
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Technical Difficulties

Welcome Jammers! The new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Surfboard....
Two surfboards is in the Jam Mart Furniture Store?! This one looks better in my opinion. 
Original Color: Blue with Green Stripes
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Okapi....
Okapi look like half-zebras and half-horses. They look cool!
Below is just another photo of some of the new plushies....
Cheetahs, Lions (sort of), Arctic Wolves, Eagles, Kangaroos, and Snow leopards are the new plushies.
Some Rare ones include, Arctic Wolf with Elf Tail Armor, Snow Leopard with Mint Ice Cream on head, Snow Leopard with Unicorn horn, Lion with cape, Eagle with mohawk, etc.

Okay everyone, get ready for a long story/rant about yesterday's situation. Here is the full story:
I logged into Animal Jam yesterday at 5:15 (AJ Time) to get ready for the Party that was scheduled for 5:30. Every single time I clicked on my den, this message popped up....
This is kind of the "Glitch Corner" for the day :)
Anyway, this dreadful pop-up box kept popping up! I was so frustrated!!
Everyone was at my den waiting for the party to start. So I tried getting on my nonmember account. Through my nonmember account I could go to my member account's den. So I tried to tell everyone that I was Scooter in my nonmember account. Some people believed and helped me. This is what my nonmember account looks like...
So after a while I went to someone else's den, and gathered up some people to tell them the situation. After that, I logged back in as my member account and guess what....
it worked =.=
Anyway, I decided to have the party today....
I am sorry I changed the party earlier. It is the only time that I know I can make. 
I am sorry for all the technical difficulties yesterday. 
Here are some things we will be doing tomorrow at the party:
 - Meet Blu
- Dress up for pictures/Dance
- Q&A Scooter
- Find Blu, Win a Prize
- Much More!

Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Hi Scooter! You have great posts! I bet you were really frustrated about the glitch.


  2. 1st! That's kinda good because I live in the UK and I would have had to be up at half past midnight if I had gone to yesterday's party. Love this blog and I'll be at the party later today! See if you can spot Fox279 at the party!

  3. I have that kinda glitch too! Scooter, the Graham Nesting Dolls are member NOW! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please answer me! I can not believe AJHQ did that! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    1. Thanks for telling me that! That is strange. I don't think it is a glitch, I think AJHQ just made it member.


    2. I understand. Is central time the united states? I figured it would be a 12:00 a.m
      In North Cardinal it is 11:00 a.m right?

    3. I meant Carolina, sorry! Please answer!

  4. I'm really sorry I didn't believe you.

  5. AM or PM for the party? i hopefully will go if i remember, i just need to know if its AM or PM

    1. AM, sorry for not being specific.


  6. Scooter 11:00 AM for central time !2:00 Pm for eastern time only time zone the works for the party is pacific time zone my point is please get another time for the party


    1. The Party is at 10:00 AM AJ TIME, here are the time zone conversions:

      Eastern Time: 12:00 PM
      Central Time: 11:00 AM
      Mountain Time: 10:00 AM
      Pacific Time: 9:00 AM

      Sorry, it would be too confusing if I changed the party time for the 3rd time. I hope you can make it!


  7. I hope I can make it to the party!

  8. i hope i can go 2 XD


  9. Scooter, can you check out this youtuber, she is an artisit!
    SkySplashArtist her youtube name is.


    Dang well I guess I'm glad I did miss the party last night. I was doing community service so I couldn't make it so I guess now I have an excuse to come again! I'll be there!


  11. Dear Scooter,
    I am sorry to say I am quitting AJ. I got a nr headdress yesterday, and realized I play the game way to much. I am giving my account to my friend, Littlebunny21885, she's gonna get all the stuff she wants from me and send it to her account, and trust me, I'm rare. So, Scooter, you are an awesome jammer and you have an awesome blog. Keep it that way. I will remember this blog forever.
    This is Hawk13, Signing off.

    1. Hi Hawk13,
      I am so sad to see you moving on. You know Animal Jam is like a hobby/job to me. I can see why you are quitting, and I understand. I want to thank you for all you have done for this blog, and the help and support that you gave! It was fun, thanks, and goodbye!


  12. ?Scooter, will you give your account to your kids one day? How old are you

  13. Hey Scooter? I think the party wasn't the best, I mean it was kinda boring. And the fashion show was really REALLY REALLY unfair to nonmembers, and half of your fans are nonmember. Couldn't you make it a little more fair? I don't think I will go to one of your parties because if there is a fashion show it will be unfair to nonmembers.


    1. I am sorry you thought the party "wasn't the best" and "kinda boring". I tried to make it fun. We had a Dance Party, Find Blu, Prizes, Snacks, Games, Fashion Show, Took Pictures, Q & A, Meet Blu, 2 Surprises, and much more fun. And I tried to be fair for everyone. A nonmember won a prize in the Find Blu game. A nonmember also was in the final five of the fashion show. What more do you expect? I am sorry.. a lot of people had fun..


  14. is it just me but when i logged on i checked my money and i have 1,000 more gesm and 29 diamonds. O_O. april 3rd was my bday, but still did this happen to anyone eles? scooter did this happen to u?

    1. lol that's weird,I never get something special on Animal Jam when it's my birthday.I think no one does.

    2. maybe it was a glitch. the best glitch ever lol!

  15. Aye!I didn't get to be in party.:( .I slept in late...

  16. Hey Scooter! It's blurmercer03! Sorry I missed the party! I was gone fishing with my family. I bet I missed a lot of fun. I really like going to your parties! They are always so fun! Anyways, I have an eagle plushie with a mohawk and if anybody wants it, I'm putting it in the trading center. Thanks! ~blurmercer03~

  17. Wow.. I guess you are so famous :3 Scooter I can see why... CUZ YOU ARE EPIC AND YOU ARE THE GREATEST AND NICEST FRIEND EVERRRRRRR XD



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