
Monday, May 26, 2014

Fashion Shows

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers!
The Rare Item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Rare Moustache...
Looks: ****
Price: **
Jamaasian: **
Did you know that this item is considered as a "Neck" item, that is so you can wear a funny/cool hat while wearing a moustache! Thanks AJHQ!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Pet Hummingbirds...
Thanks Cosmo for this interesting article!

Mystery of the Week________________

The Summer Carnival is arriving with Hyenas this Thursday! I can barely hold my excitement!!
It is the 3rd Annual Summer Carnival already, I remember the very 1st one. It was the best!
What will this years Summer Carnival be like? Will we see new games? New prizes and Plushies? Will it be bigger? It will all be revealed in 3 Days!

Sky News________________

In March of 2013, I started this tiny blog called the Animal Jam Sky Blog. It was very unpopular, so I had to work hard spreading the news on Twitter, Instagram, other Blogs, and of course on Animal Jam. In a few months the page views kept getting higher and higher. 
All of the sudden, I had a brilliant idea to have the first-ever Blog Fashion Show. Yes, the Animal Jam Sky Blog was the 1st Blog to have a Fashion Show. Over the Months, I had fashion shows that were fun, exciting, and engaging for all the Blog readers and followers.
However, in the recent Fashion Shows I have had, they have been not-so fun. Jammers have complained, gotten upset that they were out or I took the wrong picture or they missed the deadline. People have gotten tired of the complaining and some even leave the blog! I shutter at the thought of someone being unhappy on this blog. Notice under where jammer comment it says "Hi Jammers! Please no bullying, bad words, or inappropriate talk. Also, NO PUT-DOWNS! This is a place for everyone to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, ect. Have fun and happy jamming!"
The Animal Jam Sky Blog's #1 purpose is to make your Animal Jam experience better. I am just a regular youth just like you. I work day after day on this blog, staying up late, researching, and using up all of my free time. I work so hard to make everyone happy. 
In conclusion, we are going to restart the Fashion Show because of the events. I changed the photo of Princess SpiritPaw because I took the picture before they got the chance to change their look. Now remember, no complaining! It is just a fun little game. If we continue to have problems than I am going to cancel the fashion show. I hope everyone still likes the Animal Jam Sky Blog and Animal Jam because I sure do!
Comment Call: Vote a Jammer out!

New Countdown on the Right Side
New Polls on the Right Side
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. hi this is a cool blog i guess i will vote juniper vinelily sorry juniper

    1. Thanks so much for your compliment!


    2. I vote out juniper to!

    3. Welcome to AJSB :D I vote out... Arctic Wolf again! I am sorry D: It's just you aren't wearing any summer related items. -Sigh of relief- At least I haven't been voted out yet!

    4. I vote out juniper too! And I am starting a new poject

  2. Hi Jammers! Thanks for viewing the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I think I am going to try to start replying more to comments, so you can actually talk with me ^-^


  3. I vote out arctic wolf
    Hmm... Last 2 weeks we got rare elf armor and helmet... Maybe next week we will get rare sapphire gauntlets or tail armor...

    1. Sorry forgot to add username

    2. yeah i want the tail armor, that would be awesome...

    3. Yeah I love the tail armor. I wonder I'd in the carnival they will have the Dino tails again. If they don't, they should make them a rare item Monday. Hasn't the mustache already been a rare?

    4. I meant if not I'd srry

    5. I got a rare moustache from the adventure.

  4. pioneer snowyhiker,sorry. oh,and scooter, thanks for making the best blog for animal jam news and entertainment!

    1. Thanks so much moonstar88745!


    2. Scooter, can i enter my bunny in the show? I was a little late.

    3. Longlife, I think Scooter isn't accepting anyone anymore, but I could be wrong. If you look kind of lower down, a Jammer asked him if we could do monthly fashion shows, and he said maybe! So you should definantly sign up later if he doesn't take your bunny in on this fashion show! Happy jamming!


    4. Dietcherry is correct, sorry 3berrygirl, but I am not accepting anymore entries for the Fashion Show. Don't worry though because there will be more fashion shows in the future!

    5. OK. ( Do not call me longlife just 3berrygirl)

    6. Okay! I just didn't read your username thing:3 I promise to call you 3BerryGirl from now on!


  5. arctic wolf out sorry and scooter you should make a scammers and hackers tab i know alot of them :o

    1. Ya! Like how to avoid them

    2. That's an AWESOME idea! You should totally put that in consideration, Scooter!


    3. I vote Juniper vinelilly out sorry!

  6. Juniper vinelily, sorry. It's ok if u vote me out I guess I just like lookin cool. And scooter, you should have a fashion show all the time so ppl wouldn't get so upset when u do have one.

    Arctic wolf, Hawk13

    1. Nice idea, I try to have one every month or every other month.


    2. Hey scooter, sorry about having to leave the adventure the other day. My mom had come to pick me up from my grandparents' so I had to get off. X/

    3. That's okay, I just did it again XD


    4. Scooter, do you get better stuff if you do the purple shards?

    5. I have heard that rumor around Jamaa, but I actually haven't tried to get the Purple Shards, so I really don't know for sure! I suggest trying it!


    6. juniper vinelily is out sorry

  7. i vote out the tiger with freedom outfit (cant see his/her name)


    1. I luv it so much but I only found out about it like 5 months ago

  9. Sorry but I vote Fuzzy TheWolf out :(
    Wow This is gonna be my first Summer Carnival cuz I started AJ on 2013's Halloween :l But still Im EXCITED!!

    1. Haha that's me! I totally respect your opinion because I don't really have anything summer-y! Which one is you?


    2. I started aj when the summer carnival was on

    3. I started aj in he summer carnival last year

    4. I started AJ during Beta times! :3


    5. Really do u have betas and do u have cami's frog? Do u have all the betas? Do u have unwanted betas that. I could have?

    6. I have a lot of betas on my other storage account! I have legendary gloves from before they got them in the Diamond Shop, the blue and orange mats, I do have cami's frog actually, and I guess I could trade you something sometime?


    7. Hey Dietcherry Sorry I've never entered a fashion show and maybe I'll enter one if there was called "Freedom Fashion" XD

    8. Really:) I'd appreciate it so much!!!!!! Could I have cami's frog tho plz:):) when we trade diet cherry?

  10. I really don't care if you guys vote me out cuz I completely forgot to change my outfit! I was playing Mario Kart instead. XD And Scooter thanks for making your blog as epic as it is. I am sooooo exited for the Summer Carnival! This is my first one on AJ.

  11. juniper vinelily sorry well done though!
    i compleately agree with everything you have said and i also think that maybe if anyone gets mad complains moans or anything that can ruin everyones fun you should maybe take then out of the fashion show!

    you dont have to!
    i still love this blog infact i love it more!


  12. I'm still sad I didn't get to be part of it. I was busy. Not trying to be mean, but maybe next time you should tell us earlier. Remember, not trying to make it sound rude.

    Oh and what's a put down?

    I vote out artic wolf


    1. A put down is saying something that could hurt someones feelings. For example, 'You stink!' or, 'That idea is stupid!' At my school, our motto is 'No put downs!' Haha hope this helps:3


  13. I vote out Princess Spiritpaw! No offense! I think that was a good idea to start the fashion show over. It was getting a bit crazy, do you know what I mean? Well haha! Anyways, I am SOOOO exited for the summer carnival! Really, I'm crossing my fingers that Hyenas are Non-mmber and you can buy them with gems, not diamonds... :3 Well peace out for now, happy jamming!

    1. Oh by the way, I'm Dietcherry! :3

  14. pioneer snowyhiker, its still a great regular costume idea though! Scooter you have a amazing blog, I check it everyday that I can. Keep up the amazing work- p38321

  15. i vote out luck icy chetta

  16. Hey Scooter! I just had a question! If you are in the Fashion Show, are you allowed to vote people out too?


    1. Yes, everyone is allowed to vote in the Summer Fashion Show!


  17. hyenas will most likely not be non member because it wasent a animal that was from beta days

  18. I vote out juniper von Lilly, sorry, my user is same as my blogger

    1. Sorry mistyped, juniper vine lily not von lilly

    2. Same.
      That is I vote out juniper vine lily to

  19. Wait, Does that mean I can re-enter? If so here is my entery:
    User: hiphopbunny12345
    Animal: Fabulous Fancyfox
    Thanks for re-doing The Fashion Show.

    1. Re-enter? No, sorry I just had to change one person's animal. I just went on a little "rant" because everyone was getting worked up about some small issues yesterday. Sorry, remember there is always the next Fashion Show!


  20. I vote out Artic Wolf sorry and this is going to be my first summer carnival because I started a few days before Christmas 2013 and I am EXCITED

    1. Well welcome to the world of Animal jam! If you need any help or have questions I'd be happy to help!

    2. I joined right before beta adventures came out so this is my 2 summer carnival! ~3berrygirl~

    3. I joined August 10, 2012 :D

  21. I vote Junpier Vonlily. Sorry.

  22. I vote Pioneer Snowyhiker. Sorry:(

  23. Scooter- I found your blog from Instagram and I was truly impressed. Some other blogs that won't be named post a. bit to late, but you post perfectly on time for me. You have really creative idea and I enjoy that!

    1. Hope to see your blog grow higher and higher!
      -Pkmoomau :)

    2. I agree! That's why I enjoy this blog as well!


  24. Laughing future seal because she/he looks like a lemon!But her fashion is pretty cool... Well your blog has turned out great!

  25. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Scooter I'm sorry I got mad yesterday about a little issue I shouldn't of did that I'm really sorry :) btw your blog is amazing I hope the fights and bad behaviour stops:) I also vote arcticwolf \
    Thanks Violet86271}

  26. i vote for the first one
    emperor thefox

    1. wait are we voting people out or we voting we like them because i like the first one emperor fox is cool but i vote "out' the 20th one white bunny with arrows whom name i can't see

    2. We are voting out the animals we DON'T like. Happy jamming!


  27. by the way you have a great blog every day before i go on aj i always go on your blog first, and i love the blu comics i loved sending you plushies and seeing them on the comic but non members can;t send any more.
    i think it's fman122's falt because he was sending virus and he non member

    1. No, AJ actually had an update where Nonmembers can't send or receive anything, and not type in texts in the box. They made it for non-members:3


  28. I vote out Artic Wolf

  29. Hey guys- Be sure to vote on the polls on the right ------>



  30. Lol Im curios on seeing your first post in your blog XD


  31. Scooter I am going to say this again-
    Your new outfit is awesome! The old
    cheetah outfit was old fashioned!

  32. I am never gonna see the blog again.


Rules for Commenting on the Animal Jam Sky Blog:
1.) No Bullying or Put-Downs
2.) No Bad/Inappropriate Words
3.) No Advertising Your Websites Please
The Animal Jam Sky Blog is a place for every jammer to have fun! You can comment opinions, suggestions, questions, etc.