
Monday, April 14, 2014

Rare Leaf Necklace

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers! The Rare Item Monday located in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Rare Leaf Necklace....
Looks: ****
Price: ****
Jamaasian: ****
I give this Rare Item a 12/15! It is cheap and looks great on almost all animals! 
I like the colors too!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Spring Egg Hunt....
Have you found all of the hidden eggs in Jamaa? When you find the egg click it to learn animal facts! Find all of the eggs and learn all of the facts to win an exclusive reward from AJHQ!!
These eggs are only around for a short time. Don’t miss this chance to fill your noggin with all of this knowledge! ~AJHQ

Mystery of the Week________________

Okay, get ready for a fun little mystery of the week! 
In the recent Jamaa Journal AJHQ informed us that Giraffes will be coming back soon! When Koalas came back, they came with a new land and a new animal. So do you think that Giraffes will return with a new land?
Above are two possible new lands. The top one looks like a river land/swamp. The one below is a mountainous field. Although, don't get your hopes up because if you remember elephants returned with nothing!

Comment Call: What do you think?

Sky News________________

Today's Egg for the Sky Egg Hunt is.....
The Black Egg! 
To see full rules and information click here!
Yesterday's Green Egg was hidden in the Betas Tab and the prize was a Beta Times Video.
More Blogs Tab updated
Have fun and happy jamming!!


  1. Yes! I think it will be the mountain; I mean, Zios is already a swampy dark area, plus Sarpeia, which means that it will be a mountain. Mount Shiveer was a ice mountain, this one will be stony! Please meet me today in the afternoon. Do you want a raspberry bow?

    1. I didn't get the prize DX i'm a lousy egg hunter :C Oh and it probably wont because kimbara outback is where koalas and kangaroos live and we already have a place where giraffes live so i don't think so.

    2. P.S. i found the egg

  2. I think that pandas also have a good chance.

  3. I think it will be the mountain land. This mountain would be rocky instead of icy. Also, we have many places in Jamaa have some source of water, but Jamaa only has one mountain.

    Please visit

  4. Koalas went exploring; Giraffes just went traveling. I don't think they will discover a new land.

  5. I think its on the top cuz on the bottom looks too much trees well i like that they save trees in there but I think you cannot see ur self with those trees :3
    So yeah its top cuz it is wide and has water best land for animals :D

  6. Found the egg! /)owo/)

    I don't know if they will come back with lamd or not, but they better come back with SOMEthing!.. They've been gone for SO long, I want their coming back to be worthwhile. (I'm really exited for them to come back! ;w;)


  7. The monday rare is very beautiful :3

  8. Hi Scooter, can you please tell me where you find your blog headers? Thanks!


    1. I make most of them, but the one I am using right now is an image. I am not going to give it to you because it is a prize for the Egg Hunt for one day ;)


  9. OOOooooOOOOOooo! Cool ou- prize! I mean prize! XD Look closely for the egg everyone! YOU WILL FIND IT! XD
    Awesome Monday rare!

  10. Found it! i can't post it on my blog because it ain't about aj but then again... i posted the graphic on my blog
    Its don't expect animal jam on it ok?

  11. why is da prize a graphic thingy?

    1. It isn't a graphic, it is a Costume Idea ^-^


  12. Cool leafy necklace =D
    Cool costumey idea =D
    Cool awesome blog =D

  13. Scooter, what program do you use to make your headers?

    1. Scooter uses Paint. I hope no one is mad at me for answering that, but I already asked Scooter that question earlier and so I know that is what Scooter uses.


    2. Yep, bubble000pogo is right! I use Paint and graphics. However the header I have now is an image.


  14. Yay! I found the egg! Good luck to everyone on finding the egg!


  15. Yay found da egg!
    Btw can eggs be hidden in your comments?
    What will the next egg b?

    1. No, they cannot be in the comments. That is kind of impossible ;)



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