
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Woven Shoes

Jamaa News________________

Hi Sky Jammers!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Woven Shoes....
I like these because they look more Jamaasian and less Human. They will keep your feet warm for every jammer!
Original Color: Green
The Brady Theater has released a new video.....
Nice little Easter-related video!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about whales....
Snowflake Daringwolf asks Tierney ‘how much can whales weigh?’ in this week’s AJHQ+A. Have you ever wondered how whales sleep? Since whales breathe air like we do, they need to come to the surface even when they’re sleeping. Whales ‘sleep’ with only half of their brain at a time. One half stays awake to keep the whale breathing and aware of any danger, while the other half rests. Some whales can live to be 200 years old or more! There may be whales alive that are even older. Unfortunately it’s very difficult to tell how old a whale is while it is still alive. And usually when they die they sink to the ocean floor where it is very difficult for us to study. But there may be whales in the ocean that were alive before electricity was invented. Whoa!
Did you know that nonmember can't get gifts.....
In my opinion, it is not big news. I mean it is not like they could accept them before. They couldn't get gifts before, and they still can't. Good side: You won't lose gifts by accidentally sending to nonmembers. Bad side: If you are going to become a member you can't send stuff to another account. In the end, I wish AJHQ could make it so nonmember can get nonmember gifts, but nonmembers do have a lot of privileges.

Glitch Corner________________

The Glitch Corner for this week was sent to us by meowcats1228, thanks!!
On the Return of the Phantoms adventure, the picture shown above, the Phantom Goo is still running into clean water. Weird O.o
The picture below is from The Phantom Portal...
The same situation, except this time notice that the navigation bar says "Adventure Base Camp." Thanks for sending in those glitches!

Sky News________________

Hard Mode of Search for Greely is now on the Adventure Guide!
Sorry about that prize yesterday for the Orange Egg, it was a mistake, it should have been a new prize. Don't get sad though, because we still have today and tomorrow!
Today's Egg to find is.....
The Blue Egg!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your favorite memory of celebrating Easter?


  1. My favorite memory is that Christ died to save all us sinners.

  2. I love the prize! It is so cute! It is hidden on the ..... page. Ha ha ha! Scooter? What is a good trade for phantom leg armor?

  3. Scotter i would be super happy we could try to get u into one of my animal jam mini games were u race to kimbara from mt shiverrs. By we i mean us.

  4. My fav memory was I had Banana Bread on Easter and shouldn't this be the comment call for tomorrow


  5. I'm the one who sent AJHQ the message,NO KIDDING-NO JOKING!!
    If it wasn't for me that glitch wasn't fixed earlier ;)

    Comment call-My Answer:
    People in the Philippines are suffering like Jesus Christ.Sadly,we don't do finding eggs :(

  6. And who else wants to play pokemon in my den?

  7. 6th comment!!!!!! Anyway, really nice post!!!!! I am wearing woven shoes on my bunny!!! Btw, on meet cosmo igot a beehive!! :)

  8. My fav mempry is when i was 3 or for i was cleaning up easter eggs ( idropped my basket) and i dumped the eggs again after i cleaned up!! :D

  9. Could u make the eggs a little easier to find? unless i am blind, i cant find them at all, in any tabs. just a thought.

  10. Nonmembers cannot send or receive gifts! So no more moving stuff from nm spares to mem full accounts!

    1. If you have a headdress on your spare or something put a 45 gem necklace on your mem trade then trade the headdress on your spare for the 45 gem necklace on your mem.
      (Replace headdress with rare yah wanna transfer ;) )

  11. So I was scrolling through my buddy list and I realized you accepted my buddy request Scooter! Thanks so much! I have so many favorite memories about Easter...dying eggs, doing Easter baskets, going to a special church service, we still do an egg hunt even though I am the youngest and I'm fifteen and that's always fun. I don't think I could pick one memory, but I always try to remember that it's really not all about the stuff you get and do. It's about how Christ died on the cross for us. I guess that's my favorite memory. ~Sparklefootball

  12. awshum, Hint for da egg: *gets 500 free gems*

    1. 5 letters, a tab, what Xavier said :3
      Did I give away too much?

  13. Are prize is.. Not very prizy

  14. There's a glitch where when you reply to a members jam a gram and give them a gift in the reply, it says only members can accept gifts.... But you can send them gifts by using their player cards.

  15. Scooter, where do you find your cool header images?

    1. I got today's Egg Hunt prize from Animal Jam Everloop.


  16. My fav memory of celebrating Easter was when I had an egg hunt in my yard when I was 6 and a squirrel broke into an egg and ate the chocolate in it XD

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