will notice, that you never get gifts from nonmembers anymore... YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA SAY! NONMEMBERS CAN NOT SEND GIFTS ANYMORE! Well, I am sorry that I will never be able to send you skymail gifts... Just a jam-a-gram! I am really sorry, and I will try to support this blog since I love it, thank you! Oh, when is the summer carnival coming out?

    3. OMG
      A CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Scooter is the 5/10/14
    the 5th of the tenth-October-2014
    Or is it the tenth of the fith?

    1. I can only do the 6pm one if I know what day it is

    2. It is May 10th, 2014.


  3. How about a scammer scams someone (Fake) and then to enter his under you must be wearing something, but he scammed it!

    1. Or have something like, someone has to clean up there room, but keeps stuffing it under the bed or in the closet, and when they finally do, something happens.

  4. Um scooter since your 2hrs behind from my time I would say 7pm in my time which would be 5pm your time so maybe I can do it at 5pm in my time zone? Wait this is confusing:(


  5. But 6 would prob be good even tho I might be late but the prob is your time is 2hre behind from my time:(

    1. I am just saying, dear, you need to organize yourself! Your costume is not color schemed!

  6. i never get to be a actor!

  7. I GIVE UP. I never win any of these things, no jammer of the month, no egg hunt, no actor. UGH. I'm sick of it!

    1. Just keep trying and one day you'll get to be something (actor, jammer of the month, etc..) ;)

    2. U know what they say!
      "Winners never quit and quitters never win!"

    3. Sorry Flora, there are a lot of jammers that want opportunities to be actors, jammers of the month, etc. too! Keep trying, but if you give up then you will definitely not win anything.


  8. Congrats to everyone who got to be an actor! :)

  9. Hey, it's SparkleFootball. I recently completely revamped my den. I think it looks pretty great, but I was hoping for some constructive criticism. So if anyone want to swing by my den and let me know what they think that would be awesome! I'm still working on the lower half of my yard though, so it looks a little empty. :( Thanks!

    1. I like it... You should make it a BIT more full. The den items are spaced too wide apart, in bunches, and they are still a bit spread out too. I am not trying to be mean, okay? Thanks! You can not send Scooter gifts anymore Sparkle! I can't either! It's really too bad! Anyway, come to my den, and give me some advice! Thanks,
      AJSB Supporter and Scooter's buddy,

  10. Raccoon is about to eat chocolate when the chocolate is stolen! Koala and raccoon travel across jamaa to find out that fox had it all along and she was hiding in coral canyons!- silyseal2

  11. It should be about the new animal. The animals follow clues and go different places until they cant seem to find any new animals, only to find out they have not come out yet! XD

  12. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  13. Scooter, How about right now in my time zone? (Its 10:56 AM And im in the central time zone.) (Wisconson.)-paige16663

  14. Srry i frgt to include my username, I got busy... I sent that idea and i use dat email and dat email is of my mom

  15. i think the sky scene should be about the wrong and right things about scamming/hacking or online jamaa dating its just wrong!

    my best animal jam buddy stopped being me best buddy because her animal jam boyfriend said she was not aloud to be my buddy she was sad but clearly like her boyfreind more.. they dont even know each other in real life.


  16. How about the fox and raccoon sneak into a stylish fox's house and steal something and you get an extra actor as the police who comes in after the fox notices the thing is gone and the fox and raccoon do stuff to the policeman (or policegirl). I'll watch the sky scene,whatever you choose!-uiouio100

    1. can i be the fox and the koala and the raccoon sneaks in?

  17. I KNOW!!! They go to the wolves only party, but they arent aloud to go so they dress up as a wolf but they get caught and they go to jail but the fox sneaks out, gets the key and lets them out BUT there lost and they have to go to the hot cocoa hut!! Is that good?-paige16663

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    Dragon Tiger


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